

From: k0kubun <ko1@a...>
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2018 02:47:37 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:51689] k0kubun:r63901 (trunk): benchmark/app_pentomino.yml: remove original scripts after __END__

k0kubun	2018-07-09 02:47:32 +0900 (Mon, 09 Jul 2018)

  New Revision: 63901


    benchmark/app_pentomino.yml: remove original scripts after __END__
    mistakenly left by conversion script...

  Modified files:
Index: benchmark/app_pentomino.yml
--- benchmark/app_pentomino.yml	(revision 63900)
+++ benchmark/app_pentomino.yml	(revision 63901)
@@ -1,10 +1,7 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/benchmark/app_pentomino.yml#L1
 prelude: |
-  #!/usr/local/bin/ruby
-  # This program is contributed by Shin Nishiyama
   app_pentomino: |
+    # This program is contributed by Shin Nishiyama
     # modified by K.Sasada
     NP = 5
@@ -124,134 +121,6 @@ benchmark: https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/benchmark/app_pentomino.yml#L121
-    end
-    mkpieces
-    mkboard
-    $p[4] = [$p[4][0]]
-    $pnum = (0...$p.length).to_a
-    setpiece([],0)
-    # original
-    NP = 5
-    ROW = 8 + NP
-    COL = 8
-    $p = []
-    $b = []
-    $no = 0
-    def piece(n,a,nb)
-      for x in nb
-        a[n] = x
-        if n == NP-1
-          $p << [a.sort]
-        else
-          nbc=nb.dup
-          for d in [-ROW, -1, 1, ROW]
-            if x+d > 0 and not a.include?(x+d) and not nbc.include?(x+d)
-              nbc << x+d
-            end
-          end
-          nbc.delete x
-          piece(n+1,a[0..n],nbc)
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    def kikaku(a)
-      a.collect {|x| x - a[0]}
-    end
-    def ud(a)
-      kikaku(a.collect {|x| ((x+NP)%ROW)-ROW*((x+NP)/ROW) }.sort)
-    end
-    def rl(a)
-      kikaku(a.collect {|x| ROW*((x+NP)/ROW)+ROW-((x+NP)%ROW)}.sort)
-    end
-    def xy(a)
-      kikaku(a.collect {|x| ROW*((x+NP)%ROW) + (x+NP)/ROW }.sort)
-    end
-    def mkpieces
-      piece(0,[],[0])
-      $p.each do |a|
-        a0 = a[0]
-        a[1] = ud(a0)
-        a[2] = rl(a0)
-        a[3] = ud(rl(a0))
-        a[4] = xy(a0)
-        a[5] = ud(xy(a0))
-        a[6] = rl(xy(a0))
-        a[7] = ud(rl(xy(a0)))
-        a.sort!
-        a.uniq!
-      end
-      $p.uniq!.sort! {|x,y| x[0] <=> y[0] }
-    end
-    def mkboard
-      for i in 0...ROW*COL
-        if i % ROW >= ROW-NP
-          $b[i] = -2
-        else
-          $b[i] = -1
-        end
-        $b[3*ROW+3]=$b[3*ROW+4]=$b[4*ROW+3]=$b[4*ROW+4]=-2
-      end
-    end
-    def pboard
-      print "No. #$no\n"
-      for i in 0...COL
-        print "|"
-        for j in 0...ROW-NP
-          x = $b[i*ROW+j]
-          if x < 0
-            print "..|"
-          else
-            printf "%2d|",x+1
-          end
-        end
-        print "\n"
-      end
-      print "\n"
-    end
-    $pnum=[]
-    def setpiece(a,pos)
-      if a.length == $p.length then
-        $no += 1
-        pboard
-        return
-      end
-      while $b[pos] != -1
-        pos += 1
-      end
-      ($pnum - a).each do |i|
-        $p[i].each do |x|
-          f = 0
-          for s in x do
-            if $b[pos+s] != -1
-              f=1
-              break
-            end
-          end
-          if f == 0 then
-            for s in x do
-              $b[pos+s] = i
-            end
-            a << i
-            setpiece(a.dup, pos)
-            a.pop
-            for s in x do
-              $b[pos+s] = -1
-            end
-          end
-        end
-      end

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
