

From: Takashi <ko1@a...>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 01:00:21 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:55601] Takashi Kokubun:991e32681e (trunk): tool/merger.rb: Avoid making too-deep indentation


From 991e32681eac3c675ef796f5691a6786e99c3fb0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Takashi Kokubun <takashikkbn@g...>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 00:57:34 +0900
Subject: tool/merger.rb: Avoid making too-deep indentation

because it's hard to understand what's going on when indentation depth
is too deep.

Sorry for polluting git blame, but most of the Merger's lines are
updated recently anyway.

diff --git a/tool/merger.rb b/tool/merger.rb
index 4f787d5..12a654a 100755
--- a/tool/merger.rb
+++ b/tool/merger.rb
@@ -16,10 +16,11 @@ ENV['LC_ALL'] = 'C' https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/tool/merger.rb#L16
 module Merger
   REPOS = 'svn+ssh://svn@c.../ruby/'
-  class << self
-    def help
-      puts <<-end
+class << Merger
+  def help
+    puts <<-HELP
 \e[1msimple backport\e[0m
   ruby #$0 1234
@@ -45,192 +46,191 @@ module Merger https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/tool/merger.rb#L46
   ruby #$0 removetag 2.2.9
 \e[33;1m* all operations shall be applied to the working directory.\e[0m
+    HELP
+  end
+  def interactive(str, editfile = nil)
+    loop do
+      yield if block_given?
+      STDERR.puts "\e[1;33m#{str} ([y]es|[a]bort|[r]etry#{'|[e]dit' if editfile})\e[0m"
+      case STDIN.gets
+      when /\Aa/i then exit
+      when /\Ar/i then redo
+      when /\Ay/i then break
+      when /\Ae/i then system(ENV['EDITOR'], editfile)
+      else exit
+  end
-    def interactive(str, editfile = nil)
-      loop do
-        yield if block_given?
-        STDERR.puts "\e[1;33m#{str} ([y]es|[a]bort|[r]etry#{'|[e]dit' if editfile})\e[0m"
-        case STDIN.gets
-        when /\Aa/i then exit
-        when /\Ar/i then redo
-        when /\Ay/i then break
-        when /\Ae/i then system(ENV['EDITOR'], editfile)
-        else exit
-        end
-      end
+  def version_up(teeny: false)
+    now = Time.now
+    now = now.localtime(9*60*60) # server is Japan Standard Time +09:00
+    if svn_mode?
+      system('svn', 'revert', 'version.h')
+    else
+      system('git', 'checkout', 'HEAD', 'version.h')
+    v, pl = version
-    def version_up(teeny: false)
-      now = Time.now
-      now = now.localtime(9*60*60) # server is Japan Standard Time +09:00
-      if svn_mode?
-        system('svn', 'revert', 'version.h')
-      else
-        system('git', 'checkout', 'HEAD', 'version.h')
-      end
-      v, pl = version
+    if teeny
+      v[2].succ!
+    end
+    if pl != '-1' # trunk does not have patchlevel
+      pl.succ!
+    end
-      if teeny
-        v[2].succ!
-      end
-      if pl != '-1' # trunk does not have patchlevel
-        pl.succ!
-      end
+    str = open('version.h', 'rb', &:read)
+    ruby_release_date = str[/RUBY_RELEASE_YEAR_STR"-"RUBY_RELEASE_MONTH_STR"-"RUBY_RELEASE_DAY_STR/] || now.strftime('"%Y-%m-%d"')
+    [%W[RUBY_VERSION      "#{v.join('.')}"],
+     %W[RUBY_VERSION_CODE  #{v.join('')}],
+     %W[RUBY_VERSION_MAJOR #{v[0]}],
+     %W[RUBY_VERSION_MINOR #{v[1]}],
+     %W[RUBY_VERSION_TEENY #{v[2]}],
+     %W[RUBY_RELEASE_DATE #{ruby_release_date}],
+     %W[RUBY_RELEASE_CODE  #{now.strftime('%Y%m%d')}],
+     %W[RUBY_PATCHLEVEL    #{pl}],
+     %W[RUBY_RELEASE_YEAR  #{now.year}],
+     %W[RUBY_RELEASE_MONTH #{now.month}],
+     %W[RUBY_RELEASE_DAY   #{now.day}],
+    ].each do |(k, i)|
+      str.sub!(/^(#define\s+#{k}\s+).*$/, "\\1#{i}")
+    end
+    str.sub!(/\s+\z/m, '')
+    fn = sprintf('version.h.tmp.%032b', rand(1 << 31))
+    File.rename('version.h', fn)
+    open('version.h', 'wb') do |f|
+      f.puts(str)
+    end
+    File.unlink(fn)
+  end
-      str = open('version.h', 'rb', &:read)
-      ruby_release_date = str[/RUBY_RELEASE_YEAR_STR"-"RUBY_RELEASE_MONTH_STR"-"RUBY_RELEASE_DAY_STR/] || now.strftime('"%Y-%m-%d"')
-      [%W[RUBY_VERSION      "#{v.join('.')}"],
-       %W[RUBY_VERSION_CODE  #{v.join('')}],
-       %W[RUBY_VERSION_MAJOR #{v[0]}],
-       %W[RUBY_VERSION_MINOR #{v[1]}],
-       %W[RUBY_VERSION_TEENY #{v[2]}],
-       %W[RUBY_RELEASE_DATE #{ruby_release_date}],
-       %W[RUBY_RELEASE_CODE  #{now.strftime('%Y%m%d')}],
-       %W[RUBY_PATCHLEVEL    #{pl}],
-       %W[RUBY_RELEASE_YEAR  #{now.year}],
-       %W[RUBY_RELEASE_MONTH #{now.month}],
-       %W[RUBY_RELEASE_DAY   #{now.day}],
-      ].each do |(k, i)|
-        str.sub!(/^(#define\s+#{k}\s+).*$/, "\\1#{i}")
+  def tag(relname)
+    # relname:
+    #   * 2.2.0-preview1
+    #   * 2.2.0-rc1
+    #   * 2.2.0
+    v, pl = version
+    if relname
+      abort "patchlevel is not -1 but '#{pl}' for preview or rc" if pl != '-1' && /-(?:preview|rc)/ =~ relname
+      abort "patchlevel is not 0 but '#{pl}' for the first release" if pl != '0' && /-(?:preview|rc)/ !~ relname
+      pl = relname[/-(.*)\z/, 1]
+      curver = "#{v.join('.')}#{("-#{pl}" if pl)}"
+      if relname != curver
+        abort "given relname '#{relname}' conflicts current version '#{curver}'"
-      str.sub!(/\s+\z/m, '')
-      fn = sprintf('version.h.tmp.%032b', rand(1 << 31))
-      File.rename('version.h', fn)
-      open('version.h', 'wb') do |f|
-        f.puts(str)
+    else
+      if pl == '-1'
+        abort 'no relname is given and not in a release branch even if this is patch release'
-      File.unlink(fn)
+    tagname = "v#{v.join('_')}#{("_#{pl}" if v[0] < "2" || (v[0] == "2" && v[1] < "1") || /^(?:preview|rc)/ =~ pl)}"
-    def tag(relname)
-      # relname:
-      #   * 2.2.0-preview1
-      #   * 2.2.0-rc1
-      #   * 2.2.0
-      v, pl = version
+    if svn_mode?
       if relname
-        abort "patchlevel is not -1 but '#{pl}' for preview or rc" if pl != '-1' && /-(?:preview|rc)/ =~ relname
-        abort "patchlevel is not 0 but '#{pl}' for the first release" if pl != '0' && /-(?:preview|rc)/ !~ relname
-        pl = relname[/-(.*)\z/, 1]
-        curver = "#{v.join('.')}#{("-#{pl}" if pl)}"
-        if relname != curver
-          abort "given relname '#{relname}' conflicts current version '#{curver}'"
-        end
+        branch_url = `svn info`[/URL: (.*)/, 1]
-        if pl == '-1'
-          abort 'no relname is given and not in a release branch even if this is patch release'
-        end
-      end
-      tagname = "v#{v.join('_')}#{("_#{pl}" if v[0] < "2" || (v[0] == "2" && v[1] < "1") || /^(?:preview|rc)/ =~ pl)}"
-      if svn_mode?
-        if relname
-          branch_url = `svn info`[/URL: (.*)/, 1]
+        branch_url = "#{REPOS}branches/ruby_"
+        if v[0] < '2' || (v[0] == '2' && v[1] < '1')
+          abort 'patchlevel must be greater than 0 for patch release' if pl == '0'
+          branch_url << v.join('_')
-          branch_url = "#{REPOS}branches/ruby_"
-          if v[0] < '2' || (v[0] == '2' && v[1] < '1')
-            abort 'patchlevel must be greater than 0 for patch release' if pl == '0'
-            branch_url << v.join('_')
-          else
-            abort 'teeny must be greater than 0 for patch release' if v[2] == '0'
-            branch_url << v.join('_').sub(/_\d+\z/, '')
-          end
-        end
-        tag_url = "#{REPOS}tags/#{tagname}"
-        unless system('svn', 'info', tag_url, out: IO::NULL, err: IO::NULL)
-          abort 'specfied tag already exists. check tag name and remove it if you want to force re-tagging'
-        end
-        execute('svn', 'cp', '-m', "add tag #{tagname}", branch_url, tag_url, interactive: true)
-      else
-        unless execute('git', 'tag', tagname)
-          abort 'specfied tag already exists. check tag name and remove it if you want to force re-tagging'
+          abort 'teeny must be greater than 0 for patch release' if v[2] == '0'
+          branch_url << v.join('_').sub(/_\d+\z/, '')
-        execute('git', 'push', 'origin', tagname, interactive: true)
-      end
-    end
-    def remove_tag(relname)
-      # relname:
-      #   * 2.2.0-preview1
-      #   * 2.2.0-rc1
-      #   * 2.2.0
-      #   * v2_2_0_preview1
-      #   * v2_2_0_rc1
-      #   * v2_2_0
-      unless relname
-        raise ArgumentError, 'relname is not specified'
-      if /^v/ !~ relname
-        tagname = "v#{relname.gsub(/[.-]/, '_')}"
-      else
-        tagname = relname
+      tag_url = "#{REPOS}tags/#{tagname}"
+      unless system('svn', 'info', tag_url, out: IO::NULL, err: IO::NULL)
+        abort 'specfied tag already exists. check tag name and remove it if you want to force re-tagging'
-      if svn_mode?
-        tag_url = "#{REPOS}tags/#{tagname}"
-        execute('svn', 'rm', '-m', "remove tag #{tagname}", tag_url, interactive: true)
-      else
-        execute('git', 'tag', '-d', tagname)
-        execute('git', 'push', 'origin', ":#{tagname}", interactive: true)
+      execute('svn', 'cp', '-m', "add tag #{tagname}", branch_url, tag_url, interactive: true)
+    else
+      unless execute('git', 'tag', tagname)
+        abort 'specfied tag already exists. check tag name and remove it if you want to force re-tagging'
+      execute('git', 'push', 'origin', tagname, interactive: true)
+  end
-    def diff(file)
-      if svn_mode?
-        system('svn', 'diff', file)
-      else
-        system('git', 'diff', file)
-      end
+  def remove_tag(relname)
+    # relname:
+    #   * 2.2.0-preview1
+    #   * 2.2.0-rc1
+    #   * 2.2.0
+    #   * v2_2_0_preview1
+    #   * v2_2_0_rc1
+    #   * v2_2_0
+    unless relname
+      raise ArgumentError, 'relname is not specified'
+    end
+    if /^v/ !~ relname
+      tagname = "v#{relname.gsub(/[.-]/, '_')}"
+    else
+      tagname = relname
-    private
+    if svn_mode?
+      tag_url = "#{REPOS}tags/#{tagname}"
+      execute('svn', 'rm', '-m', "remove tag #{tagname}", tag_url, interactive: true)
+    else
+      execute('git', 'tag', '-d', tagname)
+      execute('git', 'push', 'origin', ":#{tagname}", interactive: true)
+    end
+  end
-    def svn_mode?
-      return @svn_mode if defined?(@svn_mode)
 (... truncated)

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
