

From: zzak <ko1@a...>
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 21:44:44 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:31823] zzak:r43902 (trunk): * doc/dtrace_probes.rdoc: [DOC] Import dtrace probes doc from wiki

zzak	2013-11-28 21:44:38 +0900 (Thu, 28 Nov 2013)

  New Revision: 43902


    * doc/dtrace_probes.rdoc: [DOC] Import dtrace probes doc from wiki

  Added files:
  Modified files:
Index: doc/dtrace_probes.rdoc
--- doc/dtrace_probes.rdoc	(revision 0)
+++ doc/dtrace_probes.rdoc	(revision 43902)
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/doc/dtrace_probes.rdoc#L1
+= DTrace Probes
+A list of DTrace probes and their functionality. "Module" and "Function" cannot
+be defined in user defined probes (known as USDT), so they will not be
+specified. Probe definitions are in the format of:
+  provider:module:function:name(arguments)
+Since module and function cannot be specified, they will be blank. An example
+probe definition for Ruby would then be:
+  ruby:::function-entry(class name, method name, file name, line number)
+Where "ruby" is the provider name, module and function names are blank, the
+probe name is "function-entry", and the probe takes four arguments:
+* class name
+* method name
+* file name
+* line number
+== Probes List
+=== Stability
+Before we list the specific probes, let's talk about stability. Probe stability
+is declared in the probes.d file at the bottom on the #pragma D attributes
+lines. Here is a description of each of the stability declarations.
+[Provider name stability]
+  The provider name of "ruby" has been declared as stable. It is unlikely that
+  we will change the provider name from "ruby" to something else.
+[Module and Function stability]
+  Since we are not allowed to provide values for the module and function name,
+  the values we have provided (no value) is declared as stable.
+[Probe name stability]
+  The probe names are likely to change in the future, so they are marked as
+  "Evolving". Consumers should not depend on these names to be stable.
+[Probe argument stability]
+  The parameters passed to the probes are likely to change in the future, so
+  they are marked as "Evolving". Consumers should not depend on these to be
+  stable.
+=== Declared probes
+Probes are defined in the probes.d file. Here are the declared probes along
+with when they are fired and the arguments they take:
+[ruby:::method-entry(classname, methodname, filename, lineno);]
+  This probe is fired just before a method is entered.
+    classname name of the class (a string)
+    methodname name of the method about to be executed (a string)
+    filename the file name where the method is _being called_ (a string)
+    lineno the line number where the method is _being called_ (an int)
+[ruby:::method-return(classname, methodname, filename, lineno);]
+  This probe is fired just after a method has returned. The arguments are the
+  same as "ruby:::function-entry".
+[ruby:::cmethod-entry(classname, methodname, filename, lineno);]
+  This probe is fired just before a C method is entered. The arguments are the
+  same as "ruby:::function-entry".
+[ruby:::cmethod-return(classname, methodname, filename, lineno);]
+  This probe is fired just before a C method returns. The arguments are the
+  same as "ruby:::function-entry".
+[ruby:::require-entry(requiredfile, filename, lineno);]
+  This probe is fired on calls to rb_require_safe (when a file is required).
+    requiredfile is the name of the file to be required (string).
+    filename is the file that called "require" (string).
+    lineno is the line number where the call to require was made (int).
+[ruby:::require-return(requiredfile, filename, lineno);]
+  This probe is fired just before rb_require_safe (when a file is required)
+  returns. The arguments are the same as "ruby:::require-entry". This probe
+  will not fire if there was an exception during file require.
+[ruby:::find-require-entry(requiredfile, filename, lineno);]
+  This probe is fired right before search_required is called. search_required
+  determines whether the file has already been required by searching loaded
+  features ($"), and if not, figures out which file must be loaded.
+    requiredfile is the file to be required (string).
+    filename is the file that called "require" (string).
+    lineno is the line number where the call to require was made (int).
+[ruby:::find-require-return(requiredfile, filename, lineno);]
+  This probe is fired right after search_required returns. See the
+  documentation for "ruby:::find-require-entry" for more details. Arguments for
+  this probe are the same as "ruby:::find-require-entry".
+[ruby:::load-entry(loadedfile, filename, lineno);]
+  This probe is fired when calls to "load" are made. The arguments are the same
+  as "ruby:::require-entry".
+[ruby:::load-return(loadedfile, filename, lineno);]
+  This probe is fired when "load" returns. The arguments are the same as
+  "ruby:::load-entry".
+[ruby:::raise(classname, filename, lineno);]
+  This probe is fired when an exception is raised.
+    classname is the class name of the raised exception (string)
+    filename the name of the file where the exception was raised (string)
+    lineno the line number in the file where the exception was raised (int)
+[ruby:::object-create(classname, filename, lineno);]
+  This probe is fired when an object is about to be allocated.
+    classname the class of the allocated object (string)
+    filename the name of the file where the object is allocated (string)
+    lineno the line number in the file where the object is allocated (int)
+[ruby:::array-create(length, filename, lineno);]
+  This probe is fired when an Array is about to be allocated.
+    length the size of the array (long)
+    filename the name of the file where the array is allocated (string)
+    lineno the line number in the file where the array is allocated (int)
+[ruby:::hash-create(length, filename, lineno);]
+  This probe is fired when a Hash is about to be allocated.
+    length the size of the hash (long)
+    filename the name of the file where the hash is allocated (string)
+    lineno the line number in the file where the hash is allocated (int)
+[ruby:::string-create(length, filename, lineno);]
+  This probe is fired when a String is about to be allocated.
+    length the size of the string (long)
+    filename the name of the file where the string is allocated (string)
+    lineno the line number in the file where the string is allocated (int)
+[ruby:::symbol-create(str, filename, lineno);]
+  This probe is fired when a Symbol is about to be allocated.
+    str the contents of the symbol (string)
+    filename the name of the file where the string is allocated (string)
+    lineno the line number in the file where the string is allocated (int)
+[ruby:::parse-begin(sourcefile, lineno);]
+  Fired just before parsing and compiling a source file.
+    sourcefile the file being parsed (string)
+    lineno the line number where the source starts (int)
+[ruby:::parse-end(sourcefile, lineno);]
+  Fired just after parsing and compiling a source file.
+    sourcefile the file being parsed (string)
+    lineno the line number where the source ended (int)
+  Fired at the beginning of a mark phase.
+  Fired at the end of a mark phase.
+  Fired at the beginning of a sweep phase.
+  Fired at the end of a sweep phase.
Index: ChangeLog
--- ChangeLog	(revision 43901)
+++ ChangeLog	(revision 43902)
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ChangeLog#L1
+Thu Nov 28 21:43:48 2013  Zachary Scott  <e@z...>
+	* doc/dtrace_probes.rdoc: [DOC] Import dtrace probes doc from wiki
 Thu Nov 28 21:17:32 2013  Zachary Scott  <e@z...>
 	* doc/contributing.rdoc: [DOC] Add heading above ChangeLog tips to

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