

From: naruse <ko1@a...>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2019 18:22:18 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:55354] naruse:r67562 (ruby_2_6): merge revision(s) 66720:

naruse	2019-04-15 18:22:11 +0900 (Mon, 15 Apr 2019)

  New Revision: 67562


    merge revision(s) 66720:
            separate downloading of Unicode property files and auxiliary files
            Separate downloading of Unicode property files in ucd and in ucd/auxiliary.
            This is needed because we need information from separate index.html files
            to discover the exact file names of property files during a beta period.

  Added directories:
  Added files:
  Removed files:
  Modified directories:
  Modified files:
Index: ruby_2_6/test/csv/test_interface.rb
--- ruby_2_6/test/csv/test_interface.rb	(revision 67561)
+++ ruby_2_6/test/csv/test_interface.rb	(nonexistent)
@@ -1,450 +0,0 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ruby_2_6/test/csv/test_interface.rb#L0
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require_relative "helper"
-require "tempfile"
-class TestCSVInterface < Test::Unit::TestCase
-  extend DifferentOFS
-  def setup
-    super
-    @tempfile = Tempfile.new(%w"temp .csv")
-    @tempfile.close
-    @path = @tempfile.path
-    File.open(@path, "wb") do |file|
-      file << "1\t2\t3\r\n"
-      file << "4\t5\r\n"
-    end
-    @expected = [%w{1 2 3}, %w{4 5}]
-  end
-  def teardown
-    @tempfile.close(true)
-    super
-  end
-  ### Test Read Interface ###
-  def test_foreach
-    CSV.foreach(@path, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") do |row|
-      assert_equal(@expected.shift, row)
-    end
-  end
-  def test_foreach_enum
-    CSV.foreach(@path, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n").zip(@expected) do |row, exp|
-      assert_equal(exp, row)
-    end
-  end
-  def test_open_and_close
-    csv = CSV.open(@path, "r+", col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n")
-    assert_not_nil(csv)
-    assert_instance_of(CSV, csv)
-    assert_not_predicate(csv, :closed?)
-    csv.close
-    assert_predicate(csv, :closed?)
-    ret = CSV.open(@path) do |new_csv|
-      csv = new_csv
-      assert_instance_of(CSV, new_csv)
-      "Return value."
-    end
-    assert_predicate(csv, :closed?)
-    assert_equal("Return value.", ret)
-  end
-  def test_open_encoding_valid
-    # U+1F600 GRINNING FACE
-    File.open(@path, "w") do |file|
-      file << "\u{1F600},\u{1F601}"
-    end
-    CSV.open(@path, encoding: "utf-8") do |csv|
-      assert_equal([["\u{1F600}", "\u{1F601}"]],
-                   csv.to_a)
-    end
-  end
-  def test_open_encoding_invalid
-    # U+1F600 GRINNING FACE
-    File.open(@path, "w") do |file|
-      file << "\u{1F600},\u{1F601}"
-    end
-    CSV.open(@path, encoding: "EUC-JP") do |csv|
-      error = assert_raise(CSV::MalformedCSVError) do
-        csv.shift
-      end
-      assert_equal("Invalid byte sequence in EUC-JP in line 1.",
-                   error.message)
-    end
-  end
-  def test_open_encoding_nonexistent
-    _output, error = capture_io do
-      CSV.open(@path, encoding: "nonexistent") do
-      end
-    end
-    assert_equal("path:0: warning: Unsupported encoding nonexistent ignored\n",
-                 error.gsub(/\A.+:\d+: /, "path:0: "))
-  end
-  def test_open_encoding_utf_8_with_bom
-    # U+1F600 GRINNING FACE
-    File.open(@path, "w") do |file|
-      file << "\u{FEFF}\u{1F600},\u{1F601}"
-    end
-    CSV.open(@path, encoding: "bom|utf-8") do |csv|
-      assert_equal([["\u{1F600}", "\u{1F601}"]],
-                   csv.to_a)
-    end
-  end
-  def test_parse
-    data = File.binread(@path)
-    assert_equal( @expected,
-                  CSV.parse(data, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") )
-    CSV.parse(data, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") do |row|
-      assert_equal(@expected.shift, row)
-    end
-  end
-  def test_parse_line
-    row = CSV.parse_line("1;2;3", col_sep: ";")
-    assert_not_nil(row)
-    assert_instance_of(Array, row)
-    assert_equal(%w{1 2 3}, row)
-    # shortcut interface
-    row = "1;2;3".parse_csv(col_sep: ";")
-    assert_not_nil(row)
-    assert_instance_of(Array, row)
-    assert_equal(%w{1 2 3}, row)
-  end
-  def test_parse_line_with_empty_lines
-    assert_equal(nil,       CSV.parse_line(""))  # to signal eof
-    assert_equal(Array.new, CSV.parse_line("\n1,2,3"))
-  end
-  def test_parse_header_only
-    table = CSV.parse("a,b,c", headers: true)
-    assert_equal([
-                   ["a", "b", "c"],
-                   [],
-                 ],
-                 [
-                   table.headers,
-                   table.each.to_a,
-                 ])
-  end
-  def test_read_and_readlines
-    assert_equal( @expected,
-                  CSV.read(@path, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") )
-    assert_equal( @expected,
-                  CSV.readlines(@path, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") )
-    data = CSV.open(@path, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") do |csv|
-      csv.read
-    end
-    assert_equal(@expected, data)
-    data = CSV.open(@path, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") do |csv|
-      csv.readlines
-    end
-    assert_equal(@expected, data)
-  end
-  def test_table
-    table = CSV.table(@path, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n")
-    assert_instance_of(CSV::Table, table)
-    assert_equal([[:"1", :"2", :"3"], [4, 5, nil]], table.to_a)
-  end
-  def test_shift  # aliased as gets() and readline()
-    CSV.open(@path, "rb+", col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") do |csv|
-      assert_equal(@expected.shift, csv.shift)
-      assert_equal(@expected.shift, csv.shift)
-      assert_equal(nil, csv.shift)
-    end
-  end
-  def test_enumerators_are_supported
-    CSV.open(@path, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") do |csv|
-      enum = csv.each
-      assert_instance_of(Enumerator, enum)
-      assert_equal(@expected.shift, enum.next)
-    end
-  end
-  def test_nil_is_not_acceptable
-    assert_raise_with_message ArgumentError, "Cannot parse nil as CSV" do
-      CSV.new(nil)
-    end
-  end
-  def test_open_handles_prematurely_closed_file_descriptor_gracefully
-    assert_nothing_raised(Exception) do
-      CSV.open(@path) do |csv|
-        csv.close
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  ### Test Write Interface ###
-  def test_generate
-    str = CSV.generate do |csv|  # default empty String
-      assert_instance_of(CSV, csv)
-      assert_equal(csv, csv << [1, 2, 3])
-      assert_equal(csv, csv << [4, nil, 5])
-    end
-    assert_not_nil(str)
-    assert_instance_of(String, str)
-    assert_equal("1,2,3\n4,,5\n", str)
-    CSV.generate(str) do |csv|   # appending to a String
-      assert_equal(csv, csv << ["last", %Q{"row"}])
-    end
-    assert_equal(%Q{1,2,3\n4,,5\nlast,"""row"""\n}, str)
-    out = CSV.generate("test") { |csv| csv << ["row"] }
-    assert_equal("testrow\n", out)
-  end
-  def test_generate_line
-    line = CSV.generate_line(%w{1 2 3}, col_sep: ";")
-    assert_not_nil(line)
-    assert_instance_of(String, line)
-    assert_equal("1;2;3\n", line)
-    # shortcut interface
-    line = %w{1 2 3}.to_csv(col_sep: ";")
-    assert_not_nil(line)
-    assert_instance_of(String, line)
-    assert_equal("1;2;3\n", line)
-    line = CSV.generate_line(%w"1 2", row_sep: nil)
-    assert_equal("1,2", line)
-  end
-  def test_write_header_detection
-    File.unlink(@path)
-    headers = %w{a b c}
-    CSV.open(@path, "w", headers: true) do |csv|
-      csv << headers
-      csv << %w{1 2 3}
-      assert_equal(headers, csv.headers)
-    end
-  end
-  def test_write_lineno
-    File.unlink(@path)
-    CSV.open(@path, "w") do |csv|
-      lines = 20
-      lines.times { csv << %w{a b c} }
-      assert_equal(lines, csv.lineno)
-    end
-  end
-  def test_write_hash
-    File.unlink(@path)
-    lines = [{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, {a: 4, b: 5, c: 6}]
-    CSV.open( @path, "wb", headers:           true,
-                           header_converters: :symbol ) do |csv|
-      csv << lines.first.keys
-      lines.each { |line| csv << line }
-    end
-    CSV.open( @path, "rb", headers:           true,
-                           converters:        :all,
-                           header_converters: :symbol ) do |csv|
-      csv.each { |line| assert_equal(lines.shift, line.to_hash) }
-    end
-  end
-  def test_write_hash_with_string_keys
-    File.unlink(@path)
-    lines = [{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, {a: 4, b: 5, c: 6}]
-    CSV.open( @path, "wb", headers: true ) do |csv|
-      csv << lines.first.keys
-      lines.each { |line| csv << line }
-    end
-    CSV.open( @path, "rb", headers: true ) do |csv|
-      csv.each do |line|
-        csv.headers.each_with_index do |header, h|
-          keys = line.to_hash.keys
-          assert_instance_of(String, keys[h])
-          assert_same(header, keys[h])
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  def test_write_hash_with_headers_array
-    File.unlink(@path)
-    lines = [{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, {a: 4, b: 5, c: 6}]
-    CSV.open(@path, "wb", headers: [:b, :a, :c]) do |csv|
-      lines.each { |line| csv << line }
-    end
-    # test writing fields in the correct order
-    File.open(@path, "rb") do |f|
-      assert_equal("2,1,3", f.gets.strip)
-      assert_equal("5,4,6", f.gets.strip)
-    end
-    # test reading CSV with headers
-    CSV.open( @path, "rb", headers:    [:b, :a, :c],
-                           converters: :all ) do |csv|
-      csv.each { |line| assert_equal(lines.shift, line.to_hash) }
-    end
-  end
-  def test_write_hash_with_headers_string
-    File.unlink(@path)
-    lines = [{"a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 3}, {"a" => 4, "b" => 5, "c" => 6}]
-    CSV.open(@path, "wb", headers: "b|a|c", col_sep: "|") do |csv|
-      lines.each { |line| csv << line }
-    end
-    # test writing fields in the correct order
-    File.open(@path, "rb") do |f|
-      assert_equal("2|1|3", f.gets.strip)
-      assert_equal("5|4|6", f.gets.strip)
-    end
-    # test reading CSV with headers
-    CSV.open( @path, "rb", headers:    "b|a|c",
-                           col_sep:    "|",
-                           converters: :all ) do |csv|
-      csv.each { |line| assert_equal(lines.shift, line.to_hash) }
-    end
-  end
-  def test_write_headers
-    File.unlink(@path)
-    lines = [{"a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 3}, {"a" => 4, "b" => 5, "c" => 6}]
-    CSV.open( @path, "wb", headers:       "b|a|c",
-                           write_headers: true,
-                           col_sep:       "|" ) do |csv|
-      lines.each { |line| csv << line }
-    end
-    # test writing fields in the correct order
-    File.open(@path, "rb") do |f|
-      assert_equal("b|a|c", f.gets.strip)
-      assert_equal("2|1|3", f.gets.strip)
-      assert_equal("5|4|6", f.gets.strip)
-    end
-    # test reading CSV with headers
-    CSV.open( @path, "rb", headers:    true,
-                           col_sep:    "|",
-                           converters: :all ) do |csv|
-      csv.each { |line| assert_equal(lines.shift, line.to_hash) }
-    end
-  end
-  def test_write_headers_empty
-    File.unlink(@path)
-    CSV.open( @path, "wb", headers:       "b|a|c",
-                           write_headers: true,
-                           col_sep:       "|" ) do |csv|
-    end
-    File.open(@path, "rb") do |f|
-      assert_equal("b|a|c", f.gets.strip)
-    end
-  end
-  def test_append  # aliased add_row() and puts()
-    File.unlink(@path)
-    CSV.open(@path, "wb", col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") do |csv|
-      @expected.each { |row| csv << row }
-    end
-    test_shift
-    # same thing using CSV::Row objects
-    File.unlink(@path)
-    CSV.open(@path, "wb", col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") do |csv|
-      @expected.each { |row| csv << CSV::Row.new(Array.new, row) }
-    end
-    test_shift
-  end
-  ### Test Read and Write Interface ###
-  def test_filter
-    assert_respond_to(CSV, :filter)
-    expected = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]
-    CSV.filter( "1;2;3\n4;5\n", (result = String.new),
-                in_col_sep: ";", out_col_sep: ",",
-                converters: :all ) do |row|
-      assert_equal(row, expected.shift)
-      row.map! { |n| n * 2 }
-      row << "Added\r"
-    end
-    assert_equal("2,4,6,\"Added\r\"\n8,10,\"Added\r\"\n", result)
-  end
-  def test_instance
-    csv = String.new
-    first = nil
-    assert_nothing_raised(Exception) do
-      first =  CSV.instance(csv, col_sep: ";")
-      first << %w{a b c}
-    end
-    assert_equal("a;b;c\n", csv)
-    second = nil
-    assert_nothing_raised(Exception) do
-      second =  CSV.instance(csv, col_sep: ";")
-      second << [1, 2, 3]
-    end
-    assert_equal(first.object_id, second.object_id)
-    assert_equal("a;b;c\n1;2;3\n", csv)
-    # shortcuts
-    assert_equal(STDOUT, CSV.instance.instance_eval { @io })
-    assert_equal(STDOUT, CSV { |new_csv| new_csv.instance_eval { @io } })
-  end
-  def test_options_are_not_modified
-    opt = {}.freeze
-    assert_nothing_raised {  CSV.foreach(@path, opt)       }
-    assert_nothing_raised {  CSV.open(@path, opt){}        }
-    assert_nothing_raised {  CSV.parse("", opt)            }
-    assert_nothing_raised {  CSV.parse_line("", opt)       }
-    assert_nothing_raised {  CSV.read(@path, opt)          }
-    assert_nothing_raised {  CSV.readlines(@path, opt)     }
-    assert_nothing_raised {  CSV.table(@path, opt)         }
-    assert_nothing_raised {  CSV.generate(opt){}           }
-    assert_nothing_raised {  CSV.generate_line([], opt)    }
-    assert_nothing_raised {  CSV.filter("", "", opt){}     }
-    assert_nothing_raised {  CSV.instance("", opt)         }
-  end

Property changes on: ruby_2_6/test/csv/test_interface.rb
Deleted: svn:eol-style
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: ruby_2_6/test/csv/test_features.rb
--- ruby_2_6/test/csv/test_features.rb	(revision 67561)
+++ ruby_2_6/test/csv/test_features.rb	(revision 67562)
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ line,4,jkl https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ruby_2_6/test/csv/test_features.rb#L56
     error = assert_raise(CSV::MalformedCSVError) do
       CSV.parse_line("1,2,3\n,4,5\r\n", row_sep: "\r\n")
-    assert_equal("Unquoted fields do not allow \\r or \\n in line 1.",
+    assert_equal("Unquoted fields do not allow new line <\"\\n\"> in line 1.",
     assert_equal( ["1", "2", "3\n", "4", "5"],
                   CSV.parse_line(%Q{1,2,"3\n",4,5\r\n}, row_sep: "\r\n"))
@@ -295,78 +295,6 @@ line,4,jkl https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ruby_2_6/test/csv/test_features.rb#L295
     assert_match(/\A\d\.\d\.\d\z/, CSV::VERSION)
-  def test_accepts_comment_skip_lines_option
-    assert_nothing_raised(ArgumentError) do
-      CSV.new(@sample_data, :skip_lines => /\A\s*#/)
-    end
-  end
-  def test_accepts_comment_defaults_to_nil
-    c = CSV.new(@sample_data)
-    assert_nil(c.skip_lines)
-  end
-  class RegexStub
-  end
-  def test_requires_skip_lines_to_call_match
-    regex_stub = RegexStub.new
-    csv = CSV.new(@sample_data, :skip_lines => regex_stub)
-    assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /skip_lines/) do
-      csv.shift
-    end
-  end
-  class Matchable
-    def initialize(pattern)
-      @pattern = pattern
-    end
-    def match(line)
-      @pattern.match(line)
-    end
-  end
-  def test_skip_lines_match
-    csv = <<-CSV.chomp
-# 2
-# 4
-    CSV
-    assert_equal([["1"], ["3"]],
-                 CSV.parse(csv, :skip_lines => Matchable.new(/\A#/)))
-  end
-  def test_comment_rows_are_ignored
-    sample_data = "line,1,a\n#not,a,line\nline,2,b\n   #also,no,line"
-    c = CSV.new sample_data, :skip_lines => /\A\s*#/
-    assert_equal [["line", "1", "a"], ["line", "2", "b"]], c.each.to_a
-  end
-  def test_comment_rows_are_ignored_with_heredoc
-    sample_data = <<~EOL
-      1,foo
-      .2,bar
-      3,baz
-    EOL
-    c = CSV.new(sample_data, skip_lines: ".")
-    assert_equal [["1", "foo"], ["3", "baz"]], c.each.to_a
-  end
-  def test_quoted_skip_line_markers_are_ignored
-    sample_data = "line,1,a\n\"#not\",a,line\nline,2,b"
-    c = CSV.new sample_data, :skip_lines => /\A\s*#/
-    assert_equal [["line", "1", "a"], ["#not", "a", "line"], ["line", "2", "b"]], c.each.to_a
-  end
-  def test_string_works_like_a_regexp
-    sample_data = "line,1,a\n#(not,a,line\nline,2,b\n   also,#no,line"
-    c = CSV.new sample_data, :skip_lines => "#"
-    assert_equal [["line", "1", "a"], ["line", "2", "b"]], c.each.to_a
-  end
   def test_table_nil_equality
     assert_nothing_raised(NoMethodError) { CSV.parse("test", headers: true) == nil }
Index: ruby_2_6/test/csv/interface/test_write.rb
--- ruby_2_6/test/csv/interface/test_write.rb	(nonexistent)
+++ ruby_2_6/test/csv/interface/test_write.rb	(revision 67562)
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ruby_2_6/test/csv/interface/test_write.rb#L1
+# frozen_string_literal: false
+require_relative "../helper"
+class TestCSVInterfaceWrite < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  extend DifferentOFS
+  def setup
+    super
+    @output = Tempfile.new(["interface-write", ".csv"])
+  end
+  def teardown
+    @output.close(true)
+    super
+  end
+  def test_generate_default
+    csv_text = CSV.generate do |csv|
+      csv << [1, 2, 3] << [4, nil, 5]
+    end
+    assert_equal(<<-CSV, csv_text)
+    CSV
+  end
+  def test_generate_append
+    csv_text = <<-CSV
+    CSV
+    CSV.generate(csv_text) do |csv|
+      csv << ["last", %Q{"row"}]
+    end
+    assert_equal(<<-CSV, csv_text)
+    CSV
+  end
+  def test_generate_no_new_line
+    csv_text = CSV.generate("test") do |csv|
+      csv << ["row"]
+    end
+    assert_equal(<<-CSV, csv_text)
+    CSV
+  end
+  def test_generate_line_col_sep
+    line = CSV.generate_line(["1", "2", "3"], col_sep: ";")
+    assert_equal(<<-LINE, line)
+    LINE
+  end
+  def test_generate_line_row_sep
+    line = CSV.generate_line(["1", "2"], row_sep: nil)
+    assert_equal(<<-LINE.chomp, line)
+    LINE
+  end
+  def test_generate_line_shortcut
+    line = ["1", "2", "3"].to_csv(col_sep: ";")
+    assert_equal(<<-LINE, line)
+    LINE
+  end
+  def test_headers_detection
+    headers = ["a", "b", "c"]
+    CSV.open(@output.path, "w", headers: true) do |csv|
+      csv << headers
+      csv << ["1", "2", "3"]
+      assert_equal(headers, csv.headers)
+    end
+  end
+  def test_lineno
+    CSV.open(@output.path, "w") do |csv|
+      n_lines = 20
+      n_lines.times do
+        csv << ["a", "b", "c"]
+      end
+      assert_equal(n_lines, csv.lineno)
+    end
+  end
+  def test_append_row
+    CSV.open(@output.path, "wb") do |csv|
+      csv <<
+        CSV::Row.new([], ["1", "2", "3"]) <<
+        CSV::Row.new([], ["a", "b", "c"])
+    end
+    assert_equal(<<-CSV, File.read(@output.path, mode: "rb"))
+    CSV
+  end
+  def test_append_hash
+    CSV.open(@output.path, "wb", headers: true) do |csv|
+      csv << [:a, :b, :c]
+      csv << {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
+      csv << {a: 4, b: 5, c: 6}
+    end
+    assert_equal(<<-CSV, File.read(@output.path, mode: "rb"))
+    CSV
+  end
+  def test_append_hash_headers_array
+    CSV.open(@output.path, "wb", headers: [:b, :a, :c]) do |csv|
+      csv << {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
+      csv << {a: 4, b: 5, c: 6}
+    end
+    assert_equal(<<-CSV, File.read(@output.path, mode: "rb"))
+    CSV
+  end
+  def test_append_hash_headers_string
+    CSV.open(@output.path, "wb", headers: "b|a|c", col_sep: "|") do |csv|
+      csv << {"a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 3}
+      csv << {"a" => 4, "b" => 5, "c" => 6}
+    end
+    assert_equal(<<-CSV, File.read(@output.path, mode: "rb"))
+    CSV
+  end
+  def test_write_headers
+    CSV.open(@output.path,
+             "wb",
+             headers:       "b|a|c",
+             write_headers: true,
+             col_sep:       "|" ) do |csv|
+      csv << {"a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 3}
+      csv << {"a" => 4, "b" => 5, "c" => 6}
+    end
+    assert_equal(<<-CSV, File.read(@output (... truncated)

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
