

From: mame <ko1@a...>
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2015 23:37:27 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:40962] mame:r53041 (trunk): * sample/trick2015/: added the award-winning entries of TRICK 2015.

mame	2015-12-11 23:37:06 +0900 (Fri, 11 Dec 2015)

  New Revision: 53041


    * sample/trick2015/: added the award-winning entries of TRICK 2015.
      See https://github.com/tric/trick2015 for the contest outline.

  Added directories:
  Added files:
  Modified files:
Index: ChangeLog
--- ChangeLog	(revision 53040)
+++ ChangeLog	(revision 53041)
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ChangeLog#L1
+Fri Dec 11 23:33:40 2015  Yusuke Endoh  <mame@r...>
+	* sample/trick2015/: added the award-winning entries of TRICK 2015.
+	  See https://github.com/tric/trick2015 for the contest outline.
 Fri Dec 11 17:59:05 2015  Eric Wong  <e@8...>
 	* insns.def (opt_case_dispatch): avoid converting Infinity
Index: sample/trick2013/README.md
--- sample/trick2013/README.md	(revision 53040)
+++ sample/trick2013/README.md	(revision 53041)
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ THESE ARE BAD EXAMPLES!  You must NOT us https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/sample/trick2013/README.md#L8
 * shinh/entry.rb: "Most Readable" - Silver award
 * yhara/entry.rb: "Worst abuse of constants" - Dishonorable mention
+These files are licensed under MIT license.
 For the contest outline and other winning entries, see:
Index: sample/trick2015/eregon/entry.rb
--- sample/trick2015/eregon/entry.rb	(revision 0)
+++ sample/trick2015/eregon/entry.rb	(revision 53041)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/sample/trick2015/eregon/entry.rb#L1
+class String;def[]*a;$*<<a;b;end;end;
+]==0}."[1,9,_, _,_,8, _,_,5]+"map{|r,
+c|C.ne"[_,_,2, _,5,_, _,8,9]+"w{o=s[r
+][c];l"[8,_,6, 7,4,_, _,_,_]+"oop{(1.
+.9).map{|n|C.yield(s[r][c]=n)if a.non
+e?{|k|"[_,_,_, _,_,4, _,9,2]+"s[r][k]
+==n||s"[_,2,3, _,7,_, 8,1,_]+"[k][c]=
+=n||s["[5,6,_, 8,_,_, _,_,_]+"r-r%3+k
+}}},C."[_,_,_, _,2,7, 9,_,3]+"new{loo
+p{puts"[9,3,_, _,8,_, 1,_,_]+" s.map{
+|r|r*'"[2,_,_, 5,_,_, _,4,8]+" '}<<''
+ume ? 1:-1]}";eval z.tr ?\n,''
\ No newline at end of file
Index: sample/trick2015/eregon/remarks.markdown
--- sample/trick2015/eregon/remarks.markdown	(revision 0)
+++ sample/trick2015/eregon/remarks.markdown	(revision 53041)
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/sample/trick2015/eregon/remarks.markdown#L1
+### Remarks
+Just run it without arguments:
+    ruby entry.rb
+I confirmed the following implementations and platforms:
+* Linux:
+  * ruby 2.3.0dev (2015-10-30 trunk 52394) [x86\_64-linux]
+  * ruby 2.2.2p95 (2015-04-13 revision 50295) [x86\_64-linux]
+  * ruby 2.0.0p647 (2015-08-18) [x86\_64-linux]
+* Darwin:
+  * ruby 2.0.0p247 (2013-06-27 revision 41674) [x86\_64-darwin10.8.0]
+  * jruby (2.2.2) 2015-10-21 633c9aa Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 25.11-b03 on 1.8.0\_11-b12 +jit [darwin-x86\_64]
+  * rubinius 2.2.6.n74 (2.1.0 94b3a9b4 2014-03-15 JI) [x86\_64-darwin12.5.0]
+### Description
+This program shows all solutions of any sudoku puzzle.
+The embedded sudoku puzzle can be changed at wish.
+Giving an empty puzzle (all `0` or `_`), the program will print every possible completed sudoku puzzle.
+We do not however make any time guarantee on such behavior.
+The program is rather small for the task: the solver is actually 302 characters long,  
+assuming the sudoku puzzle is in a variable `s` and encoded as an array of rows of numbers.
+### Internals
+* The program implements backtracking and keeps state in a very elegant way.
+* The whole program never goes deeper than 9 stack frames,
+  but yet can backtrack up to 81 levels!
+* The main loop of a program is a dance between cells.
+  On one end is the solutions, on the other the program ends.
+* The program only uses *infinite* loops and no `break`.
+* The program interleaves the creation of the solver and the puzzle.
+* The program is easy to deobfuscate but finding how it works will be more challenging.
+* The last line contains a smiley.
+The author likes good numbers:
+    $ wc entry.rb
+          15      42     600
+The inspiration for this entry comes from:
+* A newspaper sudoku with multiple solutions
+* An inspiring paper: `Revisiting Coroutines`
+Various tricks used for brevity:
+* The method defined is one of the fews which may contain neither parenthesis nor spaces.
+* The program uses the return value of Fiber.yield without arguments.
+* `String#b` is used as a very short `self`.
+Design issues:
+* Since `return`-ing from a Fiber is not allowed, the programs must `exit`.
+* The program reveals that the cartesian product operator is still too long: `a.product(a)` while it could be `a*a`.
+* In the original code, the last cell was: `C.new{loop{yield s; C.yield}}`,
+  implementing some sort of "forwarding coroutine".
+### Limitation
+* The program does not want any *argument* with you and will quit quietly if you try some.
Index: sample/trick2015/eregon/authors.markdown
--- sample/trick2015/eregon/authors.markdown	(revision 0)
+++ sample/trick2015/eregon/authors.markdown	(revision 53041)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/sample/trick2015/eregon/authors.markdown#L1
+* Benoit Daloze (eregon)
+  * eregontp@g...
+  * cctld: be
Index: sample/trick2015/monae/entry.rb
--- sample/trick2015/monae/entry.rb	(revision 0)
+++ sample/trick2015/monae/entry.rb	(revision 53041)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/sample/trick2015/monae/entry.rb#L1
+          ;;  ;;          ;;  ;;
+           ;;  ;;          ;;  ;;
+        ;;eval$s        =%q[i=1#
+         eval(%q[        xxxxxxxx
+        xx  xxxx  xx    xx  xxxx  xx
+         xx  xxxx  xx    xx  xxxx  xx
+            xxxxxxxx        xxxxxxxx
+             xxxxxxxx        xxxxxxxx
+  xx  xx  xxxxxxxxxx  xx  xxxxxxxx
+   j,  t,  p=0,[?;],"  ev  al$s=%qx
+ [b=?\s]*j.abs+t).map{|s|r=t.shix
+ft  ||b;r.gsub!(?;){p.slice!0}if  $x
+ f|  |=p>p=p.center(i*i+j*j,?;);r  ,x
+    s=[s,r]if(i*j<0);(b*i.abs+s).ljx
+     ust(r.size).gsub(b){r[$`.size]|x
+  |b}}unti  l$  f;puts(t)#  xx  xx
+   xxxxxxxx  xx  xxxxxxxxxx  xx  xx
+xxxxxxxx        xxxxxxxx
+ xxxxxxxx        xxxxxxxx
+xx  xxxx  xx    xx  xxxx  xx
+ xx  xxxx  xx    xx  xxxx  xx
+    xxxxxxxx        x].gsub\
+     /x.*|\s/        ,"")#];;
+    ;;  ;;          ;;  ;;
+     ;;  ;;          ;;  ;;
Index: sample/trick2015/monae/remarks.markdown
--- sample/trick2015/monae/remarks.markdown	(revision 0)
+++ sample/trick2015/monae/remarks.markdown	(revision 53041)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/sample/trick2015/monae/remarks.markdown#L1
+# How to run
+ruby entry.rb
+ruby entry.rb | ruby
+ruby entry.rb | ruby | ruby
+ruby entry.rb | ruby | ruby | ruby
+Confirmed on the following environments:
+- ruby 2.2.3p173 (2015-08-18 revision 51636) [x86_64-darwin14]
+- ruby 2.0.0p353 (2013-11-22) [i386-mingw32]
+# Description
+A simple quine which prints itself twice
+on a slightly complex base.
+> geminum caput amphisbaenae, hoc est et a cauda,
+> tamquam parum esset uno ore fundi venenum.
+> aliis squamas esse, aliis picturas, omnibus exitiale virus.
+> &mdash; <cite>GAIUS PLINIUS SECUNDUS, Naturalis Historia 8.85.1</cite>
Index: sample/trick2015/monae/authors.markdown
--- sample/trick2015/monae/authors.markdown	(revision 0)
+++ sample/trick2015/monae/authors.markdown	(revision 53041)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+monae (@monae, jp)
Index: sample/trick2015/kinaba/entry.rb
--- sample/trick2015/kinaba/entry.rb	(revision 0)
+++ sample/trick2015/kinaba/entry.rb	(revision 53041)
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/sample/trick2015/kinaba/entry.rb#L1
+big, temp = Array 100000000**0x04e2
+srand big
+alias $curTerm $initTerm
+big += big
+printout _pi_ finish if $never
+init ||= big
+$counter ||= 02
+while 0x00012345 >= $counter
+  Rational aprx = 3.141592r
+  numbase = 0o0000
+  @justonce
+  def increment
+    $initTerm ||= Integer srand * 0x00000002
+    srand $counter += 0x00000001
+    $noaction
+    Integer rand
+    $noaction
+    rand
+    rand
+    alias $line_cnt $.
+  end
+  @lets_just
+  @assume
+  diameter = 100000
+  @you
+  @then_have
+  permtr |= +3_14159
+  return if $nomeaning
+  @onlyuse
+  increment
+  beautiful computer action if $nothing
+  $sigmaTerm ||= init
+  $curTerm /= srand and init
+  pi, = Integer $sigmaTerm unless $nomean
+  iterator?
+  $counter += 1
+  atan real_one multiplied by__four unless
+  srand +big && $counter >> 0b1
+  Enumerable
+  Fixnum
+  Bignum
+  Math
+  Complex
+  Comparable
+  TrueClass
+  Dir
+  Encoding
+  Data
+  Hash
+  Method
+  Enumerator
+  Exception
+  Fiber
+  Errno
+  FalseClass
+  Mutex
+  NilClass
+  IO
+  GC
+  num = numbase |= srand
+  ENV
+  Float
+  MatchData
+  Proc
+  TracePoint
+  KeyError
+    p   or
+  FileTest
+  File
+  EOFError
+    p
+    p
+    p
+  Binding
+  Time
+  Class
+  $sigmaTerm += $curTerm
+  puts a HelloWorld if $nomean
+  SystemExit
+  !LoadError
+  31i
+  3.1415e0
+  Array 14 + 3
+  IndexError
+  Range
+  false
+  55555
+  NameError
+  Object
+  @ori
+    @ent
+  RubyVM
+  pi += 3_3_1_3_8
+  @use
+  @lots_of
+  @keywords
+  begin
+    self
+    $noaction
+    not $important
+    nil
+    __FILE__.object_id
+  rescue
+    next
+    redo if __LINE__
+    defined? +$nomeaning
+    $noaction
+    $nomean
+    break $never
+  ensure
+    class PiCompute
+    end
+  end
+  This code cannot _ be executed with typical style unless true
+  $curTerm *= num
+$TRICK15 and a number
+print pi
Index: sample/trick2015/kinaba/remarks.markdown
--- sample/trick2015/kinaba/remarks.markdown	(revision 0)
+++ sample/trick2015/kinaba/remarks.markdown	(revision 53041)
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/sample/trick2015/kinaba/remarks.markdown#L1
+### Remarks
+Just run it with no argument:
+    $ ruby entry.rb
+I confirmed the following implementation/platform:
+- ruby 2.2.3p173 (2015-08-18 revision 51636) [x64-mingw32]
+### Description
+The program is a [Piphilology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piphilology#Examples_in_English)
+suitable for Rubyists to memorize the digits of [Pi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pi).
+In English, the poems for memorizing Pi start with a word consisting of 3-letters,
+1-letter, 4-letters, 1-letter, 5-letters, ... and so on. 10-letter words are used for the
+digit `0`. In Ruby, the lengths of the lexical tokens tell you the number.
+    $ ruby -r ripper -e \
+        'puts Ripper.tokenize(STDIN).grep(/\S/).map{|t|t.size%10}.join' < entry.rb
+    31415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862...
+The program also tells you the first 10000 digits of Pi, by running.
+    $ ruby entry.rb
+    31415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862...
+### Internals
+Random notes on what you might think interesting:
+- The 10000 digits output of Pi is seriously computed with no cheets. It is calculated
+  by the formula `Pi/2 = 1 + 1/3 + 1/3*2/5 + 1/3*2/5*3/7 + 1/3*2/5*3/7*4/9 + ...`.
+- Lexical tokens are not just space-separated units. For instance, `a*b + cdef` does
+  not represent [3,1,4]; rather it's [1,1,1,1,4]. The token length
+  burden imposes hard constraints on what we can write.
+- That said, Pi is [believed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal_number) to contain
+  all digit sequences in it. If so, you can find any program inside Pi in theory.
+  In practice it isn't that easy particularly under the TRICK's 4096-char
+  limit rule. Suppose we want to embed `g += hij`. We have to find [1,2,3] from Pi.
+  Assuming uniform distribution, it occurs once in 1000 digits, which already consumes
+  5000 chars in average to reach the point. We need some TRICK.
+  - `alias` of global variables was useful. It allows me to access the same value from
+    different token-length positions.
+  - `srand` was amazingly useful. Since it returns the "previous seed", the token-length
+    `5` essentially becomes a value-store that can be written without waiting for the
+    1-letter token `=`.
+- Combination of these techniques leads to a carefully chosen 77-token Pi computation
+  program (quoted below), which is embeddable to the first 242 tokens of Pi.
+  Though the remaining 165 tokens are just no-op fillers, it's not so bad compared to
+  the 1000/3 = 333x blowup mentioned above.
+    big, temp = Array 100000000**0x04e2
+    srand big
+    alias $curTerm $initTerm
+    big += big
+    init ||= big
+    $counter ||= 02
+    while 0x00012345 >= $counter
+      numbase = 0x0000
+      $initTerm ||= Integer srand * 0x00000002
+      srand $counter += 0x00000001
+      $sigmaTerm ||= init
+      $curTerm /= srand
+      pi, = Integer $sigmaTerm
+      $counter += 1
+      srand +big && $counter >> 0b1
+      num = numbase |= srand
+      $sigmaTerm += $curTerm
+      pi += 3_3_1_3_8
+      $curTerm *= num
+    end
+    print pi
+- By the way, what's the blowup ratio of the final code, then?
+  It's 242/77, whose first three digits are, of course, 3.14.
Index: sample/trick2015/kinaba/authors.markdown
--- sample/trick2015/kinaba/authors.markdown	(revision 0)
+++ sample/trick2015/kinaba/authors.markdown	(revision 53041)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/sample/trick2015/kinaba/authors.markdown#L1
+* kinaba
+  * twitter.com/kinaba
+  * kiki@k...
+  * cctld: jp
Index: sample/trick2015/ksk_1/entry.rb
--- sample/trick2015/ksk_1/entry.rb	(revision 0)
+++ sample/trick2015/ksk_1/entry.rb	(revision 53041)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%%%while eval '_=%%r%%(.)...\1=%%=~[%%%%,,,,,%%%s  ?=]*%%%%%%#"]*%%%%3x+1?%%'.% %%",%*p(_||=eval($**%%%))
Index: sample/trick2015/ksk_1/remarks.markdown
--- sample/trick2015/ksk_1/remarks.markdown	(revision 0)
+++ sample/trick2015/ksk_1/remarks.markdown	(revision 53041)
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/sample/trick2015/ksk_1/remarks.markdown#L1
+### Remarks
+The program is run with a positive integer as an argument, e.g.,
+  ruby entry.rb 27
+It has been confirmed to be run on
+  ruby 1.9.3p385 (2013-02-06 revision 39114) [x86_64-darwin11.4.2]
+  ruby 2.0.0p481 (2014-05-08 revision 45883) [universal.x86_64-darwin13]
+  ruby 2.2.3p173 (2015-08-18 revision 51636) [x86_64-linux]
+### Description
+The program prints a Collatz sequence started with a given number,
+that is, it repeatedly outputs numbers obtained by applying the
+following Half-Or-Triple-Plus-One (HOTPO) process to the previous
+> If the number is even, divide it by two, otherwise, multiply it by three and add one.
+until the number becomes 1.  Collatz conjectured that no matter from
+the process starts it always eventually terminates.  This is still
+an open problem, hence the program may not terminate for some
+numbers.  It is known that there is no such exception below 2<sup>60</sup>.
+### Internals
+The source code does not contain either conditional branch or arithmetic operation.
+The trick shall be revealed step by step.
+First, the code is obfuscated by using `%`-notations,
+`*`(String#join), `%`-formatting, restructuring, and so on.
+Here is an equivalent readable program:
+n = ARGV[0].to_i
+  # do nothing
+end while begin
+  puts n
+  n = (/(.)...\1=/ =~ eval('[",,,,,"'+ '",'*n + '  ?=].join#"].join("3x+1?")'))
+The line 
+  n = (/(.)...\1=/ =~ eval('[",,,,,"'+ '",'*n + '  ?=].join#"].join("3x+1?")'))
+performs the HOTPO process.
+The `eval` expression here returns a string as explained in detail later.
+Since *regex*`=~`*str* returns index of first match of *regex* in *str*,
+the regular expression `(.)...\1` must match the string
+at index `n/2` if `n` is even and
+at `3*n+1` if `n` is odd greater than 1.
+The match must fail in the case of `n = 1` so that it returns `nil`.
+The key of simulating the even-odd conditional branch on `n` in the
+HOTPO process is an `n`-length sequence of the incomplete fragments
+`",` where the double-quote `"` changes its role of opening/closing
+string literals alternately.  If `n` is even, the string in the `eval`
+expression is evaluated as
+  => '[",,,,,"'+ '",' + '",' + '",' + ... + '",' + '  ?=].join#...'
+  => '[",,,,,"",",",...",  ?=].join#...'
+where the last double-quote `"` is closing hence the code after `#` is
+ignored as comments.  Note that `"ab""cd"` in Ruby is equivalent to
+`"abcd"`.  Therefore the `eval` expression is evaluated into
+  ",,,,,...,="
+where the number of commas is `5+n/2`.
+As a result, the regular expression `(.)...\1=` matches `,,,,,=`
+at the end of string, that is, at index `5+n/2-5 = n/2`.
+If `n` is odd, the string in the `eval` expression is evaluated as
+  => '[",,,,,"'+ '",' + '",' + '",' + '",' + ... + '",' + '  ?=].join#"].join("3x+1?")'
+  => '[",,,,,"",",",",...,",  ?=].join#"].join("3x+1?")'
+where the last element in the array is `", ?=].join#"`.  Threfore the
+`eval` expression is evaluated into 
+  ",,,,,,3x+1?,3x+1?,...,3x+1?,  ?=].join#"
+where the number of `,3x+1?` is `(n-1)/2`.  As a result, the regular
+expression `(.)...\1=` matches `?,  ?=` at the almost end of string,
+that is, at index `5+(n-1)/2*6-1 = 3n+1`, provided that the match
+fails in the case of `n = 1` because the symbol `?` occurs only once
+in the string.
+One may notice that the string `3x+1` in the code could be other
+four-character words.  I chose it because the Collatz conjecture is
+also called the 3x+1 problem.
+### Variant
+The Collatz conjecture is equivalently stated as,
+> no matter from the HOTPO process starts, it always eventually
+  reaches the cycle of 4, 2, and 1
+instead of termination of the process at 1.  This alternative
+statement makes the program simpler because we do not have to care the
+case of n = 1.  It can be obtained by replacing the regular expression
+is simply `/=/` and removing a padding `",,,,,"`.  The program no
+longer terminates, though.
+### Limination
+The implementation requires to manipulate long strings even for some
+small starting numbers.  For example, starting from 1,819, the number
+will reach up to 1,276,936 which causes SystemStackError on Ruby 1.9.3.
+The program works on Ruby 2.0.0 and 2.2.3, though.
Index: sample/trick2015/ksk_1/authors.markdown
--- sample/trick2015/ksk_1/authors.markdown	(revision 0)
+++ sample/trick2015/ksk_1/authors.markdown	(revision 53041)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/sample/trick2015/ksk_1/authors.markdown#L1
+* Keisuke Nakano
+  * ksk@github, ksknac@twitter
+  * cctld: jp
Index: sample/trick2015/ksk_2/quinn.cnf
--- sample/trick2015/ksk_2/quinn.cnf	(revision 0)
+++ sample/trick2015/ksk_2/quinn.cnf	(revision 53041)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/sample/trick2015/ksk_2/quinn.cnf#L1
+c  quinn.cnf
+p cnf 16 18
+  1    2  0
+ -2   -4  0
+  3    4  0
+ -4   -5  0
+  5   (... truncated)

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
