

From: kou <ko1@a...>
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 20:26:04 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:33054] kou:r45133 (trunk): * test/rexml/test_xpath*.rb: Move to ...

kou	2014-02-22 20:25:47 +0900 (Sat, 22 Feb 2014)

  New Revision: 45133


    * test/rexml/test_xpath*.rb: Move to ...
    * test/rexml/xpath/*.rb: ... here.

  Added directories:
  Added files:
  Removed files:
  Modified files:
Index: ChangeLog
--- ChangeLog	(revision 45132)
+++ ChangeLog	(revision 45133)
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ChangeLog#L1
+Sat Feb 22 20:24:43 2014  Kouhei Sutou  <kou@c...>
+	* test/rexml/test_xpath*.rb: Move to ...
+	* test/rexml/xpath/*.rb: ... here.
 Sat Feb 22 20:04:41 2014  Kouhei Sutou  <kou@c...>
 	* test/rexml/listener.rb: Untabify.
Index: test/rexml/test_xpath.rb
--- test/rexml/test_xpath.rb	(revision 45132)
+++ test/rexml/test_xpath.rb	(revision 45133)
@@ -1,1079 +0,0 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/test/rexml/test_xpath.rb#L0
-require_relative "rexml_test_utils"
-require "rexml/document"
-class XPathTester < Test::Unit::TestCase
-  include REXMLTestUtils
-  include REXML
-  SOURCE = <<-EOF
-    <a id='1'>
-      <b id='2' x='y'>
-        <c id='3'/>
-        <c id='4'/>
-      </b>
-      <d id='5'>
-        <c id='6' x='y'/>
-        <c id='7'/>
-        <c id='8'/>
-        <q id='19'/>
-      </d>
-      <e id='9'>
-        <f id='10' a='b'/>
-        <f id='11' a='c'/>
-        <f id='12' a='d'>
-          <g id='13'/>
-        </f>
-        <f id='14' a='d'/>
-      </e>
-      <m id='15'>
-        <n id='16'>
-          <o id='17'>
-            <p id='18'/>
-          </o>
-        </n>
-      </m>
-    </a>
-    EOF
-  <a>
-    <b>
-      <c>
-        <d>
-          <e id='x'>
-            <f/>
-          </e>
-        </d>
-      </c>
-      <c>
-        <d>
-          <e id='y'/>
-        </d>
-      </c>
-    </b>
-    <b>
-      <c>
-        <d>
-          <e id='z'/>
-        </d>
-      </c>
-    </b>
-  </a>
-  def setup
-    @@doc = Document.new(SOURCE) unless defined? @@doc
-    @@jeni = Document.new( JENI_TENNISON ) unless defined? @@jeni
-  end
-  def each_test( element, xpath )
-    count = 0
-    XPath::each( element, xpath ) { |child|
-      count += 1
-      yield child if block_given?
-    }
-    count
-  end
-  def test_descendant
-    doc = Document.new("<a><b><c id='1'/></b><d><b><c id='2'/></b></d></a>")
-    p = XPath.match( doc, "//c" )
-    assert_equal( 2, p.size )
-    p = XPath.first( @@doc, "//p" )
-    assert_equal "p", p.name
-    c = each_test( @@doc, "//c" ) { |child| assert_equal "c", child.name }
-    assert_equal 5, c
-    c = each_test( @@doc.root, "b//c" ) { |child|
-        assert_equal "c", child.name
-    }
-    assert_equal 2, c
-    doc = Document.new( "<a><z id='1'/><b><z id='11'/><z id='12'/></b><c><z id='21'/><z id='22'/><d><z id='31'/><z id='32'/></d></c></a>" )
-    # //para[1] : all descendants which are the first para child of their parent
-    assert_equal( 4, XPath.match( doc, "//z[1]" ).size )
-    # /descendant::para[1] : the first descendant para element
-    assert_equal( 1, XPath.match( doc, "/descendant::z[1]" ).size )
-  end
-  def test_root
-    source = "<a><b/></a>"
-    doc = Document.new( source )
-    assert_equal doc, doc.root_node
-    assert_equal "a", XPath::first( doc, "/" ).elements[1].name
-  end
-  def test_abbreviated_simple_child
-    assert_equal "a", XPath::first(@@doc, "a").name
-  end
-  def test_child
-    c = XPath::first( @@doc, "a/b/c" )
-    assert_equal "c", c.name
-    assert_equal "3", XPath::first(@@doc, "a/b/c").attributes["id"]
-  end
-  def test_root_child
-    assert_equal "a", XPath::first(@@doc, "/a").name
-    c = XPath::first( @@doc, "a/b/c" )
-    assert_equal "a", XPath::first(c, "/a").name
-  end
-  def test_root_children
-    c = XPath::first( @@doc, "a/b/c" )
-    assert_equal "2", XPath::first(c, "/a/b").attributes["id"]
-  end
-  def test_abbreviated_step
-    c = XPath::first( @@doc, "a/b/c" )
-    assert_equal("c", c.name)
-    assert_equal("a", XPath::first(@@doc.root, ".").name)
-    assert_equal("b", XPath::first(c, "..").name)
-    assert_equal("a", XPath::first(@@doc, "a/b/..").name)
-    doc = REXML::Document.new(File.new(fixture_path("project.xml")))
-    c = each_test(doc.root, "./Description" ) { |child|
-      assert_equal("Description",child.name)
-    }
-    assert_equal 1, c
-  end
-  # Things that aren't tested elsewhere
-  def test_predicates
-    assert_equal "12", XPath::first(@@doc, "a/e/f[3]").attributes["id"]
-    assert_equal "13", XPath::first(@@doc, "a/e/f[3]/g").attributes["id"]
-    assert_equal "14", XPath::first(@@doc, "a/e/f[@a='d'][2]").attributes["id"]
-    assert_equal "14", XPath::first(@@doc, "a/e/f[@a='d'][@id='14']").attributes["id"]
-    assert_equal "a", XPath::first( @@doc, "*[name()='a' and @id='1']" ).name
-    c=each_test( @@doc, "//*[name()='f' and @a='d']") { |i|
-      assert_equal "f", i.name
-    }
-    assert_equal 2, c
-    c=each_test( @@doc, "//*[name()='m' or @a='d']") { |i|
-      assert ["m","f"].include?(i.name)
-    }
-    assert_equal 3, c
-    assert_equal "b", XPath::first( @@doc, "//b[@x]" ).name
-  end
-  def test_node_type
-    doc = Document.new "<a><?foo bar?><!--comment-->text</a>"
-    #res = XPath::first(doc.root, "text()")
-    #assert_equal "text", res.to_s
-    #res = XPath::first(doc, "*")
-    #assert_equal "a", res.name
-    assert_equal( :processing_instruction,
-    XPath::first(doc.root, "processing-instruction()").node_type)
-    assert_equal( :comment, XPath::first(doc.root, "comment()").node_type)
-  end
-  def test_functions
-    # trivial text() test
-    # confuse-a-function
-    source = "<a>more <b id='1'/><b id='2'>dumb</b><b id='3'/><c/> text</a>"
-    doc = Document.new source
-    res = ""
-    #XPath::each(doc.root, "text()") {|val| res << val.to_s}
-    #assert_equal "more  text", res
-    #res = XPath::first(doc.root, "b[last()]")
-    #assert_equal '3', res.attributes['id']
-    res = XPath::first(doc.root, "b[position()=2]")
-    assert_equal '2', res.attributes['id']
-    res = XPath::first(doc.root, "*[name()='c']")
-    assert_equal "c", res.name
-  end
-  def no_test_ancestor
-    doc = REXML::Document.new(File.new(fixture_path("testsrc.xml")))
-    doc.elements.each("//item") { |el| print el.name
-      if el.attributes['x']
-        puts " -- "+el.attributes['x']
-      else
-        puts
-      end
-    }
-    doc.elements.each("//item/ancestor::") { |el| print el.name
-      if el.attributes['x']
-        puts " -- "+el.attributes['x']
-      else
-        puts
-      end
-    }
-  end
-  # Here are some XPath tests that were originally submitted by ...
-  # The code has changed some, but the logic and the source documents are the
-  # same.
-  # This method reads a document from a file, and then a series of xpaths,
-  # also from a file.  It then checks each xpath against the source file.
-  def test_more
-    xmlsource   = fixture_path("testsrc.xml")
-    xpathtests  = fixture_path("xp.tst")
-    doc = REXML::Document.new(File.new(xmlsource))
-    #results = ""
-    results = REXML::Document.new
-    results.add_element "test-results"
-    for line in File.new(xpathtests)
-      line.strip!
-      begin
-        doc.root
-        #puts "#"*80
-        #print "\nDoing #{line} " ; $stdout.flush
-        doc.elements.each(line) do |el|
-          #print "." ; $stdout.flush
-          results.root << el.clone
-          #results << el.to_s
-        end
-        #ObjectSpace.garbage_collect
-        GC::start
-      rescue Exception => z
-        #puts "\n'#{line}' failed"
-        fail("Error on line #{line}:\n#{z.message}\n"+z.backtrace[0,10].join("\n"))
-        #results.root.add_element( "error", {"path"=>line}).text = z.message+"\n"+z.backtrace[0,10].join("\n")
-        #results << "<error path='"+line+"'>"+z.message+"</error>"
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  def test_axe_descendant
-    assert_equal "f", XPath::first( @@doc, "descendant::f").name
-  end
-  def test_axe_parent
-    q = XPath.first( @@doc, "a/d/c/parent::*/q" )
-    assert_equal 19, q.attributes["id"].to_i
-  end
-  def test_abbreviated_attribute
-    assert_equal 'a', XPath::first( @@doc, "a[@id='1']" ).name
-    c = XPath::first( @@doc, "a/b/c[@id='4']" )
-    assert_equal 'c', c.name
-    assert_equal '4', c.attributes['id']
-    result = XPath::first( @@doc, "descendant::f[@a='c']")
-    assert_equal "11", result.attributes['id']
-    assert_equal "11", XPath::first(@@doc, "a/e/f[@a='c']").attributes["id"]
-    assert_equal "11", XPath::first(@@doc, "a/e/*[@a='c']").attributes["id"]
-  end
-  def test_axe_self
-    c = XPath::first( @@doc, "a/b/c" )
-    assert c
-    assert_equal "c", c.name
-    assert_equal "c", XPath::first( c, "self::node()" ).name
-  end
-  def test_axe_ancestor
-    doc = REXML::Document.new "
-    <a>
-      <b id='1'>
-        <c>
-          <b id='2'>
-            <d/>
-          </b>
-        </c>
-      </b>
-    </a>"
-    d = XPath.first( doc, "//d" )
-    assert_equal "d", d.name
-    b = each_test( d, "ancestor::b" ) { |el|
-      assert((1..2) === el.attributes['id'].to_i,
-        "Expected #{el.attributes['id']} to be either 1 or 2"
-      )
-    }
-    assert_equal 2, b
-  end
-  def test_axe_child
-    m = XPath.first( @@doc, "a/child::m" )
-    assert_equal 15, m.attributes['id'].to_i
-  end
-  def test_axe_attribute
-    a = XPath.first( @@doc, "a/attribute::id" )
-    assert_equal "1", a.value
-    a = XPath.first( @@doc, "a/e/f[@id='14']/attribute::a" )
-    assert_equal "d", a.value
-  end
-  def test_axe_sibling
-    doc = Document.new "<a><b><c/></b><e><f id='10'/><f id='11'/><f id='12'/></e></a>"
-    first_f = XPath.first( doc, "a/e/f" )
-    assert first_f
-    assert_equal '10', first_f.attributes['id']
-    next_f = XPath.first( doc, "a/e/f/following-sibling::node()" )
-    assert_equal '11', next_f.attributes['id']
-    b = XPath.first( doc, "a/e/preceding-sibling::node()" )
-    assert_equal 'b', b.name
-  end
-  def test_lang
-    doc = Document.new(File.new(fixture_path("lang0.xml")))
-    #puts IO.read( "test/lang.xml" )
-    #puts XPath.match( doc, "//language/*" ).size
-    c = each_test( doc, "//language/*" ) { |element|
-      #puts "#{element.name}: #{element.text}"
-    }
-    assert_equal 4, c
-  end
-  def test_namespaces_1
-    source = <<-EOF
-      <foo xmlns:ts="this" xmlns:tt="that">
-        <ts:bar>this bar</ts:bar>
-        <tt:bar>that bar</tt:bar>
-      </foo>
-    EOF
-    doc = Document.new source
-    XPath.each( doc, "//bar" ) {
-      fail "'bar' should match nothing in this case"
-    }
-    namespace = {"t"=>"this"}
-    results = XPath.first( doc, "//t:bar", namespace )
-    assert_equal "this bar", results.text
-  end
-  def test_namespaces_2
-    source = <<-EOF
-      <foo xmlns:ts="this" xmlns:tt="that">
-        <ts:bar>this bar</ts:bar>
-        <tt:bar>that bar</tt:bar>
-      </foo>
-    EOF
-    doc = Document.new source
-    res = XPath::first(doc, "//*[local_name()='bar']")
-    assert res, "looking for //*[name()='bar']"
-    assert_equal 'this', res.namespace
-    res = XPath::first(doc.root, "*[namespace_uri()='that']")
-    assert_equal 'that bar', res.text
-  end
-  def test_complex
-    next_f = XPath.first( @@doc, "a/e/f[@id='11']/following-sibling::*" )
-    assert_equal 12, next_f.attributes['id'].to_i
-    prev_f = XPath.first( @@doc, "a/e/f[@id='11']/preceding-sibling::*" )
-    assert_equal 10, prev_f.attributes['id'].to_i
-    c = each_test( @@doc, "descendant-or-self::*[@x='y']" )
-    assert_equal 2, c
-  end
-  def test_grouping
-    t = XPath.first( @@doc, "a/d/*[name()='d' and (name()='f' or name()='q')]" )
-    assert_nil t
-    t = XPath.first( @@doc, "a/d/*[(name()='d' and name()='f') or name()='q']" )
-    assert_equal 'q', t.name
-  end
-  def test_preceding
-    d = Document.new "<a><b id='0'/><b id='2'/><b><c id='0'/><c id='1'/><c id='2'/></b><b id='1'/></a>"
-    start = XPath.first( d, "/a/b[@id='1']" )
-    assert_equal 'b', start.name
-    c = XPath.first( start, "preceding::c" )
-    assert_equal '2', c.attributes['id']
-    c1, c0 = XPath.match( d, "/a/b/c[@id='2']/preceding::node()" )
-    assert_equal '1', c1.attributes['id']
-    assert_equal '0', c0.attributes['id']
-    c2, c1, c0, b, b2, b0 = XPath.match( start, "preceding::node()" )
-    assert_equal 'c', c2.name
-    assert_equal 'c', c1.name
-    assert_equal 'c', c0.name
-    assert_equal 'b', b.name
-    assert_equal 'b', b2.name
-    assert_equal 'b', b0.name
-    assert_equal '2', c2.attributes['id']
-    assert_equal '1', c1.attributes['id']
-    assert_equal '0', c0.attributes['id']
-    assert b.attributes.empty?
-    assert_equal '2', b2.attributes['id']
-    assert_equal '0', b0.attributes['id']
-    d = REXML::Document.new("<a><b/><c/><d/></a>")
-    matches = REXML::XPath.match(d, "/a/d/preceding::node()")
-    assert_equal("c", matches[0].name)
-    assert_equal("b", matches[1].name)
-    s = "<a><b><c id='1'/></b><b><b><c id='2'/><c id='3'/></b><c id='4'/></b><c id='NOMATCH'><c id='5'/></c></a>"
-    d = REXML::Document.new(s)
-    c = REXML::XPath.match( d, "//c[@id = '5']")
-    cs = REXML::XPath.match( c, "preceding::c" )
-    assert_equal( 4, cs.length )
-  end
-  def test_following
-    d = Document.new "<a><b id='0'/><b/><b><c id='1'/><c id='2'/></b><b id='1'/></a>"
-    start = XPath.first( d, "/a/b[@id='0']" )
-    assert_equal 'b', start.name
-    c = XPath.first( start, "following::c" )
-    assert_equal '1', c.attributes['id']
-    s = "<a><b><c><d/></c><e/></b><f><g><h/><i/></g></f><i/></a>"
-    d = Document.new(s)
-    c = XPath.first(d, '/a/b/c')
-    assert_equal 'c', c.name
-    res = XPath.match( c, 'following::*' )
-    assert_equal 6, res.size
-    res = XPath.match( c, 'following::i' )
-    assert_equal 2, res.size
-  end
-  # The following three paths were provided by
-  # Jeni Tennison <jeni@j...>
-  # a consultant who is also an XSL and XPath expert
-  #def test_child_cubed
-  #  els = @@jeni.elements.to_a("*****")
-  #  assert_equal 3, els.size
-  #end
-  #def test_div_2
-  #  results = doc.elements.to_a("/ div 2")
-  #end
-  #def test_nested_predicates
-  #  puts @@jeni.root.elements[1].elements[1].name
-  #  results = @@jeni.root.elements[1].elements[1].elements.to_a("../following-sibling::*[*[name() = name(current())]]")
-  #  puts results
-  #end
-  # Contributed by Mike Stok
-  def test_starts_with
-    source = <<-EOF
-      <foo>
-      <a href="mailto:a@b...">a@b...</a>
-      <a href="http://www.foo.com">http://www.foo.com</a>
-      </foo>
-    EOF
-    doc = Document.new source
-    mailtos = doc.elements.to_a("//a[starts-with(@href, 'mailto:')]")
-    assert_equal 1, mailtos.size
-    assert_equal "mailto:a@b...", mailtos[0].attributes['href']
-    ailtos = doc.elements.to_a("//a[starts-with(@href, 'ailto:')]")
-    assert_equal 0, ailtos.size
-  end
-  def test_toms_text_node
-    file = "<a>A<b>B</b><c>C<d>D</d>E</c>F</a>"
-    doc = Document.new(file)
-    assert_equal 'A', XPath.first(doc[0], 'text()').to_s
-    assert_equal 'AF', XPath.match(doc[0], 'text()').collect { |n|
-      n.to_s
-    }.join('')
-    assert_equal 'B', XPath.first(doc[0], 'b/text()').to_s
-    assert_equal 'D', XPath.first(doc[0], '//d/text()').to_s
-    assert_equal 'ABCDEF', XPath.match(doc[0], '//text()').collect {|n|
-      n.to_s
-    }.join('')
-  end
-  def test_string_length
-    doc = Document.new <<-EOF
-      <AAA>
-      <Q/>
-      <SSSS/>
-      <BB/>
-      <CCC/>
-      <DDDDDDDD/>
-      <EEEE/>
-      </AAA>
-    EOF
-    assert doc, "create doc"
-    set = doc.elements.to_a("//*[string-length(name()) = 3]")
-    assert_equal 2, set.size, "nodes with names length = 3"
-    set = doc.elements.to_a("//*[string-length(name()) < 3]")
-    assert_equal 2, set.size, "nodes with names length < 3"
-    set = doc.elements.to_a("//*[string-length(name()) > 3]")
-    assert_equal 3, set.size, "nodes with names length > 3"
-  end
-  # Test provided by Mike Stok
-  def test_contains
-    source = <<-EOF
-      <foo>
-      <a href="mailto:a@b...">a@b...</a>
-      <a href="http://www.foo.com">http://www.foo.com</a>
-      </foo>
-    EOF
-    doc = Document.new source
-    [
-    #['o', 2],
-    ['foo', 1], ['bar', 0]].each { |search, expected|
-      set = doc.elements.to_a("//a[contains(@href, '#{search}')]")
-      assert_equal expected, set.size
-    }
-  end
-  # Mike Stok and Sean Russell
-  def test_substring
-    # examples from http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath#function-substring
-    doc = Document.new('<test string="12345" />')
-    Document.new("<a b='1'/>")
-    #puts XPath.first(d, 'node()[0 + 1]')
-    #d = Document.new("<a b='1'/>")
-    #puts XPath.first(d, 'a[0 mod 0]')
-    [ [1.5, 2.6, '234'],
-      [0, 3, '12'],
-      [0, '0 div 0', ''],
-      [1, '0 div 0', ''],
-      ['-42', '1 div 0', '12345'],
-      ['-1 div 0', '1 div 0', '']
-    ].each { |start, length, expected|
-      set = doc.elements.to_a("//test[substring(@string, #{start}, #{length}) = '#{expected}']")
-      assert_equal 1, set.size, "#{start}, #{length}, '#{expected}'"
-    }
-  end
-  def test_translate
-    source = <<-EOF
-    <doc>
-    <case name='w3c one' result='BAr' />        <!-- w3c -->
-    <case name='w3c two' result='AAA' />        <!-- w3c -->
-    <case name='alchemy' result="gold" />   <!-- mike -->
-    <case name='vbxml one' result='A Space Odyssey' />
-    <case name='vbxml two' result='AbCdEf' />
-    </doc>
-    EOF
-    doc = Document.new(source)
-    [ ['bar', 'abc', 'ABC', 'w3c one'],
-    ['--aaa--','abc-','ABC', 'w3c two'],
-    ['lead', 'dear language', 'doll groover', 'alchemy'],
-    ['A Space Odissei', 'i', 'y', 'vbxml one'],
-    ['abcdefg', 'aceg', 'ACE', 'vbxml two'],
-    ].each { |arg1, arg2, arg3, name|
-      translate = "translate('#{arg1}', '#{arg2}', '#{arg3}')"
-      set = doc.elements.to_a("//case[@result = #{translate}]")
-      assert_equal 1, set.size, translate
-      assert_equal name, set[0].attributes['name']
-    }
-  end
-  def test_math
-    d = Document.new( '<a><b/><c/></a>' )
-    assert XPath.first( d.root, 'node()[1]' )
-    assert_equal 'b', XPath.first( d.root, 'node()[1]' ).name
-    assert XPath.first( d.root, 'node()[0 + 1]' )
-    assert_equal 'b', XPath.first( d.root, './node()[0 + 1]' ).name
-    assert XPath.first( d.root, 'node()[1 + 1]' )
-    assert_equal 'c', XPath.first( d.root, './node()[1 + 1]' ).name
-    assert XPath.first( d.root, 'node()[4 div 2]' )
-    assert_equal 'c', XPath.first( d.root, './node()[4 div 2]' ).name
-    assert XPath.first( d.root, 'node()[2 - 1]' )
-    assert_equal 'b', XPath.first( d.root, './node()[2 - 1]' ).name
-    assert XPath.first( d.root, 'node()[5 mod 2]' )
-    assert_equal 'b', XPath.first( d.root, './node()[5 mod 2]' ).name
-    assert XPath.first( d.root, 'node()[8 mod 3]' )
-    assert_equal 'c', XPath.first( d.root, './node()[8 mod 3]' ).name
-    assert XPath.first( d.root, 'node()[1 * 2]' )
-    assert_equal 'c', XPath.first( d.root, './node()[1 * 2]' ).name
-    assert XPath.first( d.root, 'node()[2 + -1]' )
-    assert_equal 'b', XPath.first( d.root, './node()[2 + -1]' ).name
-  end
-  def test_name
-    assert_raise( UndefinedNamespaceException, "x should be undefined" ) {
-      REXML::Document.new("<a x='foo'><b/><x:b/></a>")
-    }
-    d = REXML::Document.new("<a xmlns:x='foo'><b/><x:b/></a>")
-    assert_equal 1, d.root.elements.to_a('*[name() = "b"]').size
-    assert_equal 1, d.elements.to_a('//*[name() = "x:b"]').size
-  end
-  def test_local_name
-    d = REXML::Document.new("<a xmlns:x='foo'><b/><x:b/></a>")
-    assert_equal 2, d.root.elements.to_a('*[local_name() = "b"]').size
-    assert_equal 2, d.elements.to_a('//*[local_name() = "b"]').size
-  end
-  def test_comparisons
-    source = "<a><b id='1'/><b id='2'/><b id='3'/></a>"
-    doc = REXML::Document.new(source)
-    # NOTE TO SER: check that number() is required
-   (... truncated)

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
