

From: zzak <ko1@a...>
Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2013 14:26:47 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:27133] zzak:r39185 (trunk): * doc/rake/, lib/rake/doc/: Move Rake rdoc files to lib/rake

zzak	2013-02-10 14:26:34 +0900 (Sun, 10 Feb 2013)

  New Revision: 39185


    * doc/rake/, lib/rake/doc/: Move Rake rdoc files to lib/rake

  Added directories:
  Added files:
  Removed files:
  Modified files:

Index: doc/rake/command_line_usage.rdoc
--- doc/rake/command_line_usage.rdoc	(revision 39184)
+++ doc/rake/command_line_usage.rdoc	(revision 39185)
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/doc/rake/command_line_usage.rdoc#L0
-= Rake Command Line Usage
-Rake is invoked from the command line using:
-    % rake [options ...]  [VAR=VALUE ...]  [targets ...]
-Options are:
-    Set the environment variable <em>name</em> to <em>value</em>
-    during the execution of the <b>rake</b> command.  You can access
-    the value by using ENV['<em>name</em>'].
-[<tt>--all</tt> (-A)]
-    Used in combination with the -T and -D options, will force
-    those options to show all the tasks, even the ones without comments.
-[<tt>--backtrace</tt>{=_output_} (-n)]
-    Enable a full backtrace (i.e. like --trace, but without the task
-    tracing details). The _output_ parameter is optional, but if
-    specified it controls where the backtrace output is sent. If
-    _output_ is <tt>stdout</tt>, then backtrace output is directed to
-    stardard output. If _output_ is <tt>stderr</tt>, or if it is
-    missing, then the backtrace output is sent to standard error.
-[<tt>--classic-namespace</tt> (-n)]
-    Import the Task, FileTask, and FileCreateTask into the top-level
-    scope to be compatible with older versions of Rake.  Alternatively
-    you can include the line <code>require
-    'rake/classic_namespace'</code> in your Rakefile to get the
-    classic behavior.
-    Used in combination with the -W options to force the output to
-    contain commented options only. This is the reverse of
-    <tt>--all</tt>.
-[<tt>--describe</tt> _pattern_ (-D)]
-    Describe the tasks (matching optional PATTERN), then exit.
-[<tt>--dry-run</tt> (-n)]
-    Do a dry run.  Print the tasks invoked and executed, but do not
-    actually execute any of the actions.
-[<tt>--execute</tt> _code_ (-e)]
-    Execute some Ruby code and exit.
-[<tt>--execute-print</tt> _code_ (-p)]
-    Execute some Ruby code, print the result, and exit.
-[<tt>--execute-continue</tt> _code_ (-E)]
-    Execute some Ruby code, then continue with normal task processing.
-[<tt>--help</tt>  (-H)]
-    Display some help text and exit.
-[<tt>--jobs</tt> _number_  (-j)]
-    Specifies the number of active concurrent tasks used. The
-    suggested value is equal to the number of CPUs. The concurrent
-    tasks are used to execute the <tt>multitask</tt> prerequisites.
-    Also see the <tt>-m</tt> option which turns all tasks into
-    multitasks.
-    Sample values:
-     (no -j) : unlimited concurrent tasks (standard rake behavior)
-     -j      : 2 concurrent tasks (exact number may change)
-     -j 16   : 16 concurrent tasks
-[<tt>--job-stats</tt> _level_]
-    Display job statistics at the completion of the run. By default,
-    this will display the requested number of active tasks (from the
-    -j options) and the maximum number of tasks in play at any given
-    time.
-    If the optional _level_ is <tt>history</tt>, then a complete trace
-    of task history will be displayed on standard output.
-[<tt>--libdir</tt> _directory_  (-I)]
-    Add _directory_ to the list of directories searched for require.
-[<tt>--multitask</tt> (-m)]
-    Treat all tasks as multitasks. ('make/drake' semantics)
-[<tt>--nosearch</tt>  (-N)]
-    Do not search for a Rakefile in parent directories.
-[<tt>--prereqs</tt>  (-P)]
-    Display a list of all tasks and their immediate prerequisites.
-[<tt>--quiet</tt> (-q)]
-    Do not echo commands from FileUtils.
-[<tt>--rakefile</tt> _filename_ (-f)]
-    Use _filename_ as the name of the rakefile. The default rakefile
-    names are +rakefile+ and +Rakefile+ (with +rakefile+ taking
-    precedence). If the rakefile is not found in the current
-    directory, +rake+ will search parent directories for a match. The
-    directory where the Rakefile is found will become the current
-    directory for the actions executed in the Rakefile.
-[<tt>--rakelibdir</tt> _rakelibdir_ (-R)]
-    Auto-import any .rake files in RAKELIBDIR. (default is 'rakelib')
-    Remove the DSL commands from the Object inheritance hierarchy and
-    do not define top level constants. This reduces the backwards
-    compatibility of Rake, but allows rake to be used with software
-    that would otherwise have conflicting definitions.
-    *NOTE:* The next major version of Rake will only be able to be run
-    in "reduce-compat" mode.
-[<tt>--require</tt> _name_ (-r)]
-    Require _name_ before executing the Rakefile.
-    Trace the rules resolution.
-[<tt>--silent (-s)</tt>]
-    Like --quiet, but also suppresses the 'in directory' announcement.
-[<tt>--suppress-backtrace _pattern_ </tt>]
-    Line matching the regular expression _pattern_ will be removed
-    from the backtrace output. Note that the --backtrace option is the
-    full backtrace without these lines suppressed.
-[<tt>--system</tt> (-g)]
-    Use the system wide (global) rakefiles. The project Rakefile is
-    ignored. By default, the system wide rakefiles are used only if no
-    project Rakefile is found. On Unix-like system, the system wide
-    rake files are located in $HOME/.rake. On a windows system they
-    are stored in $APPDATA/Rake.
-[<tt>--no-system</tt> (-G)]
-    Use the project level Rakefile, ignoring the system-wide (global)
-    rakefiles.
-[<tt>--tasks</tt> <em>pattern</em> (-T)]
-    Display a list of the major tasks and their comments.  Comments
-    are defined using the "desc" command.  If a pattern is given, then
-    only tasks matching the pattern are displayed.
-[<tt>--trace</tt>{=_output_} (-t)]
-    Turn on invoke/execute tracing. Also enable full backtrace on
-    errors. The _output_ parameter is optional, but if specified it
-    controls where the trace output is sent. If _output_ is
-    <tt>stdout</tt>, then trace output is directed to stardard output.
-    If _output_ is <tt>stderr</tt>, or if it is missing, then trace
-    output is sent to standard error.
-[<tt>--verbose</tt> (-v)]
-    Echo the Sys commands to standard output.
-[<tt>--version</tt> (-V)]
-    Display the program version and exit.
-[<tt>--where</tt> <em>pattern</em> (-W)]
-    Display tasks that match <em>pattern</em> and the file and line
-    number where the task is defined. By default this option will
-    display all tasks, not just the tasks that have descriptions.
-[<tt>--no-deprecation-warnings</tt> (-W)]
-    Do not display the deprecation warnings.
-In addition, any command line option of the form
-<em>VAR</em>=<em>VALUE</em> will be added to the environment hash
-<tt>ENV</tt> and may be tested in the Rakefile.
Index: doc/rake/rational.rdoc
--- doc/rake/rational.rdoc	(revision 39184)
+++ doc/rake/rational.rdoc	(revision 39185)
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/doc/rake/rational.rdoc#L0
-= Why rake?
-Ok, let me state from the beginning that I never intended to write this
-code.  I'm not convinced it is useful, and I'm not convinced anyone
-would even be interested in it.  All I can say is that Why's onion truck
-must by been passing through the Ohio valley.
-What am I talking about? ... A Ruby version of Make.
-See, I can sense you cringing already, and I agree.  The world certainly
-doesn't need yet another reworking of the "make" program.  I mean, we
-already have "ant".  Isn't that enough?
-It started yesterday.  I was helping a coworker fix a problem in one of
-the Makefiles we use in our project.  Not a particularly tough problem,
-but during the course of the conversation I began lamenting some of the
-shortcomings of make.  In particular, in one of my makefiles I wanted to
-determine the name of a file dynamically and had to resort to some
-simple scripting (in Ruby) to make it work.  "Wouldn't it be nice if you
-could just use Ruby inside a Makefile" I said.
-My coworker (a recent convert to Ruby) agreed, but wondered what it
-would look like.  So I sketched the following on the whiteboard...
-    "What if you could specify the make tasks in Ruby, like this ..."
-      task "build" do
-        java_compile(...args, etc ...)
-      end
-    "The task function would register "build" as a target to be made,
-    and the block would be the action executed whenever the build
-    system determined that it was time to do the build target."
-We agreed that would be cool, but writing make from scratch would be WAY
-too much work.  And that was the end of that!
-... Except I couldn't get the thought out of my head.  What exactly
-would be needed to make the about syntax work as a make file?  Hmmm, you
-would need to register the tasks, you need some way of specifying
-dependencies between tasks, and some way of kicking off the process.
-Hey!  What if we did ... and fifteen minutes later I had a working
-prototype of Ruby make, complete with dependencies and actions.
-I showed the code to my coworker and we had a good laugh.  It was just
-about a page worth of code that reproduced an amazing amount of the
-functionality of make.  We were both truly stunned with the power of
-But it didn't do everything make did.  In particular, it didn't have
-timestamp based file dependencies (where a file is rebuilt if any of its
-prerequisite files have a later timestamp).  Obviously THAT would be a
-pain to add and so Ruby Make would remain an interesting experiment.
-... Except as I walked back to my desk, I started thinking about what
-file based dependencies would really need.  Rats!  I was hooked again,
-and by adding a new class and two new methods, file/timestamp
-dependencies were implemented.
-Ok, now I was really hooked.  Last night (during CSI!) I massaged the
-code and cleaned it up a bit.  The result is a bare-bones replacement
-for make in exactly 100 lines of code.
-For the curious, you can see it at ...
-* doc/proto_rake.rdoc
-Oh, about the name.  When I wrote the example Ruby Make task on my
-whiteboard, my coworker exclaimed "Oh! I have the perfect name: Rake ...
-Get it?  Ruby-Make. Rake!"  He said he envisioned the tasks as leaves
-and Rake would clean them up  ... or something like that.  Anyways, the
-name stuck.
-Some quick examples ...
-A simple task to delete backup files ...
-   task :clean do
-     Dir['*~'].each {|fn| rm fn rescue nil}
-   end
-Note that task names are symbols (they are slightly easier to type
-than quoted strings ... but you may use quoted string if you would
-rather). Rake makes the methods of the FileUtils module directly
-available, so we take advantage of the <tt>rm</tt> command.  Also note
-the use of "rescue nil" to trap and ignore errors in the <tt>rm</tt>
-To run it, just type "rake clean".  Rake will automatically find a
-Rakefile in the current directory (or above!) and will invoke the
-targets named on the command line.  If there are no targets explicitly
-named, rake will invoke the task "default".
-Here's another task with dependencies ...
-   task :clobber => [:clean] do
-     rm_r "tempdir"
-   end
-Task :clobber depends upon task :clean, so :clean will be run before
-:clobber is executed.
-Files are specified by using the "file" command.  It is similar to the
-task command, except that the task name represents a file, and the task
-will be run only if the file doesn't exist, or if its modification time
-is earlier than any of its prerequisites.
-Here is a file based dependency that will compile "hello.cc" to
-   file "hello.cc"
-   file "hello.o" => ["hello.cc"] do |t|
-     srcfile = t.name.sub(/\.o$/, ".cc")
-     sh %{g++ #{srcfile} -c -o #{t.name}}
-   end
-I normally specify file tasks with string (rather than symbols).  Some
-file names can't be represented by symbols.  Plus it makes the
-distinction between them more clear to the casual reader.
-Currently writing a task for each and every file in the project would be
-tedious at best.  I envision a set of libraries to make this job
-easier.  For instance, perhaps something like this ...
-   require 'rake/ctools'
-   Dir['*.c'].each do |fn|
-     c_source_file(fn)
-   end
-where "c_source_file" will create all the tasks need to compile all the
-C source files in a directory.  Any number of useful libraries could be
-created for rake.
-That's it.  There's no documentation (other than whats in this
-message).  Does this sound interesting to anyone?  If so, I'll continue
-to clean it up and write it up and publish it on RAA.  Otherwise, I'll
-leave it as an interesting exercise and a tribute to the power of Ruby.
-Why /might/ rake be interesting to Ruby programmers.  I don't know,
-perhaps ...
-* No weird make syntax (only weird Ruby syntax :-)
-* No need to edit or read XML (a la ant)
-* Platform independent build scripts.
-* Will run anywhere Ruby exists, so no need to have "make" installed.
-  If you stay away from the "sys" command and use things like
-  'ftools', you can have a perfectly platform independent
-  build script.  Also rake is only 100 lines of code, so it can
-  easily be packaged along with the rest of your code.
-So ... Sorry for the long rambling message.  Like I said, I never
-intended to write this code at all.
Index: doc/rake/rakefile.rdoc
--- doc/rake/rakefile.rdoc	(revision 39184)
+++ doc/rake/rakefile.rdoc	(revision 39185)
@@ -1,557 +0,0 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/doc/rake/rakefile.rdoc#L0
-= Rakefile Format (as of version 0.8.7)
-First of all, there is no special format for a Rakefile.  A Rakefile
-contains executable Ruby code.  Anything legal in a ruby script is
-allowed in a Rakefile.
-Now that we understand there is no special syntax in a Rakefile, there
-are some conventions that are used in a Rakefile that are a little
-unusual in a typical Ruby program.  Since a Rakefile is tailored to
-specifying tasks and actions, the idioms used in a Rakefile are
-designed to support that.
-So, what goes into a Rakefile?
-== Tasks
-Tasks are the main unit of work in a Rakefile.  Tasks have a name
-(usually given as a symbol or a string), a list of prerequisites (more
-symbols or strings) and a list of actions (given as a block).
-=== Simple Tasks
-A task is declared by using the +task+ method.  +task+ takes a single
-parameter that is the name of the task.
-  task :name
-=== Tasks with Prerequisites
-Any prerequisites are given as a list (enclosed in square brackets)
-following the name and an arrow (=>).
-  task :name => [:prereq1, :prereq2]
-<b>NOTE:</b> Although this syntax looks a little funky, it is legal
-Ruby.  We are constructing a hash where the key is :name and the value
-for that key is the list of prerequisites.  It is equivalent to the
-following ...
-  hash = Hash.new
-  hash[:name] = [:prereq1, :prereq2]
-  task(hash)
-=== Tasks with Actions
-Actions are defined by passing a block to the +task+ method.  Any Ruby
-code can be placed in the block.  The block may reference the task
-object via the block parameter.
-  task :name => [:prereq1, :prereq2] do |t|
-    # actions (may reference t)
-  end
-=== Multiple Definitions
-A task may be specified more than once.  Each specification adds its
-prerequisites and actions to the existing definition.  This allows one
-part of a rakefile to specify the actions and a different rakefile
-(perhaps separately generated) to specify the dependencies.
-For example, the following is equivalent to the single task
-specification given above.
-  task :name
-  task :name => [:prereq1]
-  task :name => [:prereq2]
-  task :name do |t|
-    # actions
-  end
-== File Tasks
-Some tasks are designed to create a file from one or more other files.
-Tasks that generate these files may be skipped if the file already
-exists.  File tasks are used to specify file creation tasks.
-File tasks are declared using the +file+ method (instead of the +task+
-method).  In addition, file tasks are usually named with a string
-rather than a symbol.
-The following file task creates a executable program (named +prog+)
-given two object files name <tt>a.o</tt> and <tt>b.o</tt>.  The tasks
-for creating <tt>a.o</tt> and <tt>b.o</tt> are not shown.
-  file "prog" => ["a.o", "b.o"] do |t|
-    sh "cc -o #{t.name} #{t.prerequisites.join(' ')}"
-  end
-== Directory Tasks
-It is common to need to create directories upon demand.  The
-+directory+ convenience method is a short-hand for creating a FileTask
-that creates the directory.  For example, the following declaration
-  directory "testdata/examples/doc"
-is equivalent to ...
-  file "testdata"              do |t| mkdir t.name end
-  file "testdata/examples"     do |t| mkdir t.name end
-  file "testdata/examples/doc" do |t| mkdir t.name end
-The +directory+ method does not accept prerequisites or actions, but
-both prerequisites and actions can be added later.  For example ...
-  directory "testdata"
-  file "testdata" => ["otherdata"]
-  file "testdata" do
-    cp Dir["standard_data/*.data"], "testdata"
-  end
-== Tasks with Parallel Prerequisites
-Rake allows parallel execution of prerequisites using the following syntax:
-  multitask :copy_files => [:copy_src, :copy_doc, :copy_bin] do
-    puts "All Copies Complete"
-  end
-In this example, +copy_files+ is a normal rake task.  Its actions are
-executed whenever all of its prerequisites are done.  The big
-difference is that the prerequisites (+copy_src+, +copy_bin+ and
-+copy_doc+) are executed in parallel.  Each of the prerequisites are
-run in their own Ruby thread, possibly allowing faster overall runtime.
-=== Secondary Prerequisites
-If any of the primary prerequisites of a multitask have common secondary
-prerequisites, all of the primary/parallel prerequisites will wait
-until the common prerequisites have been run.
-For example, if the <tt>copy_<em>xxx</em></tt> tasks have the
-following prerequisites:
-  task :copy_src => [:prep_for_copy]
-  task :copy_bin => [:prep_for_copy]
-  task :copy_doc => [:prep_for_copy]
-Then the +prep_for_copy+ task is run before starting all the copies in
-parallel.  Once +prep_for_copy+ is complete, +copy_src+, +copy_bin+,
-and +copy_doc+ are all run in parallel.  Note that +prep_for_copy+ is
-run only once, even though it is referenced in multiple threads.
-=== Thread Safety
-The Rake internal data structures are thread-safe with respect
-to the multitask parallel execution, so there is no need for the user
-to do extra synchronization for Rake's benefit.  However, if there are
-user data structures shared between the parallel prerequisites, the
-user must do whatever is necessary to prevent race conditions.
-== Tasks with Arguments
-Prior to version 0.8.0, rake was only able to handle command line
-arguments of the form NAME=VALUE that were passed into Rake via the
-ENV hash.  Many folks had asked for some kind of simple command line
-arguments, perhaps using "--" to separate regular task names from
-argument values on the command line.  The problem is that there was no
-easy way to associate positional arguments on the command line with
-different tasks.  Suppose both tasks :a and :b expect a command line
-argument: does the first value go with :a?  What if :b is run first?
-Should it then get the first command line argument.
-Rake 0.8.0 solves this problem by explicitly passing values directly
-to the tasks that need them.  For example, if I had a release task
-that required a version number, I could say:
-   rake release[0.8.2]
-And the string "0.8.2" will be passed to the :relea (... truncated)

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