

From: hsbt <ko1@a...>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2018 15:59:28 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:52505] hsbt:r64716: Move SER branch to tags.

hsbt	2018-09-13 15:59:22 +0900 (Thu, 13 Sep 2018)

  New Revision: 64716


    Move SER branch to tags.

  Added directories:
  Removed directories:
Index: SER/lib/rexml/node.rb
--- SER/lib/rexml/node.rb	(revision 64715)
+++ SER/lib/rexml/node.rb	(nonexistent)
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/SER/lib/rexml/node.rb#L0
-require "rexml/parseexception"
-module REXML
-	# Represents a node in the tree.  Nodes are never encountered except as
-	# superclasses of other objects.  Nodes have siblings.
-	module Node
-		# @return the next sibling (nil if unset)
-		def next_sibling_node
-			return nil if @parent.nil?
-			@parent[ @parent.index(self) + 1 ]
-		end
-		# @return the previous sibling (nil if unset)
-		def previous_sibling_node
-			return nil if @parent.nil?
-			ind = @parent.index(self)
-			return nil if ind == 0
-			@parent[ ind - 1 ]
-		end
-		def to_s indent=-1
-			rv = ""
-			write rv,indent
-			rv
-		end
-		def indent to, ind
-			to << " "*ind unless ind<1
-		end
-		def parent?
-			false;
-		end
-	end

Property changes on: SER/lib/rexml/node.rb
Deleted: svn:eol-style
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:keywords
## -1 +0,0 ##
-Author Date Id Revision
\ No newline at end of property
Index: SER/lib/rexml/encoding.rb
--- SER/lib/rexml/encoding.rb	(revision 64715)
+++ SER/lib/rexml/encoding.rb	(nonexistent)
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/SER/lib/rexml/encoding.rb#L0
-module REXML
-	module Encoding
-		@@uconv_available = false
-		def Encoding.claim( encoding_str, match=nil )
-			if match
-				ENCODING_CLAIMS[ match ] = encoding_str
-			else
-				ENCODING_CLAIMS[ /^\s*<?xml\s*version=(['"]).*?\1\s*encoding=(["'])#{encoding_str}\2/ ] = encoding_str
-			end
-		end
-		# Native, default format is UTF-8, so it is declared here rather than in
-		# an encodings/ definition.
-		UTF_8 = 'UTF-8'
-		claim( UTF_8 )
-		# ID ---> Encoding name
-		attr_reader :encoding
-		def encoding=( enc )
-			enc = UTF_8 unless enc
-			@encoding = enc.upcase
-			require "rexml/encodings/#@encoding" unless @encoding == UTF_8
-		end
-		def check_encoding str
-			rv = ENCODING_CLAIMS.find{|k,v| str =~ k }
-			# Raise an exception if there is a declared encoding and we don't
-			# recognize it
-			unless rv
-				if str =~ /^\s*<?xml\s*version=(['"]).*?\1\s*encoding=(["'])(.*?)\2/
-					raise "A matching encoding handler was not found for encoding '#{$3}', or the encoding handler failed to load due to a missing support library (such as uconv)."
-				else
-					return UTF_8
-				end
-			end
-			return rv[1]
-		end
-		def to_utf_8(str)
-			return str
-		end
-		def from_utf_8 content
-			return content
-		end
-	end
-	module Encodingses
-		encodings = []
-		$:.each do |incl_dir|
-			if Dir[ File.join(incl_dir, 'rexml', 'encodings') ].size > 0
-				encodings |= Dir[ File.join(incl_dir, 'rexml', 'encodings', '*_decl.rb') ]
-			end
-			encodings.collect!{ |f| File.basename(f) }
-			encodings.uniq!
-		end
-		encodings.each { |enc| require "rexml/encodings/#{enc}" }
-	end

Property changes on: SER/lib/rexml/encoding.rb
Deleted: svn:eol-style
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:keywords
## -1 +0,0 ##
-Author Date Id Revision
\ No newline at end of property
Index: SER/lib/rexml/rexml.rb
--- SER/lib/rexml/rexml.rb	(revision 64715)
+++ SER/lib/rexml/rexml.rb	(nonexistent)
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/SER/lib/rexml/rexml.rb#L0
-# REXML is an XML parser for Ruby, in Ruby.
-# URL: http://www.germane-software.com/software/rexml
-# Author: Sean Russell <ser@g...>
-# Version: 2.5.6
-# Date: +2003/054
-# Short Description:
-# Why did I write REXML?   At the time of this writing, there were already
-# two XML parsers for Ruby. The first is a Ruby binding to a native XML
-# parser.  This is a fast parser, using proven technology. However,
-# it isn't very portable. The second is a native Ruby implementation, but
-# I didn't like its API very much.  I wrote REXML for myself, so that I'd
-# have an XML parser that had an intuitive API.
-# API documentation can be downloaded from the REXML home page, or can
-# be accessed online at http://www.germane-software.com/software/rexml_doc
-# A tutorial is available in docs/tutorial.html
-module REXML
-	Copyright = 'Copyright #{Time.now.year} Sean Russell <ser@g...>'
-	Date = "@ANT_DATE@"
-	Version = "@ANT_VERSION@"

Property changes on: SER/lib/rexml/rexml.rb
Deleted: svn:eol-style
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:keywords
## -1 +0,0 ##
-Author Date Id Revision
\ No newline at end of property
Index: SER/lib/rexml/xmldecl.rb
--- SER/lib/rexml/xmldecl.rb	(revision 64715)
+++ SER/lib/rexml/xmldecl.rb	(nonexistent)
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/SER/lib/rexml/xmldecl.rb#L0
-require 'rexml/encoding'
-require 'rexml/source'
-module REXML
-	class XMLDecl < Child
-		include Encoding
-		START = '<\?xml';
-		STOP = '\?>';
-		attr_accessor :version, :standalone
-		def initialize(version=DEFAULT_VERSION, encoding=nil, standalone=nil)
-			@encoding_set = !encoding.nil?
-			if version.kind_of? XMLDecl
-				super()
-				@version = version.version
-				self.encoding = version.encoding
-				@standalone = version.standalone
-			else
-				super()
-				@version = version
-				self.encoding = encoding
-				@standalone = standalone
-			end
-			@version = DEFAULT_VERSION if @version.nil?
-		end
-		def clone
-			XMLDecl.new(self)
-		end
-		def write writer, indent=-1, transitive=false, ie_hack=false
-			indent( writer, indent )
-			writer << START.sub(/\\/u, '')
-			writer << " #{content}"
-			writer << STOP.sub(/\\/u, '')
-		end
-		def ==( other )
-		  other.kind_of?(XMLDecl) and
-		  other.version == @version and
-		  other.encoding == self.encoding and
-		  other.standalone == @standalone
-		end
-		def xmldecl version, encoding, standalone
-			@version = version
-			@encoding_set = !encoding.nil?
-			self.encoding = encoding
-			@standalone = standalone
-		end
-		def node_type
-			:xmldecl
-		end
-		alias :stand_alone? :standalone
-		private
-		def content
-			rv = "version='#@version'"
-			rv << " encoding='#{encoding}'" if @encoding_set
-			rv << " standalone='#@standalone'" if @standalone
-			rv
-		end
-	end

Property changes on: SER/lib/rexml/xmldecl.rb
Deleted: svn:eol-style
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:keywords
## -1 +0,0 ##
-Author Date Id Revision
\ No newline at end of property
Index: SER/lib/rexml/quickpath.rb
--- SER/lib/rexml/quickpath.rb	(revision 64715)
+++ SER/lib/rexml/quickpath.rb	(nonexistent)
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/SER/lib/rexml/quickpath.rb#L0
-require 'rexml/functions'
-require 'rexml/xmltokens'
-module REXML
-	class QuickPath
-		include Functions
-		include XMLTokens
-		EMPTY_HASH = {}
-		def QuickPath::first element, path, namespaces=EMPTY_HASH
-			match(element, path, namespaces)[0]
-		end
-		def QuickPath::each element, path, namespaces=EMPTY_HASH, &block
-			path = "*" unless path
-			match(element, path, namespaces).each( &block )
-		end
-		def QuickPath::match element, path, namespaces=EMPTY_HASH
-			raise "nil is not a valid xpath" unless path
-			results = nil
-			Functions::namespace_context = namespaces
-			case path
-			when /^\/([^\/]|$)/u
-				# match on root
-				path = path[1..-1]
-				return [element.root.parent] if path == ''
-				results = filter([element.root], path)
-			when /^[-\w]*::/u
-				results = filter([element], path)
-			when /^\*/u
-				results = filter(element.to_a, path)
-			when /^[[!\w:]/u
-				# match on child
-				matches = []
-				children = element.to_a
-				results = filter(children, path)
-			else
-				results = filter([element], path)
-			end
-			return results
-		end
-		# Given an array of nodes it filters the array based on the path. The
-		# result is that when this method returns, the array will contain elements
-		# which match the path
-		def QuickPath::filter elements, path
-			return elements if path.nil? or path == '' or elements.size == 0
-			case path
-			when /^\/\//u											# Descendant
-				return axe( elements, "descendant-or-self", $' )
-			when /^\/?\b(\w[-\w]*)\b::/u							# Axe
-				axe_name = $1
-				rest = $'
-				return axe( elements, $1, $' )
-			when /^\/(?=\b([:!\w][-\.\w]*:)?[-!\*\.\w]*\b([^:(]|$)|\*)/u	# Child
-				rest = $'
-				results = []
-				elements.each do |element|
-					results |= filter( element.to_a, rest )
-				end
-				return results
-			when /^\/?(\w[-\w]*)\(/u							# / Function
-				return function( elements, $1, $' )
-			when Namespace::NAMESPLIT		# Element name
-				name = $2
-				ns = $1
-				rest = $'
-				elements.delete_if do |element|
-					!(element.kind_of? Element and 
-						(element.expanded_name == name or
-						 (element.name == name and
-						  element.namespace == Functions.namespace_context[ns])))
-				end
-				return filter( elements, rest )
-			when /^\/\[/u
-				matches = []
-				elements.each do |element|
-					matches |= predicate( element.to_a, path[1..-1] ) if element.kind_of? Element
-				end
-				return matches
-			when /^\[/u												# Predicate
-				return predicate( elements, path )
-			when /^\/?\.\.\./u										# Ancestor
-				return axe( elements, "ancestor", $' )
-			when /^\/?\.\./u											# Parent
-				return filter( elements.collect{|e|e.parent}, $' )
-			when /^\/?\./u												# Self
-				return filter( elements, $' )
-			when /^\*/u													# Any
-				results = []
-				elements.each do |element|
-					results |= filter( [element], $' ) if element.kind_of? Element
-					#if element.kind_of? Element
-					#	children = element.to_a
-					#	children.delete_if { |child| !child.kind_of?(Element) }
-					#	results |= filter( children, $' )
-					#end
-				end
-				return results
-			end
-			return []
-		end
-		def QuickPath::axe( elements, axe_name, rest )
-			matches = []
-			matches = filter( elements.dup, rest ) if axe_name =~ /-or-self$/u
-			case axe_name
-			when /^descendant/u
-				elements.each do |element|
-					matches |= filter( element.to_a, "descendant-or-self::#{rest}" ) if element.kind_of? Element
-				end
-			when /^ancestor/u
-				elements.each do |element|
-					while element.parent
-						matches << element.parent
-						element = element.parent
-					end
-				end
-				matches = filter( matches, rest )
-			when "self"
-				matches = filter( elements, rest )
-			when "child"
-				elements.each do |element|
-					matches |= filter( element.to_a, rest ) if element.kind_of? Element
-				end
-			when "attribute"
-				elements.each do |element|
-					matches << element.attributes[ rest ] if element.kind_of? Element
-				end
-			when "parent"
-				matches = filter(elements.collect{|element| element.parent}.uniq, rest)
-			when "following-sibling"
-				matches = filter(elements.collect{|element| element.next_sibling}.uniq,
-					rest)
-			when "previous-sibling"
-				matches = filter(elements.collect{|element| 
-					element.previous_sibling}.uniq, rest )
-			end
-			return matches.uniq
-		end
-		# A predicate filters a node-set with respect to an axis to produce a
-		# new node-set. For each node in the node-set to be filtered, the 
-		# PredicateExpr is evaluated with that node as the context node, with 
-		# the number of nodes in the node-set as the context size, and with the 
-		# proximity position of the node in the node-set with respect to the
-		# axis as the context position; if PredicateExpr evaluates to true for
-		# that node, the node is included in the new node-set; otherwise, it is
-		# not included.
-		#
-		# A PredicateExpr is evaluated by evaluating the Expr and converting
-		# the result to a boolean. If the result is a number, the result will
-		# be converted to true if the number is equal to the context position
-		# and will be converted to false otherwise; if the result is not a
-		# number, then the result will be converted as if by a call to the
-		# boolean function. Thus a location path para[3] is equivalent to
-		# para[position()=3].
-		def QuickPath::predicate( elements, path ) 
-			ind = 1
-			bcount = 1
-			while bcount > 0
-				bcount += 1 if path[ind] == ?[
-				bcount -= 1 if path[ind] == ?]
-				ind += 1
-			end
-			ind -= 1
-			predicate = path[1..ind-1]
-			rest = path[ind+1..-1]
-			# have to change 'a [=<>] b [=<>] c' into 'a [=<>] b and b [=<>] c'
-			predicate.gsub!( /([^\s(and)(or)<>=]+)\s*([<>=])\s*([^\s(and)(or)<>=]+)\s*([<>=])\s*([^\s(and)(or)<>=]+)/u ) { 
-				"#$1 #$2 #$3 and #$3 #$4 #$5"
-			}
-			# Let's do some Ruby trickery to avoid some work:
-			predicate.gsub!( /&/u, "&&" )
-			predicate.gsub!( /=/u, "==" )
-			predicate.gsub!( /@(\w[-\w.]*)/u ) {
-				"attribute(\"#$1\")" 
-			}
-			predicate.gsub!( /\bmod\b/u, "%" )
-			predicate.gsub!( /\b(\w[-\w.]*\()/u ) {
-				fname = $1
-				fname.gsub( /-/u, "_" )
-			}
-			Functions.pair = [ 0, elements.size ]
-			results = []
-			elements.each do |element|
-				Functions.pair[0] += 1
-				Functions.node = element
-				res = eval( predicate )
-				case res
-				when true
-					results << element
-				when Fixnum
-					results << element if Functions.pair[0] == res
-				when String
-					results << element
-				end
-			end
-			return filter( results, rest )
-		end
-		def QuickPath::attribute( name )
-			return Functions.node.attributes[name] if Functions.node.kind_of? Element
-		end
-		def QuickPath::name()
-			return Functions.node.name if Functions.node.kind_of? Element
-		end
-		def QuickPath::method_missing( id, *args )
-			begin
-				Functions.send( id.id2name, *args )
-			rescue Exception
-				raise "METHOD: #{id.id2name}(#{args.join ', '})\n#{$!.message}"
-			end
-		end
-		def QuickPath::function( elements, fname, rest )
-			args = parse_args( elements, rest )
-			Functions.pair = [0, elements.size]
-			results = []
-			elements.each do |element|
-				Functions.pair[0] += 1
-				Functions.node = element
-				res = Functions.send( fname, *args )
-				case res
-				when true
-					results << element
-				when Fixnum
-					results << element if Functions.pair[0] == res
-				end
-			end
-			return results
-		end
-		def QuickPath::parse_args( element, string )
-			# /.*?(?:\)|,)/
-			arguments = []
-			buffer = ""
-			while string and string != ""
-				c = string[0]
-				string.sub!(/^./u, "")
-				case c
-				when ?,
-					# if depth = 1, then we start a new argument
-					arguments << evaluate( buffer )
-					#arguments << evaluate( string[0..count] )
-				when ?(
-					# start a new method call
-					function( element, buffer, string )
-					buffer = ""
-				when ?)
-					# close the method call and return arguments
-					return arguments
-				else
-					buffer << c
-				end
-			end
-			""
-		end
-	end

Property changes on: SER/lib/rexml/quickpath.rb
Deleted: svn:eol-style
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:keywords
## -1 +0,0 ##
-Author Date Id Revision
\ No newline at end of property
Index: SER/lib/rexml/parseexception.rb
--- SER/lib/rexml/parseexception.rb	(revision 64715)
+++ SER/lib/rexml/parseexception.rb	(nonexistent)
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/SER/lib/rexml/parseexception.rb#L0
-module REXML
-	class ParseException < Exception
-		attr_accessor :source, :parser, :continued_exception
-		def initialize( message, source=nil, parser=nil, exception=nil )
-			super(message)
-			@source = source
-			@parser = parser
-			@continued_exception = exception
-		end
-		def to_s
-			# Quote the original exception, if there was one
-			if @continued_exception
-				err = @continued_exception.message
-				err << "\n"
-				err << @continued_exception.backtrace[0..3].join("\n")
-				err << "\n...\n"
-			else
-				err = ""
-			end
-			# Get the stack trace and error message
-			err << super
-			# Add contextual information
-			err << "\n#{@source.current_line}\nLast 80 unconsumed characters:\n#{@source.buffer[0..80].gsub(/\n/, ' ')}\n" if @source
-			err << "\nContext:\n#{@parser.context}" if @parser
-			err
-		end
-		def position
-			@source.current_line[0] if @source
-		end
-		def line
-			@source.current_line[2] if @source
-		end
-		def context
-			@source.current_line
-		end
-	end	

Property changes on: SER/lib/rexml/parseexception.rb
Deleted: svn:eol-style
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:keywords
## -1 +0,0 ##
-Author Date Id Revision
\ No newline at end of property
Index: SER/lib/rexml/parent.rb
--- SER/lib/rexml/parent.rb	(revision 64715)
+++ SER/lib/rexml/parent.rb	(nonexistent)
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/SER/lib/rexml/parent.rb#L0
-require "rexml/child"
-module REXML
-	# A parent has children, and has methods for accessing them.  The Parent
-  # class is never encountered except as the superclass for some other
-  # object.
-	class Parent < Child
-		include Enumerable
-		# Constructor
-		# @param parent if supplied, will be set as the parent of this object
-		def initialize parent=nil
-			super(parent)
-			@children = []
-		end
-		def add( object )
-			#puts "PARENT GOTS #{size} CHILDREN"
-			object.parent = self
-			@children << object
-			#puts "PARENT NOW GOTS #{size} CHILDREN"
-			object
-		end
-		alias :push :add
-		alias :<< :push
-		def unshift( object )
-			object.parent = self
-			@children.unshift object
-		end
-		def delete( object )
-			return unless @children.include? object
-			@children.delete object
-			object.parent = nil
-		end
-		def each(&block)
-			@children.each(&block)
-		end
-		def delete_if( &block )
-			@children.delete_if(&block)
-		end
-		def delete_at( index )
-			@children.delete_at index
-		end
-		def each_index( &block )
-			@children.each_index(&block)
-		end
-		# Fetches a child at a given index
-		# @param index the Integer index of the child to fetch
-		def []( index )
-			@children[index]
-		end
-		alias :each_child :each
-		# Set an index entry.  See Array.[]=
-		# @param index the index of the element to set
-		# @param opt either the object to set, or an Integer length
-		# @param child if opt is an Integer, this is the child to set
-		# @return the parent (self)
-		def []=( *args )
-			args[-1].parent = self
-			@children[*args[0..-2]] = args[-1]
-		end
-		# Inserts an child before another child
-		# @param child1 this is either an xpath or an Element.  If an Element,
-		# child2 will be inserted before child1 in the child list of the parent.
-		# If an xpath, child2 will be inserted before the first child to match
-		# the xpath.
-		# @param child2 the child to insert
-		# @return the parent (self)
-		def insert_before( child1, child2 )
-			if child1.kind_of? String
-				child1 = XPath.first( self, child1 )
-				child1.parent.insert_before child1, child2
-			else
-				ind = index(child1)
-				child2.parent.delete(child2) if child2.parent
-				@children[ind,0] = child2
-				child2.parent = self
-			end
-			self
-		end
-	 (... truncated)

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
