

From: yui-knk <ko1@a...>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2017 12:36:24 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:48669] yui-knk:r60785 (trunk): Add a last location to branch coverage

yui-knk	2017-11-16 12:36:20 +0900 (Thu, 16 Nov 2017)

  New Revision: 60785


    Add a last location to branch coverage
      a last location to arguments.
    * compile.c (compile_if, compile_case, compile_case2, compile_loop, iseq_compile_each0):
      Pass a last location to macros.
    * ext/coverage/coverage.c (branch_coverage): Add a last location to
      a return value.
    * test/coverage/test_coverage.rb: Follow-up these changes.

  Modified files:
Index: test/coverage/test_coverage.rb
--- test/coverage/test_coverage.rb	(revision 60784)
+++ test/coverage/test_coverage.rb	(revision 60785)
@@ -197,13 +197,13 @@ class TestCoverage < Test::Unit::TestCas https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/test/coverage/test_coverage.rb#L197
   def test_branch_coverage_for_if_statement
     result = {
       :branches => {
-        [:if    ,  0,  2, 2] => {[:then,  1,  3,  4]=>2, [:else,  2,  5,  4]=>1},
-        [:unless,  3,  8, 2] => {[:else,  4, 11,  4]=>2, [:then,  5,  9,  4]=>1},
-        [:if    ,  6, 14, 2] => {[:then,  7, 15,  4]=>2, [:else,  8, 14,  2]=>1},
-        [:unless,  9, 18, 2] => {[:else, 10, 18,  2]=>2, [:then, 11, 19,  4]=>1},
-        [:if    , 12, 22, 2] => {[:then, 13, 22,  2]=>2, [:else, 14, 22,  2]=>1},
-        [:unless, 15, 23, 2] => {[:else, 16, 23,  2]=>2, [:then, 17, 23,  2]=>1},
-        [:if    , 18, 25, 2] => {[:then, 19, 25, 11]=>2, [:else, 20, 25, 15]=>1},
+        [:if    ,  0,  2, 2,  6,  5] => {[:then,  1,  3,  4,  3,  5]=>2, [:else,  2,  5,  4,  5,  5]=>1},
+        [:unless,  3,  8, 2, 12,  5] => {[:else,  4, 11,  4, 11,  5]=>2, [:then,  5,  9,  4,  9,  5]=>1},
+        [:if    ,  6, 14, 2, 16,  5] => {[:then,  7, 15,  4, 15,  5]=>2, [:else,  8, 14,  2, 16,  5]=>1},
+        [:unless,  9, 18, 2, 20,  5] => {[:else, 10, 18,  2, 20,  5]=>2, [:then, 11, 19,  4, 19,  5]=>1},
+        [:if    , 12, 22, 2, 22, 13] => {[:then, 13, 22,  2, 22,  3]=>2, [:else, 14, 22,  2, 22, 13]=>1},
+        [:unless, 15, 23, 2, 23, 17] => {[:else, 16, 23,  2, 23, 17]=>2, [:then, 17, 23,  2, 23,  3]=>1},
+        [:if    , 18, 25, 2, 25, 16] => {[:then, 19, 25, 11, 25, 12]=>2, [:else, 20, 25, 15, 25, 16]=>1},
     assert_coverage(<<~"end;", { branches: true }, result)
@@ -243,10 +243,10 @@ class TestCoverage < Test::Unit::TestCas https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/test/coverage/test_coverage.rb#L243
   def test_branch_coverage_for_while_statement
     result = {
       :branches => {
-        [:while, 0,  2, 0] => {[:body, 1,  3, 2]=> 3},
-        [:until, 2,  5, 0] => {[:body, 3,  6, 2]=>10},
-        [:while, 4, 10, 0] => {[:body, 5, 10, 0]=> 3},
-        [:until, 6, 11, 0] => {[:body, 7, 11, 0]=>10},
+        [:while, 0,  2, 0,  4,  3] => {[:body, 1,  3, 2,  3, 8]=> 3},
+        [:until, 2,  5, 0,  7,  3] => {[:body, 3,  6, 2,  6, 8]=>10},
+        [:while, 4, 10, 0, 10, 18] => {[:body, 5, 10, 0, 10, 6]=> 3},
+        [:until, 6, 11, 0, 11, 20] => {[:body, 7, 11, 0, 11, 6]=>10},
     assert_coverage(<<~"end;", { branches: true }, result)
@@ -267,10 +267,10 @@ class TestCoverage < Test::Unit::TestCas https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/test/coverage/test_coverage.rb#L267
   def test_branch_coverage_for_case_statement
     result = {
       :branches => {
-        [:case,  0,  2, 2] => {[:when,  1,  4, 4]=>2, [:when,  2,  6, 4]=>0, [:else,  3,  2, 2]=>1},
-        [:case,  4,  9, 2] => {[:when,  5, 11, 4]=>2, [:when,  6, 13, 4]=>0, [:else,  7,  9, 2]=>1},
-        [:case,  8, 16, 2] => {[:when,  9, 18, 4]=>2, [:when, 10, 20, 4]=>0, [:else, 11, 22, 4]=>1},
-        [:case, 12, 25, 2] => {[:when, 13, 27, 4]=>2, [:when, 14, 29, 4]=>0, [:else, 15, 31, 4]=>1},
+        [:case,  0,  2, 2,  7, 5] => {[:when,  1,  4, 4,  4, 5]=>2, [:when,  2,  6, 4,  6, 5]=>0, [:else,  3,  2, 2,  7,  5]=>1},
+        [:case,  4,  9, 2, 14, 5] => {[:when,  5, 11, 4, 11, 5]=>2, [:when,  6, 13, 4, 13, 5]=>0, [:else,  7,  9, 2, 14,  5]=>1},
+        [:case,  8, 16, 2, 23, 5] => {[:when,  9, 18, 4, 18, 5]=>2, [:when, 10, 20, 4, 20, 5]=>0, [:else, 11, 22, 4, 22, 10]=>1},
+        [:case, 12, 25, 2, 32, 5] => {[:when, 13, 27, 4, 27, 5]=>2, [:when, 14, 29, 4, 29, 5]=>0, [:else, 15, 31, 4, 31, 10]=>1},
     assert_coverage(<<~"end;", { branches: true }, result)
@@ -317,8 +317,8 @@ class TestCoverage < Test::Unit::TestCas https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/test/coverage/test_coverage.rb#L317
   def test_branch_coverage_for_safe_method_invocation
     result = {
-        [:"&.", 0, 3, 0] => {[:then, 1, 3, 0]=>1, [:else, 2, 3, 0]=>0},
-        [:"&.", 3, 4, 0] => {[:then, 4, 4, 0]=>0, [:else, 5, 4, 0]=>1},
+        [:"&.", 0, 3, 0, 3, 6] => {[:then, 1, 3, 0, 3, 6]=>1, [:else, 2, 3, 0, 3, 6]=>0},
+        [:"&.", 3, 4, 0, 4, 6] => {[:then, 4, 4, 0, 4, 6]=>0, [:else, 5, 4, 0, 4, 6]=>1},
     assert_coverage(<<~"end;", { branches: true }, result)
Index: compile.c
--- compile.c	(revision 60784)
+++ compile.c	(revision 60785)
@@ -262,32 +262,36 @@ struct iseq_compile_data_ensure_node_sta https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/compile.c#L262
       } \
   } while (0)
-#define DECL_BRANCH_BASE(branches, line, column, type) \
+#define DECL_BRANCH_BASE(branches, first_line, first_column, last_line, last_column, type) \
   do { \
       if (ISEQ_COVERAGE(iseq) && \
-	  (line) > 0) { \
+	  (first_line) > 0) { \
 	  VALUE structure = RARRAY_AREF(ISEQ_BRANCH_COVERAGE(iseq), 0); \
 	  branches = rb_ary_tmp_new(0); \
 	  rb_ary_push(structure, branches); \
 	  rb_ary_push(branches, ID2SYM(rb_intern(type))); \
-	  rb_ary_push(branches, INT2FIX(line)); \
-	  rb_ary_push(branches, INT2FIX(column)); \
+	  rb_ary_push(branches, INT2FIX(first_line)); \
+	  rb_ary_push(branches, INT2FIX(first_column)); \
+	  rb_ary_push(branches, INT2FIX(last_line)); \
+	  rb_ary_push(branches, INT2FIX(last_column)); \
       } \
   } while (0)
-#define ADD_TRACE_BRANCH_COVERAGE(seq, line, column, type, branches) \
+#define ADD_TRACE_BRANCH_COVERAGE(seq, first_line, first_column, last_line, last_column, type, branches) \
   do { \
       if (ISEQ_COVERAGE(iseq) && \
-	  (line) > 0) { \
+	  (first_line) > 0) { \
 	  VALUE counters = RARRAY_AREF(ISEQ_BRANCH_COVERAGE(iseq), 1); \
 	  long counter_idx = RARRAY_LEN(counters); \
 	  rb_ary_push(counters, INT2FIX(0)); \
 	  rb_ary_push(branches, ID2SYM(rb_intern(type))); \
-	  rb_ary_push(branches, INT2FIX(line)); \
-	  rb_ary_push(branches, INT2FIX(column)); \
+	  rb_ary_push(branches, INT2FIX(first_line)); \
+	  rb_ary_push(branches, INT2FIX(first_column)); \
+	  rb_ary_push(branches, INT2FIX(last_line)); \
+	  rb_ary_push(branches, INT2FIX(last_column)); \
 	  rb_ary_push(branches, INT2FIX(counter_idx)); \
-	  ADD_INSN2((seq), (line), trace2, INT2FIX(RUBY_EVENT_COVERAGE), INT2FIX(counter_idx * 16 + COVERAGE_INDEX_BRANCHES)); \
+	  ADD_INSN2((seq), (first_line), trace2, INT2FIX(RUBY_EVENT_COVERAGE), INT2FIX(counter_idx * 16 + COVERAGE_INDEX_BRANCHES)); \
       } \
   } while (0)
 #define ADD_TRACE_METHOD_COVERAGE(seq, line, method_name) \
@@ -4526,6 +4530,8 @@ compile_if(rb_iseq_t *iseq, LINK_ANCHOR https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/compile.c#L4530
     const int line = nd_line(node);
     const int lineno = nd_lineno(node);
     const int column = nd_column(node);
+    const int last_lineno = nd_last_lineno(node);
+    const int last_column = nd_last_column(node);
@@ -4547,13 +4553,20 @@ compile_if(rb_iseq_t *iseq, LINK_ANCHOR https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/compile.c#L4553
     ADD_SEQ(ret, cond_seq);
     if (then_label->refcnt && else_label->refcnt) {
-	DECL_BRANCH_BASE(branches, lineno, column, type == NODE_IF ? "if" : "unless");
+	DECL_BRANCH_BASE(branches, lineno, column, last_lineno, last_column, type == NODE_IF ? "if" : "unless");
     if (then_label->refcnt) {
 	ADD_LABEL(ret, then_label);
 	if (else_label->refcnt) {
-	    ADD_TRACE_BRANCH_COVERAGE(ret, node_body ? nd_lineno(node_body) : lineno, node_body ? nd_column(node_body) : column, type == NODE_IF ? "then" : "else", branches);
+		ret,
+		node_body ? nd_lineno(node_body) : lineno,
+		node_body ? nd_column(node_body) : column,
+		node_body ? nd_last_lineno(node_body) : last_lineno,
+		node_body ? nd_last_column(node_body) : last_column,
+		type == NODE_IF ? "then" : "else",
+		branches);
 	ADD_SEQ(ret, then_seq);
 	end_label = NEW_LABEL(line);
@@ -4563,7 +4576,14 @@ compile_if(rb_iseq_t *iseq, LINK_ANCHOR https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/compile.c#L4576
     if (else_label->refcnt) {
 	ADD_LABEL(ret, else_label);
 	if (then_label->refcnt) {
-	    ADD_TRACE_BRANCH_COVERAGE(ret, node_else ? nd_lineno(node_else) : lineno, node_else ? nd_column(node_else) : column, type == NODE_IF ? "else" : "then", branches);
+		ret,
+		node_else ? nd_lineno(node_else) : lineno,
+		node_else ? nd_column(node_else) : column,
+		node_else ? nd_last_lineno(node_else) : last_lineno,
+		node_else ? nd_last_column(node_else) : last_column,
+		type == NODE_IF ? "else" : "then",
+		branches);
 	ADD_SEQ(ret, else_seq);
@@ -4586,7 +4606,7 @@ compile_case(rb_iseq_t *iseq, LINK_ANCHO https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/compile.c#L4606
     int only_special_literals = 1;
     VALUE literals = rb_hash_new();
-    int line, lineno, column;
+    int line, lineno, column, last_lineno, last_column;
     enum node_type type;
     VALUE branches = 0;
@@ -4598,13 +4618,15 @@ compile_case(rb_iseq_t *iseq, LINK_ANCHO https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/compile.c#L4618
     CHECK(COMPILE(head, "case base", node->nd_head));
-    DECL_BRANCH_BASE(branches, nd_lineno(node), nd_column(node), "case");
+    DECL_BRANCH_BASE(branches, nd_lineno(node), nd_column(node), nd_last_lineno(node), nd_last_column(node), "case");
     node = node->nd_body;
     type = nd_type(node);
     line = nd_line(node);
     lineno = nd_lineno(node);
     column = nd_column(node);
+    last_lineno = nd_last_lineno(node);
+    last_column = nd_last_column(node);
     if (type != NODE_WHEN) {
 	COMPILE_ERROR(ERROR_ARGS "NODE_CASE: unexpected node. must be NODE_WHEN, but %s", ruby_node_name(type));
@@ -4622,7 +4644,14 @@ compile_case(rb_iseq_t *iseq, LINK_ANCHO https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/compile.c#L4644
 	l1 = NEW_LABEL(line);
 	ADD_LABEL(body_seq, l1);
 	ADD_INSN(body_seq, line, pop);
-	ADD_TRACE_BRANCH_COVERAGE(body_seq, node->nd_body ? nd_lineno(node->nd_body) : lineno, node->nd_body ? nd_column(node->nd_body) : column, "when", branches);
+		body_seq,
+		node->nd_body ? nd_lineno(node->nd_body) : lineno,
+		node->nd_body ? nd_column(node->nd_body) : column,
+		node->nd_body ? nd_last_lineno(node->nd_body) : last_lineno,
+		node->nd_body ? nd_last_column(node->nd_body) : last_column,
+		"when",
+		branches);
 	CHECK(COMPILE_(body_seq, "when body", node->nd_body, popped));
 	ADD_INSNL(body_seq, line, jump, endlabel);
@@ -4657,12 +4686,14 @@ compile_case(rb_iseq_t *iseq, LINK_ANCHO https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/compile.c#L4686
 	line = nd_line(node);
 	lineno = nd_lineno(node);
 	column = nd_column(node);
+	last_lineno = nd_last_lineno(node);
+	last_column = nd_last_column(node);
     /* else */
     if (node) {
 	ADD_LABEL(cond_seq, elselabel);
 	ADD_INSN(cond_seq, line, pop);
-	ADD_TRACE_BRANCH_COVERAGE(cond_seq, nd_lineno(node), nd_column(node), "else", branches);
+	ADD_TRACE_BRANCH_COVERAGE(cond_seq, nd_lineno(node), nd_column(node), nd_last_lineno(node), nd_last_column(node), "else", branches);
 	CHECK(COMPILE_(cond_seq, "else", node, popped));
 	ADD_INSNL(cond_seq, line, jump, endlabel);
@@ -4670,7 +4701,7 @@ compile_case(rb_iseq_t *iseq, LINK_ANCHO https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/compile.c#L4701
 	debugs("== else (implicit)\n");
 	ADD_LABEL(cond_seq, elselabel);
 	ADD_INSN(cond_seq, nd_line(orig_node), pop);
-	ADD_TRACE_BRANCH_COVERAGE(cond_seq, nd_lineno(orig_node), nd_column(orig_node), "else", branches);
+	ADD_TRACE_BRANCH_COVERAGE(cond_seq, nd_lineno(orig_node), nd_column(orig_node), nd_last_lineno(orig_node), nd_last_column(orig_node), "else", branches);
 	if (!popped) {
 	    ADD_INSN(cond_seq, nd_line(orig_node), putnil);
@@ -4701,7 +4732,7 @@ compile_case2(rb_iseq_t *iseq, LINK_ANCH https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/compile.c#L4732
     VALUE branches = 0;
-    DECL_BRANCH_BASE(branches, nd_lineno(orig_node), nd_column(orig_node), "case");
+    DECL_BRANCH_BASE(branches, nd_lineno(orig_node), nd_column(orig_node), nd_last_lineno(orig_node), nd_last_column(orig_node), "case");
     endlabel = NEW_LABEL(nd_line(node));
@@ -4710,9 +4741,18 @@ compile_case2(rb_iseq_t *iseq, LINK_ANCH https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/compile.c#L4741
 	const int line = nd_line(node);
 	const int lineno = nd_lineno(node);
 	const int column = nd_column(node);
+	const int last_lineno = nd_last_lineno(node);
+	const int last_column = nd_last_column(node);
 	LABEL *l1 = NEW_LABEL(line);
 	ADD_LABEL(body_seq, l1);
-	ADD_TRACE_BRANCH_COVERAGE(body_seq, node->nd_body ? nd_lineno(node->nd_body) : lineno, node->nd_body ? nd_column(node->nd_body) : column, "when", branches);
+		body_seq,
+		node->nd_body ? nd_lineno(node->nd_body) : lineno,
+		node->nd_body ? nd_column(node->nd_body) : column,
+		node->nd_body ? nd_last_lineno(node->nd_body) : last_lineno,
+		node->nd_body ? nd_last_column(node->nd_body) : last_column,
+		"when",
+		branches);
 	CHECK(COMPILE_(body_seq, "when", node->nd_body, popped));
 	ADD_INSNL(body_seq, line, jump, endlabel);
@@ -4744,7 +4784,14 @@ compile_case2(rb_iseq_t *iseq, LINK_ANCH https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/compile.c#L4784
 	node = node->nd_next;
     /* else */
-    ADD_TRACE_BRANCH_COVERAGE(ret, node ? nd_lineno(node) : nd_lineno(orig_node), node ? nd_column(node) : nd_column(orig_node), "else", branches);
+	ret,
+	node ? nd_lineno(node) : nd_lineno(orig_node),
+	node ? nd_column(node) : nd_column(orig_node),
+	node ? nd_last_lineno(node) : nd_last_lineno(orig_node),
+	node ? nd_last_column(node) : nd_last_column(orig_node),
+	"else",
+	branches);
     CHECK(COMPILE_(ret, "else", node, popped));
     ADD_INSNL(ret, nd_line(orig_node), jump, endlabel);
@@ -4759,6 +4806,8 @@ compile_loop(rb_iseq_t *iseq, LINK_ANCHO https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/compile.c#L4806
     const int line = (int)nd_line(node);
     const int lineno = nd_lineno(node);
     const int column = nd_column(node);
+    const int last_lineno = nd_last_lineno(node);
+    const int last_column = nd_last_column(node);
     LABEL *prev_start_label = ISEQ_COMPILE_DATA(iseq)->start_label;
     LABEL *prev_end_label = ISEQ_COMPILE_DATA(iseq)->end_label;
     LABEL *prev_redo_label = ISEQ_COMPILE_DATA(iseq)->redo_label;
@@ -4794,8 +4843,15 @@ compile_loop(rb_iseq_t *iseq, LINK_ANCHO https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/compile.c#L4843
     if (tmp_label) ADD_LABEL(ret, tmp_label);
     ADD_LABEL(ret, redo_label);
-    DECL_BRANCH_BASE(branches, lineno, column, type == NODE_WHILE ? "while" : "until");
-    ADD_TRACE_BRANCH_COVERAGE(ret, node->nd_body ? nd_lineno(node->nd_body) : lineno, node->nd_body ? nd_column(node->nd_body) : column, "body", branches);
+    DECL_BRANCH_BASE(branches, lineno, column, last_lineno, last_column, type == NODE_WHILE ? "while" : "until");
+	ret,
+	node->nd_body ? nd_lineno(node->nd_body) : lineno,
+	node->nd_body ? nd_column(node->nd_body) : column,
+	node->nd_body ? nd_last_lineno(node->nd_body) : last_lineno,
+	node->nd_body ? nd_last_column(node->nd_body) : last_column,
+	"body",
+	branches);
     CHECK(COMPILE_POPPED(ret, "while body", node->nd_body));
     ADD_LABEL(ret, next_label);	/* next */
@@ -6040,10 +6096,10 @@ iseq_compile_each0(rb_iseq_t *iseq, LINK https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/compile.c#L6096
 		else_label = NEW_LABEL(line);
 		end_label = NEW_LABEL(line);
-		DECL_BRANCH_BASE(branches, nd_lineno(node), nd_column(node), "&.");
+		DECL_BRANCH_BASE(branches, nd_lineno(node), nd_column(node), nd_last_lineno(node), nd_last_column(node), "&.");
 		ADD_INSN(recv, line, dup);
 		ADD_INSNL(recv, line, branchnil, else_label);
-		ADD_TRACE_BRANCH_COVERAGE(recv, nd_lineno(node), nd_column(node), "then", branches);
+		ADD_TRACE_BRANCH_COVERAGE(recv, nd_lineno(node), nd_column(node), nd_last_lineno(node), nd_last_column(node), "then", branches);
 	else if (type == NODE_FCALL || type == NODE_VCALL) {
@@ -6078,7 +6134,7 @@ iseq_compile_each0(rb_iseq_t *iseq, LINK https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/compile.c#L6134
 	if (else_label && end_label) {
 	    ADD_INSNL(ret, line, jump, end_label);
 	    ADD_LABEL(ret, else_label);
-	    ADD_TRACE_BRANCH_COVERAGE(ret, nd_lineno(node), nd_column(node), "else", branches);
+	    ADD_TRACE_BRANCH_COVERAGE(ret, nd_lineno(node), nd_column(node), nd_last_lineno(node), nd_last_column(node), "else", branches);
 	    ADD_LABEL(ret, end_label);
 	if (popped) {
Index: ext/coverage/coverage.c
--- ext/coverage/coverage.c	(revision 60784)
+++ ext/coverage/coverage.c	(revision 60785)
@@ -81,16 +81,20 @@ branch_coverage(VALUE branches) https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ext/coverage/coverage.c#L81
     for (i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN(structure); i++) {
 	VALUE branches = RARRAY_AREF(structure, i);
 	VALUE base_type = RARRAY_AREF(branches, 0);
-	VALUE base_lineno = RARRAY_AREF(branches, 1);
-	VALUE base_column = RARRAY_AREF(branches, 2);
+	VALUE base_first_lineno = RARRAY_AREF(branches, 1);
+	VALUE base_first_column = RARRAY_AREF(branches, 2);
+	VALUE base_last_lineno = RARRAY_AREF(branches, 3);
+	VALUE base_last_column = RARRAY_AREF(branches, 4);
 	VALUE children = rb_hash_new();
-	rb_hash_aset(ret, rb_ary_new_from_args(4, base_type, LONG2FIX(id++), base_lineno, base_column), children);
-	for (j = 3; j < RARRAY_LEN(branches); j += 4) {
+	rb_hash_aset(ret, rb_ary_new_from_args(6, base_type, LONG2FIX(id++), base_first_lineno, base_first_column, base_last_lineno, base_last_column), children);
+	for (j = 5; j < RARRAY_LEN(branches); j += 6) {
 	    VALUE target_label = RARRAY_AREF(branches, j);
-	    VALUE target_lineno = RARRAY_AREF(branches, j + 1);
-	    VALUE target_column = RARRAY_AREF(branches, j + 2);
-	    int idx = FIX2INT(RARRAY_AREF(branches, j + 3));
-	    rb_hash_aset(children, rb_ary_new_from_args(4, target_label, LONG2FIX(id++), target_lineno, target_column), RARRAY_AREF(counters, idx));
+	    VALUE target_first_lineno = RARRAY_AREF(branches, j + 1);
+	    VALUE target_first_column = RARRAY_AREF(branches, j + 2);
+	    VALUE target_last_lineno = RARRAY_AREF(branches, j + 3);
+	    VALUE target_last_column = RARRAY_AREF(branches, j + 4);
+	    int idx = FIX2INT(RARRAY_AREF(branches, j + 5));
+	    rb_hash_aset(children, rb_ary_new_from_args(6, target_label, LONG2FIX(id++), target_first_lineno, target_first_column, target_last_lineno, target_last_column), RARRAY_AREF(counters, idx));

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
