

From: =E5=8D=9C=E9=83=A8=E6=98=8C=E5=B9=B3 <ko1@a...>
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2019 18:53:56 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:57377] 卜部昌平: 0766f67168 (master): move docs around [ci skip]


From 0766f67168cf248b698a8b2cde1c22c526374be7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?=E5=8D=9C=E9=83=A8=E6=98=8C=E5=B9=B3?=
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2019 10:23:14 +0900
Subject: move docs around [ci skip]

To properly generate documents.

diff --git a/eval.c b/eval.c
index 90f36b8..bde02d5 100644
--- a/eval.c
+++ b/eval.c
@@ -717,6 +717,28 @@ extract_raise_opts(int argc, const VALUE *argv, VALUE *opts) https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/eval.c#L717
     return argc;
+rb_f_raise(int argc, VALUE *argv)
+    VALUE err;
+    VALUE opts[raise_max_opt], *const cause = &opts[raise_opt_cause];
+    argc = extract_raise_opts(argc, argv, opts);
+    if (argc == 0) {
+        if (*cause != Qundef) {
+            rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "only cause is given with no arguments");
+        }
+        err = get_errinfo();
+        if (!NIL_P(err)) {
+            argc = 1;
+            argv = &err;
+        }
+    }
+    rb_raise_jump(rb_make_exception(argc, argv), *cause);
  *  call-seq:
  *     raise
@@ -746,28 +768,6 @@ extract_raise_opts(int argc, const VALUE *argv, VALUE *opts) https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/eval.c#L768
  *     raise ArgumentError, "No parameters", caller
-rb_f_raise(int argc, VALUE *argv)
-    VALUE err;
-    VALUE opts[raise_max_opt], *const cause = &opts[raise_opt_cause];
-    argc = extract_raise_opts(argc, argv, opts);
-    if (argc == 0) {
-	if (*cause != Qundef) {
-	    rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "only cause is given with no arguments");
-	}
-	err = get_errinfo();
-	if (!NIL_P(err)) {
-	    argc = 1;
-	    argv = &err;
-	}
-    }
-    rb_raise_jump(rb_make_exception(argc, argv), *cause);
 static VALUE
 f_raise(int c, VALUE *v, VALUE _)
@@ -1944,18 +1944,60 @@ f_current_dirname(VALUE _) https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/eval.c#L1944
     return base;
+ *  call-seq:
+ *     global_variables    -> array
+ *
+ *  Returns an array of the names of global variables.
+ *
+ *     global_variables.grep /std/   #=> [:$stdin, :$stdout, :$stderr]
+ */
 static VALUE
 f_global_variables(VALUE _)
     return rb_f_global_variables();
+ *  call-seq:
+ *     trace_var(symbol, cmd )             -> nil
+ *     trace_var(symbol) {|val| block }    -> nil
+ *
+ *  Controls tracing of assignments to global variables. The parameter
+ *  +symbol+ identifies the variable (as either a string name or a
+ *  symbol identifier). _cmd_ (which may be a string or a
+ *  +Proc+ object) or block is executed whenever the variable
+ *  is assigned. The block or +Proc+ object receives the
+ *  variable's new value as a parameter. Also see
+ *  Kernel::untrace_var.
+ *
+ *     trace_var :$_, proc {|v| puts "$_ is now '#{v}'" }
+ *     $_ = "hello"
+ *     $_ = ' there'
+ *
+ *  <em>produces:</em>
+ *
+ *     $_ is now 'hello'
+ *     $_ is now ' there'
+ */
 static VALUE
 f_trace_var(int c, const VALUE *a, VALUE _)
     return rb_f_trace_var(c, a);
+ *  call-seq:
+ *     untrace_var(symbol [, cmd] )   -> array or nil
+ *
+ *  Removes tracing for the specified command on the given global
+ *  variable and returns +nil+. If no command is specified,
+ *  removes all tracing for that variable and returns an array
+ *  containing the commands actually removed.
+ */
 static VALUE
 f_untrace_var(int c, const VALUE *a, VALUE _)
diff --git a/object.c b/object.c
index 14cc409..c3884aa 100644
--- a/object.c
+++ b/object.c
@@ -4048,6 +4048,267 @@ rb_obj_dig(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj, VALUE notfound) https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/object.c#L4048
     return obj;
+ *  call-seq:
+ *     format(format_string [, arguments...] )   -> string
+ *     sprintf(format_string [, arguments...] )  -> string
+ *
+ *  Returns the string resulting from applying <i>format_string</i> to
+ *  any additional arguments.  Within the format string, any characters
+ *  other than format sequences are copied to the result.
+ *
+ *  The syntax of a format sequence is as follows.
+ *
+ *    %[flags][width][.precision]type
+ *
+ *  A format
+ *  sequence consists of a percent sign, followed by optional flags,
+ *  width, and precision indicators, then terminated with a field type
+ *  character.  The field type controls how the corresponding
+ *  <code>sprintf</code> argument is to be interpreted, while the flags
+ *  modify that interpretation.
+ *
+ *  The field type characters are:
+ *
+ *      Field |  Integer Format
+ *      ------+--------------------------------------------------------------
+ *        b   | Convert argument as a binary number.
+ *            | Negative numbers will be displayed as a two's complement
+ *            | prefixed with `..1'.
+ *        B   | Equivalent to `b', but uses an uppercase 0B for prefix
+ *            | in the alternative format by #.
+ *        d   | Convert argument as a decimal number.
+ *        i   | Identical to `d'.
+ *        o   | Convert argument as an octal number.
+ *            | Negative numbers will be displayed as a two's complement
+ *            | prefixed with `..7'.
+ *        u   | Identical to `d'.
+ *        x   | Convert argument as a hexadecimal number.
+ *            | Negative numbers will be displayed as a two's complement
+ *            | prefixed with `..f' (representing an infinite string of
+ *            | leading 'ff's).
+ *        X   | Equivalent to `x', but uses uppercase letters.
+ *
+ *      Field |  Float Format
+ *      ------+--------------------------------------------------------------
+ *        e   | Convert floating point argument into exponential notation
+ *            | with one digit before the decimal point as [-]d.dddddde[+-]dd.
+ *            | The precision specifies the number of digits after the decimal
+ *            | point (defaulting to six).
+ *        E   | Equivalent to `e', but uses an uppercase E to indicate
+ *            | the exponent.
+ *        f   | Convert floating point argument as [-]ddd.dddddd,
+ *            | where the precision specifies the number of digits after
+ *            | the decimal point.
+ *        g   | Convert a floating point number using exponential form
+ *            | if the exponent is less than -4 or greater than or
+ *            | equal to the precision, or in dd.dddd form otherwise.
+ *            | The precision specifies the number of significant digits.
+ *        G   | Equivalent to `g', but use an uppercase `E' in exponent form.
+ *        a   | Convert floating point argument as [-]0xh.hhhhp[+-]dd,
+ *            | which is consisted from optional sign, "0x", fraction part
+ *            | as hexadecimal, "p", and exponential part as decimal.
+ *        A   | Equivalent to `a', but use uppercase `X' and `P'.
+ *
+ *      Field |  Other Format
+ *      ------+--------------------------------------------------------------
+ *        c   | Argument is the numeric code for a single character or
+ *            | a single character string itself.
+ *        p   | The valuing of argument.inspect.
+ *        s   | Argument is a string to be substituted.  If the format
+ *            | sequence contains a precision, at most that many characters
+ *            | will be copied.
+ *        %   | A percent sign itself will be displayed.  No argument taken.
+ *
+ *  The flags modifies the behavior of the formats.
+ *  The flag characters are:
+ *
+ *    Flag     | Applies to    | Meaning
+ *    ---------+---------------+-----------------------------------------
+ *    space    | bBdiouxX      | Leave a space at the start of
+ *             | aAeEfgG       | non-negative numbers.
+ *             | (numeric fmt) | For `o', `x', `X', `b' and `B', use
+ *             |               | a minus sign with absolute value for
+ *             |               | negative values.
+ *    ---------+---------------+-----------------------------------------
+ *    (digit)$ | all           | Specifies the absolute argument number
+ *             |               | for this field.  Absolute and relative
+ *             |               | argument numbers cannot be mixed in a
+ *             |               | sprintf string.
+ *    ---------+---------------+-----------------------------------------
+ *     #       | bBoxX         | Use an alternative format.
+ *             | aAeEfgG       | For the conversions `o', increase the precision
+ *             |               | until the first digit will be `0' if
+ *             |               | it is not formatted as complements.
+ *             |               | For the conversions `x', `X', `b' and `B'
+ *             |               | on non-zero, prefix the result with ``0x'',
+ *             |               | ``0X'', ``0b'' and ``0B'', respectively.
+ *             |               | For `a', `A', `e', `E', `f', `g', and 'G',
+ *             |               | force a decimal point to be added,
+ *             |               | even if no digits follow.
+ *             |               | For `g' and 'G', do not remove trailing zeros.
+ *    ---------+---------------+-----------------------------------------
+ *    +        | bBdiouxX      | Add a leading plus sign to non-negative
+ *             | aAeEfgG       | numbers.
+ *             | (numeric fmt) | For `o', `x', `X', `b' and `B', use
+ *             |               | a minus sign with absolute value for
+ *             |               | negative values.
+ *    ---------+---------------+-----------------------------------------
+ *    -        | all           | Left-justify the result of this conversion.
+ *    ---------+---------------+-----------------------------------------
+ *    0 (zero) | bBdiouxX      | Pad with zeros, not spaces.
+ *             | aAeEfgG       | For `o', `x', `X', `b' and `B', radix-1
+ *             | (numeric fmt) | is used for negative numbers formatted as
+ *             |               | complements.
+ *   (... truncated)

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
