

From: nobu <ko1@a...>
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2009 11:06:51 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:10220] Ruby:r21764 (trunk): * Makefile.in, win32/Makefile.sub (RMDIRS): remove directory and

nobu	2009-01-25 11:06:29 +0900 (Sun, 25 Jan 2009)

  New Revision: 21764


    * Makefile.in, win32/Makefile.sub (RMDIRS): remove directory and
    * Makefile.in, win32/Makefile.sub (distclean-rdoc): added to remove
      temprary rdoc.
    * Makefile.in, win32/Makefile.sub (distclean): removes extout
    * Makefile.in, win32/Makefile.sub (clean-ext): skips non-existent
    * common.mk (clean, distclean): cleans rdoc.
    * configure.in (RMDIRS, RMALL): added to clean extout.
    * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils#rmdir): added :parents option.
    * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): cleans installed files at clean
      instead of distclean.
    * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): added clean-so and clean-rb.
    * lib/mkmf.rb (def init_mkmf): added DISTCLEANDIRS.
    * lib/un.rb (rmdir): added -p option.
    * tool/rmdirs, win32/rmdirs.bat: removes directory and the parents.
    * win32/rm.bat: added -r option.

  Added files:
  Modified files:

Index: configure.in
--- configure.in	(revision 21763)
+++ configure.in	(revision 21764)
@@ -265,6 +265,8 @@
   MAKEDIRS='install -d'
+AC_SUBST(RMDIRS, ['$(top_srcdir)/tool/rmdirs'])
+AC_SUBST(RMALL, ['rm -fr'])
 dnl check for large file stuff
 mv confdefs.h confdefs1.h
Index: ChangeLog
--- ChangeLog	(revision 21763)
+++ ChangeLog	(revision 21764)
@@ -1,3 +1,36 @@
+Sun Jan 25 11:07:51 2009  Nobuyoshi Nakada  <nobu@r...>
+	* Makefile.in, win32/Makefile.sub (RMDIRS): remove directory and
+	  parents.
+	* Makefile.in, win32/Makefile.sub (distclean-rdoc): added to remove
+	  temprary rdoc.
+	* Makefile.in, win32/Makefile.sub (distclean): removes extout
+	  directory.
+	* Makefile.in, win32/Makefile.sub (clean-ext): skips non-existent
+	  directories.
+	* common.mk (clean, distclean): cleans rdoc.
+	* configure.in (RMDIRS, RMALL): added to clean extout.
+	* lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils#rmdir): added :parents option.
+	* lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): cleans installed files at clean
+	  instead of distclean.
+	* lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): added clean-so and clean-rb.
+	* lib/mkmf.rb (def init_mkmf): added DISTCLEANDIRS.
+	* lib/un.rb (rmdir): added -p option.
+	* tool/rmdirs, win32/rmdirs.bat: removes directory and the parents.
+	* win32/rm.bat: added -r option.
 Sun Jan 25 09:09:29 2009  Nobuyoshi Nakada  <nobu@r...>
 	* dir.c (join_path): use strlcat() to force link.
Index: lib/fileutils.rb
--- lib/fileutils.rb	(revision 21763)
+++ lib/fileutils.rb	(revision 21764)
@@ -258,15 +258,24 @@
   def rmdir(list, options = {})
     fu_check_options options, OPT_TABLE['rmdir']
     list = fu_list(list)
-    fu_output_message "rmdir #{list.join ' '}" if options[:verbose]
+    parents = options[:parents]
+    fu_output_message "rmdir #{parents ? '-p ' : ''}#{list.join ' '}" if options[:verbose]
     return if options[:noop]
     list.each do |dir|
-      Dir.rmdir dir.sub(%r</\z>, '')
+      begin
+        Dir.rmdir(dir = dir.sub(%r</\z>, ''))
+        if parents
+          until (parent = File.dirname(dir)) == '.' or parent == dir
+            Dir.rmdir(dir)
+          end
+        end
+      rescue Errno::ENOTEMPTY, Errno::ENOENT
+      end
   module_function :rmdir
-  OPT_TABLE['rmdir'] = [:noop, :verbose]
+  OPT_TABLE['rmdir'] = [:parents, :noop, :verbose]
   # Options: force noop verbose
Index: lib/mkmf.rb
--- lib/mkmf.rb	(revision 21763)
+++ lib/mkmf.rb	(revision 21764)
@@ -1407,6 +1407,7 @@
 RUBY = $(ruby#{sep})
 RM = #{config_string('RM', &possible_command) || '$(RUBY) -run -e rm -- -f'}
 RM_RF = #{'$(RUBY) -run -e rm -- -rf'}
+RMDIRS = #{config_string('RMDIRS', &possible_command) || '$(RUBY) -run -e rmdir -- -p'}
 MAKEDIRS = #{config_string('MAKEDIRS', &possible_command) || '@$(RUBY) -run -e mkdir -- -p'}
 INSTALL = #{config_string('INSTALL', &possible_command) || '@$(RUBY) -run -e install -- -vp'}
 INSTALL_PROG = #{config_string('INSTALL_PROG') || '$(INSTALL) -m 0755'}
@@ -1606,7 +1607,8 @@
   origdef ||= ''
   if $extout and $INSTALLFILES
-    $distcleanfiles.concat($INSTALLFILES.collect {|files, dir|File.join(dir, files.sub(/\A\.\//, ''))})
+    $cleanfiles.concat($INSTALLFILES.collect {|files, dir|File.join(dir, files.sub(/\A\.\//, ''))})
+    $distcleandirs.concat($INSTALLFILES.collect {|files, dir| dir})
   if $extmk and not $extconf_h
@@ -1626,6 +1628,7 @@
 CLEANFILES = #{$cleanfiles.join(' ')}
 DISTCLEANFILES = #{$distcleanfiles.join(' ')}
+DISTCLEANDIRS = #{$distcleandirs.join(' ')}
 extout = #{$extout}
 extout_prefix = #{$extout_prefix}
@@ -1652,6 +1655,18 @@
 static: $(STATIC_LIB)#{$extout ? " install-rb" : ""}
   mfile.print CLEANINGS
+  fsep = config_string('BUILD_FILE_SEPARATOR') {|s| s unless s == "/"}
+  if fsep
+    fseprepl = proc {|s|
+      s = s.gsub("/", fsep)
+      s = s.gsub(/(\$\(\w+)(\))/) {$1+sep+$2}
+      s = s.gsub(/(\$\{\w+)(\})/) {$1+sep+$2}
+    }
+    sep = ":/=#{fsep}"
+  else
+    fseprepl = proc {|s| s}
+    sep = ""
+  end
   dirs = []
   mfile.print "install: install-so install-rb\n\n"
   sodir = (dir = "$(RUBYARCHDIR)").dup
@@ -1660,18 +1675,13 @@
     f = "$(DLLIB)"
     dest = "#{dir}/#{f}"
     mfile.puts dir, "install-so: #{dest}"
-    unless $extout
+    if $extout
+      mfile.print "clean-so::\n"
+      mfile.print "\t@-$(RM) #{fseprepl[dest]}\n"
+      mfile.print "\t@-$(RMDIRS) #{fseprepl[dir]}\n"
+    else
       mfile.print "#{dest}: #{f}\n"
-      if (sep = config_string('BUILD_FILE_SEPARATOR'))
-        f.gsub!("/", sep)
-        dir.gsub!("/", sep)
-        sep = ":/="+sep
-        f.gsub!(/(\$\(\w+)(\))/) {$1+sep+$2}
-        f.gsub!(/(\$\{\w+)(\})/) {$1+sep+$2}
-        dir.gsub!(/(\$\(\w+)(\))/) {$1+sep+$2}
-        dir.gsub!(/(\$\{\w+)(\})/) {$1+sep+$2}
-      end
-      mfile.print "\t$(INSTALL_PROG) #{f} #{dir}\n"
+      mfile.print "\t$(INSTALL_PROG) #{fseprepl[f]} #{fseprepl[dir]}\n"
       if defined?($installed_list)
 	mfile.print "\t@echo #{dir}/#{File.basename(f)}>>$(INSTALLED_LIST)\n"
@@ -1683,35 +1693,41 @@
   mfile.print("install-rb-default: pre-install-rb-default\n")
   mfile.print("pre-install-rb: Makefile\n")
   mfile.print("pre-install-rb-default: Makefile\n")
-  fsep = config_string('BUILD_FILE_SEPARATOR') {|s| s unless s == "/"}
-  sep = fsep ? ":/=#{fsep}" : ""
   for sfx, i in [["-default", [["lib/**/*.rb", "$(RUBYLIBDIR)", "lib"]]], ["", $INSTALLFILES]]
     files = install_files(mfile, i, nil, srcprefix) or next
     for dir, *files in files
       unless dirs.include?(dir)
 	dirs << dir
 	mfile.print "pre-install-rb#{sfx}: #{dir}\n"
-      end if $nmake
+      end
       for f in files
 	dest = "#{dir}/#{File.basename(f)}"
 	mfile.print("install-rb#{sfx}: #{dest}\n")
         mfile.print("#{dest}: #{f}\n")
-        mfile.print("\t$(MAKEDIRS) $(@D)\n") unless $nmake
         mfile.print("\t$(#{$extout ? 'COPY' : 'INSTALL_DATA'}) ")
-	if fsep
-	  f = f.gsub("/", fsep)
-	  f = f.gsub(/(\$\(\w+)(\))/) {$1+sep+$2}
-	  f = f.gsub(/(\$\{\w+)(\})/) {$1+sep+$2}
-	end
-	mfile.print("#{f} $(@D#{sep})\n")
+	mfile.print("#{fseprepl[f]} $(@D#{sep})\n")
 	if defined?($installed_list) and !$extout
 	  mfile.print("\t@echo #{dest}>>$(INSTALLED_LIST)\n")
+        if $extout
+          mfile.print("clean-rb#{sfx}::\n")
+          mfile.print("\t@-$(RM) #{fseprepl[dest]}\n")
+        end
+    if $extout
+      dirs.uniq!
+      dirs.reverse!
+      unless dirs.empty?
+        mfile.print("clean-rb#{sfx}::\n")
+        for dir in dirs
+          mfile.print("\t@-$(RMDIRS) #{fseprepl[dir]}\n")
+        end
+      end
+    end
   dirs.unshift(sodir) if target and !dirs.include?(sodir)
-  dirs.each {|d| mfile.print "#{d}:\n\t$(MAKEDIRS) $@\n" if $nmake || d == sodir}
+  dirs.each {|d| mfile.print "#{d}:\n\t$(MAKEDIRS) $@\n"}
   mfile.print <<-SITEINSTALL
@@ -1823,6 +1839,7 @@
   $cleanfiles = config_string('CLEANFILES') {|s| Shellwords.shellwords(s)} || []
   $cleanfiles << "mkmf.log"
   $distcleanfiles = config_string('DISTCLEANFILES') {|s| Shellwords.shellwords(s)} || []
+  $distcleandirs = config_string('DISTCLEANDIRS') {|s| Shellwords.shellwords(s)} || []
   $extout ||= nil
   $extout_prefix ||= nil
@@ -1917,12 +1934,19 @@
 sep = config_string('BUILD_FILE_SEPARATOR') {|s| ":/=#{s}" if sep != "/"} || ""
+clean: clean-so clean-rb-default clean-rb
 \t\t@-$(RM) $(CLEANLIBS#{sep}) $(CLEANOBJS#{sep}) $(CLEANFILES#{sep})
-distclean: clean
+distclean: clean distclean-so distclean-rb-default distclean-rb
 \t\t@-$(RM) Makefile $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H) conftest.* mkmf.log
 \t\t@-$(RM) core ruby$(EXEEXT) *~ $(DISTCLEANFILES#{sep})
+\t\t@-$(RMDIRS) $(DISTCLEANDIRS#{sep})
 realclean: distclean
Index: lib/un.rb
--- lib/un.rb	(revision 21763)
+++ lib/un.rb	(revision 21764)
@@ -158,11 +158,13 @@
 #   ruby -run -e rmdir -- [OPTION] DIR
+#   -p		remove DIRECTORY and its ancestors.
 #   -v		verbose
 def rmdir
-  setup do |argv, options|
+  setup("p") do |argv, options|
+    options[:parents] = true if options.delete :p
     FileUtils.rmdir argv, options
Index: common.mk
--- common.mk	(revision 21763)
+++ common.mk	(revision 21764)
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@
 	@exit > $(INSTALLED_LIST)
-clean: clean-ext clean-local clean-enc clean-golf
+clean: clean-ext clean-local clean-enc clean-golf clean-rdoc
 	@$(RM) $(PROGRAM) $(WPROGRAM) miniruby$(EXEEXT) dmyext.$(OBJEXT) $(ARCHFILE) .*.time
@@ -350,10 +350,11 @@
 	@-$(MAKE) -f $(ENC_MK) $(MFLAGS) clean
 distclean: distclean-ext distclean-local distclean-enc distclean-golf
 distclean-local:: clean-local
-	@$(RM) $(MKFILES) $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/config.h rbconfig.rb yasmdata.rb encdb.h
+	@$(RM) $(MKFILES) rbconfig.rb yasmdata.rb encdb.h
 	@$(RM) config.cache config.log config.status config.status.lineno $(PRELUDES)
 	@$(RM) *~ *.bak *.stackdump core *.core gmon.out $(PREP)
@@ -361,6 +362,7 @@
 	@-$(MAKE) -f $(ENC_MK) $(MFLAGS) distclean
 distclean-golf: clean-golf
 realclean:: realclean-ext realclean-local realclean-enc realclean-golf
 realclean-local:: distclean-local
Index: win32/rm.bat
--- win32/rm.bat	(revision 21763)
+++ win32/rm.bat	(revision 21764)
@@ -1,8 +1,19 @@
 @echo off
 if "%1" == "-f" shift
+if "%1" == "-r" (set recursive=1 & goto :optloop)
+if "%recursive%" == "1" goto :recursive
 if "%1" == "" goto :end
 if exist "%1" del "%1"
+set p=%1
+if exist "%p:/=\%" del "%p:/=\%"
 goto :begin
+if "%1" == "" goto :end
+set p=%1
+if exist "%p:/=\%" rd /s /q "%p:/=\%"
+goto :recursive
Index: win32/Makefile.sub
--- win32/Makefile.sub	(revision 21763)
+++ win32/Makefile.sub	(revision 21764)
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
 AUTOCONF = autoconf
 IFCHANGE = $(COMSPEC) /C $(srcdir:/=\)\win32\ifchange.bat
 RM = $(COMSPEC) /C $(srcdir:/=\)\win32\rm.bat
+RMDIRS = $(COMSPEC) /C $(srcdir:/=\)\win32\rmdirs.bat
 CP = copy > nul
 MV = move > nul
 !if !defined(BASERUBY)
@@ -575,6 +576,8 @@
 s,@LN_S@,$(LN_S),;t t
 s,@RM@,$$(COMSPEC) /C $$(top_srcdir:/=\)\win32\rm.bat,;t t
+s,@RMDIRS@,$$(COMSPEC) /C $$(top_srcdir:/=\)\win32\rmdirs.bat,;t t
+s,@RMALL@,$$(COMSPEC) /C rmdir /s /q,;t t
 s,@CP@,copy > nul,;t t
 s,@LIBOBJS@,$(LIBOBJS),;t t
 s,@ALLOCA@,$(ALLOCA),;t t
@@ -712,15 +715,29 @@
 		@$(RM) ext\config.cache $(RBCONFIG:/=\) $(CONFIG_H:/=\)
+		@-$(RM) $(INSTALLED_LIST:/=\) $(arch_hdrdir:/=\)\ruby\config.h
+		@-$(RMDIRS) $(arch_hdrdir:/=\)\ruby
+		@-$(RMALL) $(RDOCOUT:/=\)
+		@-rmdir $(EXTOUT:/=\)\$(arch)
+		@-rmdir $(EXTOUT:/=\)
 clean-ext distclean-ext realclean-ext::
-		@for /R ext %I in (.) do @if exist %I\Makefile ( \
+!if "$(EXTS)" == ""
+		@for %I in ($(EXTS)) \
+		@for /R ext %I in (.) \
+		do @if exist %I\Makefile ( \
+		    cd %I && ( \
 		    echo $(@:-ext=)ing %~nI & \
-		    cd %I & \
 		    $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(@:-ext=) & \
 		    cd %CD% & \
-		    rmdir %I \
-		)
+		    $(RMDIRS) %I \
+		) )
 distclean-ext realclean-ext::
 		@-rmdir ext
Index: win32/rmdirs.bat
--- win32/rmdirs.bat	(revision 0)
+++ win32/rmdirs.bat	(revision 21764)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+::-*- batch -*-
+@echo off
+if "%1" == "-p" shift
+if "%1" == "" goto :end
+    set dir=%1
+    shift
+    set dir=%dir:/=\%
+    :rmdirs
+        if not exist "%dir%\." goto :begin
+        if "%dir%" == "." goto :begin
+        if "%dir%" == ".." goto :begin
+        rd "%dir%" || goto :begin
+        :trim_sep
+            if not /%dir:~-1%/ == /\/ goto :trim_base
+            set dir=%dir:~0,-1%
+        if not "%dir%" == "" goto :trim_sep
+        :trim_base
+            if /%dir:~-1%/ == /\/ goto :parent
+            set dir=%dir:~0,-1%
+        if not "%dir%" == "" goto :trim_base
+        :parent
+        set dir=%dir:~0,-1%
+        if "%dir%" == "" goto :begin
+        if "%dir:~-1%" == ":" goto :begin
+    goto :rmdirs
+goto :begin

Property changes on: win32/rmdirs.bat
Name: svn:eol-style
   + CRLF
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Index: Makefile.in
--- Makefile.in	(revision 21763)
+++ Makefile.in	(revision 21764)
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 #### Start of system configuration section. ####
 srcdir = @srcdir@
+top_srcdir = $(srcdir)
 hdrdir = $(srcdir)/include
 CC = @CC@
@@ -94,6 +95,7 @@
 CP            = cp
 MV            = mv
 RM            = rm -f
+RMDIRS        = @RMDIRS@
 NM            = @NM@
 AR            = @AR@
 ARFLAGS       = rcu
@@ -221,22 +223,29 @@
 	@$(RM) ext/config.cache $(RBCONFIG)
 	$(RM) Doxyfile
 	@-$(RM) run.gdb
-	-$(RM) $(INSTALLED_LIST) $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/config.h
-	-rmdir -p $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby
+	@-$(RM) $(INSTALLED_LIST) $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/config.h
+	@-$(RMDIRS) $(arch_hdrdir)/ruby
+	@$(RMALL) $(RDOCOUT:/=\)
+	@-rmdir $(EXTOUT)/$(arch)
+	@-rmdir $(EXTOUT)
 clean-ext distclean-ext realclean-ext::
 	@set dummy ${EXTS}; shift; \
 	if test "$$#" = 0; then \
 	    set dummy `find ext -name Makefile | sed 's:^ext/::;s:/Makefile$$::' | sort`; \
 	    shift; \
 	fi; \
-	cd ext; \
 	for dir; do \
+	    [ -f "ext/$$dir/Makefile" ] || continue; \
 	    echo $(@:-ext=)ing "$$dir"; \
-	    (cd "$$dir"; $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(@:-ext=)) && \
+	    (cd "ext/$$dir" && exec $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(@:-ext=)) && \
 	    case "$@" in \
 	    *distclean-ext*|*realclean-ext*) \
-		rmdir -p "$$dir" 2> /dev/null;; \
+		$(RMDIRS) "ext/$$dir";; \
 	    esac; \
Index: tool/rmdirs
--- tool/rmdirs	(revision 0)
+++ tool/rmdirs	(revision 21764)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+for dir; do
+    while rmdir "$dir" >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
+          parent=`expr "$dir" : '\(.*\)/[^/][^/]*'`; do
+        case "$parent" in
+        . | .. | "$dir") break;;
+        *) dir="$parent";;
+        esac
+    done

Property changes on: tool/rmdirs
Name: svn:eol-style
   + LF
Name: svn:executable
   + *

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
