

From: hsbt <ko1@a...>
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 13:37:17 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:37137] hsbt:r49218 (trunk): * lib/optparse.rb: improvements for OptionParser documentation.

hsbt	2015-01-12 13:37:12 +0900 (Mon, 12 Jan 2015)

  New Revision: 49218


    * lib/optparse.rb: improvements for OptionParser documentation.
      [misc #10608][ruby-core:66901][ci skip]

  Modified files:
Index: ChangeLog
--- ChangeLog	(revision 49217)
+++ ChangeLog	(revision 49218)
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ChangeLog#L1
+Mon Jan 12 13:36:44 2015  SHIBATA Hiroshi  <shibata.hiroshi@g...>
+	* lib/optparse.rb: improvements for OptionParser documentation.
+	  [misc #10608][ruby-core:66901][ci skip]
 Mon Jan 12 13:33:52 2015  SHIBATA Hiroshi  <shibata.hiroshi@g...>
 	* array.c (rb_ary_each): documented return value.
Index: lib/optparse.rb
--- lib/optparse.rb	(revision 49217)
+++ lib/optparse.rb	(revision 49218)
@@ -117,8 +117,120 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/optparse.rb#L117
 #   #=>
 #      # Usage: example.rb [options]
 #      #     -n, --name=NAME                  Name to say hello to
-#      #     -h, --help                       Prints this help#
+#      #     -h, --help                       Prints this help
+# === Required Arugments
+# For options that require an argument, option specification strings may include an
+# option name in all caps. If an option is used without the required argument,
+# an exception will be raised.
+#   require 'optparse'
+#   options = {}
+#   OptionParser.new do |parser|
+#     parser.on("-r", "--require LIBRARY",
+#               "Require the LIBRARY before executing your script") do |lib|
+#       puts "You required #{lib}!"
+#     end
+#   end.parse!
+# Used:
+#   bash-3.2$ ruby optparse-test.rb -r
+#   optparse-test.rb:9:in `<main>': missing argument: -r (OptionParser::MissingArgument)
+#   bash-3.2$ ruby optparse-test.rb -r my-library
+#   You required my-library!
+# === Type Coercion
+# OptionParser supports the ability to coerce command line arguments
+# into objects for us.
+# OptionParser comes with a few ready-to-use kinds of  type
+# coercion. They are:
+# - Date  -- Anything accepted by +Date.parse+
+# - DateTime -- Anything accepted by +DateTime.parse+
+# - Time -- Anyting accepted by +Time.httpdate+ or +Time.parse+
+# - URI  -- Anything accepted by +URI.parse+
+# - Shellwords -- Anything accepted by +Shellwords.shellwords+
+# - String -- Any non-empty string
+# - Integer -- Any integer. Will convert octal. (e.g. 124, -3, 040)
+# - Float -- Any float. (e.g. 10, 3.14, -100E+13)
+# - Numeric -- Any integer, float, or rational (1, 3.4, 1/3)
+# - DecimalInteger -- Like +Integer+, but no octal format.
+# - OctalInteger -- Like +Integer+, but no decimal format.
+# - DecimalNumeric -- Decimal integer or float.
+# - TrueClass --  Accepts '+, yes, true, -, no, false' and
+#   defaults as +true+
+# - FalseClass -- Same as +TrueClass+, but defaults to +false+
+# - Array -- Strings separated by ',' (e.g. 1,2,3)
+# - Regexp -- Regular expressions. Also includes options.
+# We can also add our own coercions, which we will cover soon.
+# ==== Using Built-in Conversions
+# As an example, the built-in +Time+ conversion is used. The other built-in
+# conversions behave in in the same way.
+# OptionParser will attempt to parse the argument
+# as a +Time+. If it succeeeds, that time will be passed to the
+# handler block. Otherwise, an exception will be raised.
+#   require 'optparse'
+#   require 'optparse/time'
+#   OptionParser.new do |parser|
+#     parser.on("-t", "--time [TIME]", Time, "Begin execution at given time") do |time|
+#       p time
+#     end
+#   end.parse!
+# Used:
+#   bash-3.2$ ruby optparse-test.rb  -t nonsense
+#   ... invalid argument: -t nonsense (OptionParser::InvalidArgument)
+#   from ... time.rb:5:in `block in <top (required)>'
+#   from optparse-test.rb:31:in `<main>'
+#   bash-3.2$ ruby optparse-test.rb  -t 10-11-12
+#   2010-11-12 00:00:00 -0500
+#   bash-3.2$ ruby optparse-test.rb  -t 9:30
+#   2014-08-13 09:30:00 -0400
+# ==== Creating Custom Conversions
+# The +accept+ method on OptionParser may be used to create converters.
+# It specifies which conversion block to call whenever a class is specified.
+# The example below uses it to fetch a +User+ object before the +on+ handler receives it.
+#   require 'optparse'
+#   User = Struct.new(:id, :name)
+#   def find_user id
+#     not_found = ->{ raise "No User Found for id #{id}" }
+#     [ User.new(1, "Sam"),
+#       User.new(2, "Gandalf") ].find(not_found) do |u|
+#       u.id == id
+#     end
+#   end
+#   op = OptionParser.new
+#   op.accept(User) do |user_id|
+#     find_user user_id.to_i
+#   end
+#   op.on("--user ID", User) do |user|
+#     puts user
+#   end
+#   op.parse!
+# output:
+#   bash-3.2$ ruby optparse-test.rb --user 1
+#   #<struct User id=1, name="Sam">
+#   bash-3.2$ ruby optparse-test.rb --user 2
+#   #<struct User id=2, name="Gandalf">
+#   bash-3.2$ ruby optparse-test.rb --user 3
+#   optparse-test.rb:15:in `block in find_user': No User Found for id 3 (RuntimeError)
 # === Complete example
 # The following example is a complete Ruby program.  You can run it and see the
@@ -131,108 +243,137 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/optparse.rb#L243
 #   require 'pp'
 #   class OptparseExample
 #     CODES = %w[iso-2022-jp shift_jis euc-jp utf8 binary]
 #     CODE_ALIASES = { "jis" => "iso-2022-jp", "sjis" => "shift_jis" }
+#     class ScriptOptions
+#       attr_accessor :library, :inplace, :encoding, :transfer_type,
+#                     :verbose
+#       def initialize
+#         self.library = []
+#         self.inplace = false
+#         self.encoding = "utf8"
+#         self.transfer_type = :auto
+#         self.verbose = false
+#       end
+#     end
 #     #
 #     # Return a structure describing the options.
 #     #
 #     def self.parse(args)
-#       # The options specified on the command line will be collected in *options*.
-#       # We set default values here.
-#       options = OpenStruct.new
-#       options.library = []
-#       options.inplace = false
-#       options.encoding = "utf8"
-#       options.transfer_type = :auto
-#       options.verbose = false
-#       opt_parser = OptionParser.new do |opts|
-#         opts.banner = "Usage: example.rb [options]"
-#         opts.separator ""
-#         opts.separator "Specific options:"
-#         # Mandatory argument.
-#         opts.on("-r", "--require LIBRARY",
-#                 "Require the LIBRARY before executing your script") do |lib|
-#           options.library << lib
-#         end
+#       # The options specified on the command line will be collected in
+#       # *options*.
-#         # Optional argument; multi-line description.
-#         opts.on("-i", "--inplace [EXTENSION]",
-#                 "Edit ARGV files in place",
-#                 "  (make backup if EXTENSION supplied)") do |ext|
-#           options.inplace = true
-#           options.extension = ext || ''
-#           options.extension.sub!(/\A\.?(?=.)/, ".")  # Ensure extension begins with dot.
-#         end
+#       @options = ScriptOptions.new
+#       option_parser.parse!(args)
+#       @options
+#     end
+#     attr_reader :parser, :options
+#     def option_parser
+#       @parser ||= OptionParser.new do |parser|
+#         parser.banner = "Usage: example.rb [options]"
+#         parser.separator ""
+#         parser.separator "Specific options:"
+#         # add additional options
+#         perform_inplace_option
+#         delay_execution_option
+#         execute_at_time_option
+#         specify_record_separator_option
+#         list_example_option
+#         specify_encoding_option
+#         optional_option_argument_with_keyword_completion_option
+#         boolean_verbose_option
-#         # Cast 'delay' argument to a Float.
-#         opts.on("--delay N", Float, "Delay N seconds before executing") do |n|
-#           options.delay = n
+#         parser.separator ""
+#         parser.separator "Common options:"
+#         # No argument, shows at tail.  This will print an options summary.
+#         # Try it and see!
+#         parser.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do
+#           puts parser
+#           exit
 #         end
-#         # Cast 'time' argument to a Time object.
-#         opts.on("-t", "--time [TIME]", Time, "Begin execution at given time") do |time|
-#           options.time = time
+#         # Another typical switch to print the version.
+#         parser.on_tail("--version", "Show version") do
+#           puts ::Version.join('.')
+#           exit
 #         end
+#       end
+#     end
-#         # Cast to octal integer.
-#         opts.on("-F", "--irs [OCTAL]", OptionParser::OctalInteger,
-#                 "Specify record separator (default \\0)") do |rs|
-#           options.record_separator = rs
-#         end
+#     def perform_inplace_option
+#       # Specifies an optional option argument
+#       parser.on("-i", "--inplace [EXTENSION]",
+#               "Edit ARGV files in place",
+#               "  (make backup if EXTENSION supplied)") do |ext|
+#         options.inplace = true
+#         options.extension = ext || ''
+#         options.extension.sub!(/\A\.?(?=.)/, ".")  # Ensure extension begins with dot.
+#       end
+#     end
-#         # List of arguments.
-#         opts.on("--list x,y,z", Array, "Example 'list' of arguments") do |list|
-#           options.list = list
-#         end
+#     def delay_execution_option
+#       # Cast 'delay' argument to a Float.
+#       parser.on("--delay N", Float, "Delay N seconds before executing") do |n|
+#         options.delay = n
+#       end
+#     end
-#         # Keyword completion.  We are specifying a specific set of arguments (CODES
-#         # and CODE_ALIASES - notice the latter is a Hash), and the user may provide
-#         # the shortest unambiguous text.
-#         code_list = (CODE_ALIASES.keys + CODES).join(',')
-#         opts.on("--code CODE", CODES, CODE_ALIASES, "Select encoding",
-#                 "  (#{code_list})") do |encoding|
-#           options.encoding = encoding
-#         end
+#     def execute_at_time_option
+#       # Cast 'time' argument to a Time object.
+#       parser.on("-t", "--time [TIME]", Time, "Begin execution at given time") do |time|
+#         options.time = time
+#       end
+#     end
-#         # Optional argument with keyword completion.
-#         opts.on("--type [TYPE]", [:text, :binary, :auto],
-#                 "Select transfer type (text, binary, auto)") do |t|
-#           options.transfer_type = t
-#         end
-#         # Boolean switch.
-#         opts.on("-v", "--[no-]verbose", "Run verbosely") do |v|
-#           options.verbose = v
-#         end
+#     def specify_record_separator_option
+#       # Cast to octal integer.
+#       parser.on("-F", "--irs [OCTAL]", OptionParser::OctalInteger,
+#               "Specify record separator (default \\0)") do |rs|
+#         options.record_separator = rs
+#       end
+#     end
-#         opts.separator ""
-#         opts.separator "Common options:"
+#     def list_example_option
+#       # List of arguments.
+#       parser.on("--list x,y,z", Array, "Example 'list' of arguments") do |list|
+#         options.list = list
+#       end
+#     end
-#         # No argument, shows at tail.  This will print an options summary.
-#         # Try it and see!
-#         opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do
-#           puts opts
-#           exit
-#         end
+#     def specify_encoding_option
+#       # Keyword completion.  We are specifying a specific set of arguments (CODES
+#       # and CODE_ALIASES - notice the latter is a Hash), and the user may provide
+#       # the shortest unambiguous text.
+#       code_list = (CODE_ALIASES.keys + CODES).join(',')
+#       parser.on("--code CODE", CODES, CODE_ALIASES, "Select encoding",
+#               "  (#{code_list})") do |encoding|
+#         options.encoding = encoding
+#       end
+#     end
-#         # Another typical switch to print the version.
-#         opts.on_tail("--version", "Show version") do
-#           puts ::Version.join('.')
-#           exit
-#         end
+#     def optional_option_argument_with_keyword_completion_option
+#       # Optional '--type' option argument with keyword completion.
+#       parser.on("--type [TYPE]", [:text, :binary, :auto],
+#                     "Select transfer type (text, binary, auto)") do |t|
+#         options.transfer_type = t
 #       end
+#     end
-#       opt_parser.parse!(args)
-#       options
-#     end  # parse()
-#   end  # class OptparseExample
+#     def boolean_verbose_option
+#       # Boolean switch.
+#       parser.on("-v", "--[no-]verbose", "Run verbosely") do |v|
+#         options.verbose = v
+#       end
+#     end
+#   end  # class OptparseExample
 #   options = OptparseExample.parse(ARGV)
 #   pp options
 #   pp ARGV

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
