

From: a_matsuda <ko1@a...>
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 18:57:49 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:41261] a_matsuda:r53333 (trunk): Typos in messages

a_matsuda	2015-12-27 18:57:30 +0900 (Sun, 27 Dec 2015)

  New Revision: 53333


    Typos in messages

  Modified files:
Index: ext/tk/sample/figmemo_sample.rb
--- ext/tk/sample/figmemo_sample.rb	(revision 53332)
+++ ext/tk/sample/figmemo_sample.rb	(revision 53333)
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ end https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ext/tk/sample/figmemo_sample.rb#L403
 def quit(canvas)
   ret = Tk.messageBox(:icon=>'warning', :type=>'okcancel',
-                      :message=>'Realy quit? ')
+                      :message=>'Really quit? ')
   exit if ret == 'ok'
Index: ext/tk/sample/remote-ip_sample.rb
--- ext/tk/sample/remote-ip_sample.rb	(revision 53332)
+++ ext/tk/sample/remote-ip_sample.rb	(revision 53333)
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ unless (wish = TkWinfo.interps.find{|ip| https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ext/tk/sample/remote-ip_sample.rb#L17
 ip = RemoteTkIp.new(wish)
-ip.eval_proc{TkButton.new(:command=>proc{puts 'This procesure is on the controller-ip (Ruby/Tk)'}, :text=>'print on Ruby/Tk (controller-ip)').pack(:fill=>:x)}
-ip.eval_proc{TkButton.new(:command=>'puts {This procesure is on the remote-ip (wish)}', :text=>'print on wish (remote-ip)').pack(:fill=>:x)}
+ip.eval_proc{TkButton.new(:command=>proc{puts 'This procedure is on the controller-ip (Ruby/Tk)'}, :text=>'print on Ruby/Tk (controller-ip)').pack(:fill=>:x)}
+ip.eval_proc{TkButton.new(:command=>'puts {This procedure is on the remote-ip (wish)}', :text=>'print on wish (remote-ip)').pack(:fill=>:x)}
 # If your remote-ip is Ruby/Tk, you can control the remote Ruby by
 # 'ruby' or 'ruby_eval' or 'ruby_cmd' on the Tk interpreter.
Index: ext/tk/sample/tktextio.rb
--- ext/tk/sample/tktextio.rb	(revision 53332)
+++ ext/tk/sample/tktextio.rb	(revision 53333)
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ class TkTextIO < TkText https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ext/tk/sample/tktextio.rb#L512
   def ioctrl(*args)
-    fail NotImplementedError, 'iocntl is not implemented on TkTextIO'
+    fail NotImplementedError, 'ioctrl is not implemented on TkTextIO'
   def isatty
Index: ext/tk/sample/tkoptdb-safeTk.rb
--- ext/tk/sample/tkoptdb-safeTk.rb	(revision 53332)
+++ ext/tk/sample/tkoptdb-safeTk.rb	(revision 53333)
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ print "ip.eval_proc{$SAFE} ==> ", ip.eva https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ext/tk/sample/tkoptdb-safeTk.rb#L41
 print "\ncall 'ip.wait_on_mainloop = false'\n"
 print "If 'ip.wait_on_mainloop? == true', ",
   "when 'mainloop' is called on 'ip.eval_proc', ",
-  "'ip.eval_proc' does't return while the root window exists.\n",
+  "'ip.eval_proc' doesn't return while the root window exists.\n",
   "If you want to avoid that, set wait_on_mainloop to false. ",
   "Then the mainloop in the eval_proc returns soon ",
   "and the following steps are evaluated. \n",
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ ret = ip.eval_proc{ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ext/tk/sample/tkoptdb-safeTk.rb#L59
   load file
-print "\nip.eval_proc{}, which includes insecure operiation in the given block, returns an exception object: ", ret.inspect, "\n"
+print "\nip.eval_proc{}, which includes insecure operation in the given block, returns an exception object: ", ret.inspect, "\n"
 print "If a proc object is given, the proc is evaluated on the safe-level which is kept on the proc :: ip.eval_proc( proc{$SAFE} ) ==> ", ip.eval_proc(proc{$SAFE}), "\n"
Index: ext/tk/sample/remote-ip_sample2.rb
--- ext/tk/sample/remote-ip_sample2.rb	(revision 53332)
+++ ext/tk/sample/remote-ip_sample2.rb	(revision 53333)
@@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ btns = [] https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ext/tk/sample/remote-ip_sample2.rb#L20
   btns <<
-                   puts 'This procesure is on the controller-ip (Ruby-side)'
+                   puts 'This procedure is on the controller-ip (Ruby-side)'
                  :text=>'print on controller-ip (Ruby-side)').pack(:fill=>:x)
   btns <<
-                   'puts {This procesure is on the remote-ip (Tk-side)}',
+                   'puts {This procedure is on the remote-ip (Tk-side)}',
                  :text=>'print on remote-ip (Tk-side)').pack(:fill=>:x)
   btns <<
Index: ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/blt/calendar.rb
--- ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/blt/calendar.rb	(revision 53332)
+++ ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/blt/calendar.rb	(revision 53333)
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class BLT_Calendar_sample https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/blt/calendar.rb#L40
     ['June', 30],
     ['July', 31],
     ['August', 31],
-    ['Septembar', 30],
+    ['September', 30],
     ['October', 31],
     ['November', 30],
     ['December', 31]
Index: ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/bwidget/manager.rb
--- ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/bwidget/manager.rb	(revision 53332)
+++ ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/bwidget/manager.rb	(revision 53333)
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ module DemoManager https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/bwidget/manager.rb#L88
     [pane1, pane2].each{|pane|
       sw = Tk::BWidget::ScrolledWindow.new(pane)
       lb = TkListbox.new(sw, :height=>8, :width=>20, :highlightthickness=>0)
-      (1..8).each{|i| lb.insert('end', "Valur #{i}") }
+      (1..8).each{|i| lb.insert('end', "Value #{i}") }
       sw.pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
Index: ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/tcllib/datefield.rb
--- ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/tcllib/datefield.rb	(revision 53332)
+++ ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/tcllib/datefield.rb	(revision 53333)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ my_date1.trace('w'){ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/tcllib/datefield.rb#L21
 df = Tk::Tcllib::Datefield.new(:textvariable=>my_date1)
 Tk.grid(TkLabel.new(:text=>'Enter a date:', :anchor=>:e), df, :sticky=>:ew)
-Tk.grid(TkLabel.new(:text=>'That date ia a:', :anchor=>:e),
+Tk.grid(TkLabel.new(:text=>'That date is a:', :anchor=>:e),
         TkLabel.new(:textvariable=>my_date2, :relief=>:sunken, :width=>12),
Index: ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/vu/oscilloscope.rb
--- ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/vu/oscilloscope.rb	(revision 53332)
+++ ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/vu/oscilloscope.rb	(revision 53333)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ require 'tkextlib/vu/charts' https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/vu/oscilloscope.rb#L6
 info = "...the heart of a Realtime Oscilloscope, where the PCIs
-joystick port gives 4 digtal inputs and 4 analog 8 bit
+joystick port gives 4 digital inputs and 4 analog 8 bit
 values with an resolution of ~1 millisecond (!!!)
 running Realtime Linux.
 <p> creates DEMO.ps
Index: ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/vu/canvSticker.rb
--- ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/vu/canvSticker.rb	(revision 53332)
+++ ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/vu/canvSticker.rb	(revision 53333)
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ steps << proc{ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/vu/canvSticker.rb#L62
 steps << proc{
-  puts 'Paint the backgound.'
+  puts 'Paint the background.'
   st[:fill] = 'yellow'
Index: ext/tk/sample/demos-en/style.rb
--- ext/tk/sample/demos-en/style.rb	(revision 53332)
+++ ext/tk/sample/demos-en/style.rb	(revision 53333)
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ available display styles are: https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/style.rb#L220
   insert('end', "which results in relatively large gaps between ", style_tag_spacing)
   insert('end', "the paragraphs.  Spacing2 is set to 2 points, ", style_tag_spacing)
   insert('end', "which results in just a bit of extra space ", style_tag_spacing)
-  insert('end', "within a pararaph.  Spacing3 isn't used ", style_tag_spacing)
+  insert('end', "within a paragraph.  Spacing3 isn't used ", style_tag_spacing)
   insert('end', "in this example.\n", style_tag_spacing)
   insert('end', "To see where the space is, select ranges of ", style_tag_spacing)
   insert('end', "text within these paragraphs.  The selection ", style_tag_spacing)
Index: ext/tk/sample/demos-en/icon.rb
--- ext/tk/sample/demos-en/icon.rb	(revision 53332)
+++ ext/tk/sample/demos-en/icon.rb	(revision 53333)
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ msg = TkLabel.new(base_frame) { https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/icon.rb#L27
   font $font
   wraplength '5i'
   justify 'left'
-  text "This window shows three ways of using bitmaps or images in radiobuttons and checkbuttons.  On the left are two radiobuttons, each of which displays a bitmap and an indicator.  In the middle is a checkbutton that displays a different image depending on whether it is selected or not.  On the right is a checkbutton that displays a single bitmap but changes its background color to indicate whether or not it is selected. (This change is visible when the mouse pointer is not directy over the button.)"
+  text "This window shows three ways of using bitmaps or images in radiobuttons and checkbuttons.  On the left are two radiobuttons, each of which displays a bitmap and an indicator.  In the middle is a checkbutton that displays a different image depending on whether it is selected or not.  On the right is a checkbutton that displays a single bitmap but changes its background color to indicate whether or not it is selected. (This change is visible when the mouse pointer is not directly over the button.)"
Index: ext/tk/sample/demos-en/toolbar.rb
--- ext/tk/sample/demos-en/toolbar.rb	(revision 53332)
+++ ext/tk/sample/demos-en/toolbar.rb	(revision 53333)
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ if Tk.windowingsystem != 'aqua' https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/toolbar.rb#L23
 This is a demonstration of how to do \
 a toolbar that is styled correctly \
-and which can be torn off (this feature reqrires Tcl/Tk8.5). \
+and which can be torn off (this feature requires Tcl/Tk8.5). \
 The buttons are configured to be \\u201Ctoolbar style\\u201D buttons by \
 telling them that they are to use the Toolbutton style. At the left \
 end of the toolbar is a simple marker that the cursor changes to a \
Index: ext/tk/sample/demos-en/menu84.rb
--- ext/tk/sample/demos-en/menu84.rb	(revision 53332)
+++ ext/tk/sample/demos-en/menu84.rb	(revision 53333)
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ TkMenu.new($menu84_frame, 'tearoff'=>fal https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ext/tk/sample/demos-en/menu84.rb#L189
                                   'message'=>'The menu entry you invoked'+
                                              'displays both a bitmap and '+
                                              'a text string.  Other than '+
-                                             'this, it isjust like any '+
+                                             'this, it is just like any '+
                                              'other menu entry.',
                                   'buttons'=>['OK'], 'bitmap'=>'')
Index: ext/tk/tcltklib.c
--- ext/tk/tcltklib.c	(revision 53332)
+++ ext/tk/tcltklib.c	(revision 53333)
@@ -8626,7 +8626,7 @@ ip_invoke_core(interp, argc, argv) https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ext/tk/tcltklib.c#L8626
             char **unknown_argv;
-            DUMP1("find 'unknown' command -> set arguemnts");
+            DUMP1("find 'unknown' command -> set arguments");
             unknown_flag = 1;
Index: ext/tk/lib/tk/font.rb
--- ext/tk/lib/tk/font.rb	(revision 53332)
+++ ext/tk/lib/tk/font.rb	(revision 53333)
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ class TkFont https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ext/tk/lib/tk/font.rb#L162
     def dup
-      fail RuntimeError, "cannot dupulicate a descendant font"
+      fail RuntimeError, "cannot duplicate a descendant font"
     def clone
       fail RuntimeError, "cannot clone a descendant font"
Index: ext/tk/extconf.rb
--- ext/tk/extconf.rb	(revision 53332)
+++ ext/tk/extconf.rb	(revision 53333)
@@ -1619,7 +1619,7 @@ def search_X_libraries https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ext/tk/extconf.rb#L1619
       puts("Can't find X11 libraries. ")
       if use_tkConfig &&
           TkConfig_Info['TK_XLIBSW'] && !TkConfig_Info['TK_XLIBSW'].strip.empty?
-        puts("But, try to use TK_XLIBSW information (believe tkCOnfig.sh).")
+        puts("But, try to use TK_XLIBSW information (believe tkConfig.sh).")
         ($libs ||= "") << " " << TkConfig_Info['TK_XLIBSW'] << " "
         puts("So, can't make tcltklib.so which is required by Ruby/Tk.")

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
